Sunrise Over Britain
Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
By Bobmin
Curlism posted a comment on Monday 23rd July 2007 10:36am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
Good work, im a fan.
Thanks for writing.
KenF posted a comment on Thursday 19th July 2007 8:36am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
I read Sunset, and the first 19 chapters of Sunrise, then wandered away until a few days ago. I wish I hadn't, as I can't remember everything that happened.
Even with my memory loss, finishing this up was great. Thank you for taking the trouble to share your tale with us.
Patrick Rice posted a comment on Friday 13th July 2007 10:09am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
Bob and Alyx,
Great story! Like you I am sorry to see it end, but at the same time I agree that this was the logical place to close out the story. Thanks to you both for all of the work that you have put into crafting this wonderful and highly intertaining work of art.
Congratulations on the first ever (to my knowledge) Lucius Malfoy/Moaning Myrtle pairing. Sheer genius!
Thanks again, Am I am loking forward to reading the next story that you decide to post.
Mandy posted a comment on Tuesday 10th July 2007 7:05pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
G'day and thanks for a bloody good read!
In regard to your page count question using verdana at 11pt my word counter says there were 920 pages for Sunrise Over Britain and using the same criteria for Sunset over Britain I got 574 pages.
As an unpublished ['cause there all unfinished]
HP author who has on more han one occassion been thoroughly annoyed ant the number of unfinished/abandoned stories out there, particularly the well written story its been both an annoyance and a joy to read these stories. an annoyance for the wait between chapters and sometimes for what you've done to the characters - I LIKE Snape but think Ron's a wanker and Fumblewhore should've been charged with multiple counts of neglect and accessory to child abuse and child endangerment for what he does in the canon stories, not just to Harry but to Riddle and all the other students. I freely admit however that I've enjoyed some well written stories from the other viewpoint.
Any way 'May your lives be worth the living and your deaths the dying' for your disclaimers
Bunyip Budgie
Jimbocous posted a comment on Sunday 8th July 2007 11:04am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
Hard to see this one end, as I've enjoyed it so much, but it ended well, and as it should. Sorry to hear you won't be moving the others over here, but I can always reread at FF. I'll be interested to see what you come up with next. As always, thanks for your dedication to your fans. BTW, just my .002. Dumbledore's Army and Spiritus Crystalus certainly aren't that bad! Both well worth the read.
morao posted a comment on Friday 6th July 2007 11:02am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
piad2691 posted a comment on Thursday 5th July 2007 3:48am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
Wow, almost 2 hole years!!!
It is over, what to do now, well I can start all over again !!
It has been a fantastic journey.
Am so looking forward to a new epic.
Thank you so much for you and your wifes efforts in "making" this wonderful fanfiction.
webdoc posted a comment on Wednesday 4th July 2007 1:42am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
Great stories, both of them. And as I have a very warped sense of humor, I also enjoyed the disclaimers very much.
I have actually enjoyed every story you have written and look forward to reading more.
juliasnape posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd July 2007 9:08pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
I save it all to a word file and print out when finished so Mum can read - It was 585 pages long - taking out all the lines between paragraphs
Brady1 posted a comment on Monday 2nd July 2007 1:50pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
great story, I cant wait for the next one...
GryffindorDragon posted a comment on Sunday 1st July 2007 2:43am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
Very nice story. I enjoyed immensely (well, maybe only hugely ... ok, greatly ... alot? -- just kidding, it really is immensely).
One caveat on this chapter: why settle for the Order of the Bath? why not the more illustrious Order of the Garter?
Again, this was a great story.
Lady Melina Hites posted a comment on Wednesday 27th June 2007 12:38pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
u gyes wanted to know how long it was? here ill tell you sunrise was 1234 pages long(that was with aril narrow and size 8 phont) and sunset was 672 pages long with the same all together it was 2578 pages long.... I sad that it is done personally i was waiting for the end of you story to jks in july... thanx for the great storie gyes
johnsmith posted a comment on Tuesday 26th June 2007 8:14pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
hey just a couple of things. iv only read sunset over Britain but i have a couple of questions. first you said dean was the spy for voldemort. but that he had the mark on his leg. wouldnt harry's ward that was set to warm him when there was a dark mark nearby activate from dean. o and in the author notes for sunrise over britain you added mind magic to the The UPDATELESS LIST. just wanted to tell you that it was moved to another site not abandoned . james quit posting on said that in the last post. now he's posting it at btw sorry far all the bad grammer.
i have just read sunset over britain but im getting sunrise and saving it in a txt gile so i dont have to be online. damn dial up. thats how i knew u put james in that list.
DemonReader posted a comment on Friday 22nd June 2007 5:13am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
What a way to end the story, in away I am sad to see this one end and in nother way I want to know what the future holds for the Brotherhood, But alas that is something for us to ponder during the boring points in our days... Thank you for such a great story.
cuddlepuppy posted a comment on Thursday 21st June 2007 8:43pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
"OK", She's right on alternate ships (bows my blushing face). Thank You for doing a wonderful job with this one.
On a side note: Bob & Alyx, you two would be most enjoyable to meet, the interplay of intellectual banter between the two of you is very warmimg. You must love each other very much.
Be Well
Muirnin Cocan posted a comment on Thursday 21st June 2007 7:13am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
Oh wow... since I am off the clock I don't feel bad about writing a review of this phenominal work. I recommend this story to quite a few Potterphiles. I actually have found some here at 'the OFFICE'.
There's this big part of me that keeps thinking that you should do like the Padfoot Chronicles ... or Haven Chronicles so that you can just have like Jiggers or Doubles shots of little adventures that happen at Padfoot Manor or in Haven. Just the images that had been brought to mind regarding the Lupin's changling children had me giggling and wanting to see more adventures.
What DOES Ginny have???
What does Luna and Hermione have???
You did leave quite a few unanswered questions... How Hogwarts expands etc. ...
It wouldn't necessarily be the Fiddler series persay ... but it could be fun to see MORE adventures in that universe.
Why a Ghost of Lucius and Not Ron ... Hmmm there is so much to think about ... and not enough time... I have a bus to catch to get from Lindon to Provo.
Keep up the great writing both of you. Hopefully I'll see more writings soon. (when it's slow here)
Until then ...
As Always,
Muirnin - the Homeless Queen
mythic77 posted a comment on Wednesday 20th June 2007 8:49am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
Well done! I read both Sunset and Sunrise more or less straight through, and though it was a long read, it was worth the time. A million plus words does take some time. This is the only review I will have submitted out of all the chapters, as I don't have a lot of time to just sit down at my computer, so I usually print the stories off to read as time---whether it be minutes or hours---is available to me. I'm sorry, I didn't think to save all the chapters as I completed them to count up the total number of pages, but I would have to say that, between the two stories, it had to have been in the 2000-2500 page range---4 to 5 reams of paper. In any case, I thouroughly enjoyed your stories. I can't say I liked everything about them, but you did a masterful job making it a logical progression from the basic premise, and you tied up the different story lines in a tidy manner. I'm glad I didn't come upon these stories until you had completed them. I'm not a patient person, and I won't usually start on a WIP. I don't write often for fan fiction, but when I do, I'm one of those who wants to do the whole story before I submit the first chapter. That's why I submit what fan fiction I do write to HPFF. I don't have a pack of teenagers with pretensions of being editors and who wouldn't know an adverb from an aardvark (think Mugglenet) trying to tell me how to write my stories. I have to put up with it from professional editors. I won't put up with it when I'm writing for free. Sorry for the rant. Don't know how or why I got off on this track. In any case, I liked your stories a great deal and look forward to reading other things of yours.
runsamok posted a comment on Tuesday 19th June 2007 12:34pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
Thank you for a beautiful story that I've thoroughly enjoyed. I have reviewed before, but wanted to ask one question.. what happened to naming Harry and Hermione's last child Alison? Did they forget about her, or was this a slip? Anyway, I like the name Water Lily too..
Deanna Gail posted a comment on Tuesday 19th June 2007 8:18am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
I loved it!!!!
merme87 posted a comment on Thursday 26th July 2007 3:13pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings