Content Harry Potter


Amanda Ferris posted a comment on Monday 18th June 2007 4:24pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

I love your stories! I hate to read WIP's, but you are one of those authors that I can depend on to finish a story and This one was no dissappointment! It was awesome! Keep up the great work and I look forward to reading more of your stuff!! :)


rhiannonmr posted a comment on Monday 18th June 2007 1:04pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

Thanks for some excellent and fun reading. Whatever you do next you can count on me reading it. I may not review much if at all but I am definitely reading and enjoying your work. Thanks much for sharing it with others.

Bryan Wiseman posted a comment on Monday 18th June 2007 2:17am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

These two stories were excellent and i hope you continue writing stories I look forward to your next epic story.

jdcox61 posted a comment on Sunday 17th June 2007 11:46pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

Hey guys, i just wanted to say thank you. This story is quite simply, amazing. As much as i was angry waiting for updates sometimes, i still couldn't be too mad. This story is excellent. It made me laugh, it made me cry. It is powerfully written, and delivered masterfully.

My hat is off to you. Keep up the great work

lynjimpatrick posted a comment on Sunday 17th June 2007 9:20am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

Thank you for a great story. I have enjoyed reading it and look forward to any new stories.

patrick43057 posted a comment on Sunday 17th June 2007 4:49am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

Thank You!

Teena posted a comment on Sunday 17th June 2007 2:49am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

I have truly enjoyed the sun series. There are very few Novellas that have intrigued me. Yours and POU have been the best out there. I look forward to reading more of your stories. Thanks for the ride. It was fabulous!

nurray posted a comment on Thursday 14th June 2007 6:20pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

I'm not sure what to say. I'm sad that the story has ended, glad that the story was finished. So many good stories are left uncompleted.

But one thing I must say is, "THANK YOU".

For all the hard work, time and inventiveness you have put into this story. It does show.

Its strange but I feel like I am saying good bye to a friend.

I'm glad to read in the news section that you have more stories percolating away. I look forward to reading them.

la13 posted a comment on Thursday 14th June 2007 4:19am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

Awww, sad to see this story is over, but really, it was amazingly good! This was such a detailed, well-plotted, funny, smart story and I really loved it. Also, I was so glad to see a final return of the t-shirts! Awesome! Thank you so much for sharing this story with the rest of us—I enjoyed it immensely.

exar posted a comment on Thursday 14th June 2007 1:47am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

Thank you for all the hours I spent enjoying your is my favorite fanfic out of the hundred plus that I have read. Great job.

sqweaktoy posted a comment on Wednesday 13th June 2007 4:52pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

I don't know if I've ever actually reviewed this series but if I haven't I apologise.
I have dutifully followed this story for awhile now and I have to say that I am very sad to see it end. However, I love the story and honestly believe it is one of the best fics I have ever read, this may sound a bit hokey but it's true. There are far too many things I like about this story to list them all right now as it's quite late and i need sleep
Thanks for the relief from
the pressures of real life

weirdgirl posted a comment on Wednesday 13th June 2007 12:32pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

Hello. this is my first time to drop you guys a note. sorry about that. I really enjoyed this series. this has become one of my favorite of all time. it's sad that it has come to an end but i'm really looking forward to your future stories. though i might skip any with r/hr pairing, i know that it isn't fair to judge a story by the pairing but i really abhor ron esp when paired with hermione. anyway, i just wanted to say this is one of the best written story i've read. thank you for sharing :)

burtikus posted a comment on Wednesday 13th June 2007 11:58am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

Quite the epic, and it's finished now. A bit sad to be over, and yet it was a wonderful experience to read. Certainly one of the best fics I've ever read, and quite possibly a better read than what JKR will come up with for book 7. Thank you for writing this.

Rufus posted a comment on Tuesday 12th June 2007 6:48pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

Even after the fourth reading of both stories, I can tell this is my all time favorite.

Please continue to give us such good stories. Now, I'm going to print this, make it look like a book, add a nice cover and give that to my wife pretending that this is the book seven... Do you think she'll believe me ? :-)

Anyway, very good work, both of you.


PS : I may print it one day... If I do, I'll be sure to let you know how many pages... But if I'd have to guess, I'd say we are facing a book the size of "Order of the Phoenix"... :-)

legilimancer posted a comment on Tuesday 12th June 2007 2:54pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

Congratulations, you've done a fantastic job. Your story has been incredibly enjoyable. I'm an absolute fanfic junkie, and this is exactly the type of story that makes hours of scouring the net for good fic worthwhile! Yours is the first story I have ever recommended to friends who are not fanfic readers, because I was so impressed by the quality of your plot and characterization, as well as the writing itself.

I can't thank you enough for all your hard work. I have enjoyed every moment of this story, and I appreciate your efforts to share it. This is one of the best Harry Potter fanfics I have read.

Thank you.


Selma Flamel posted a comment on Tuesday 12th June 2007 7:52am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

Myrtle handling Malfoy was funny. However I know that guys aren't lined up around the block to be Myrtle's boyfriend, but does she really deserve that. The Baron had better keep an eye on that bathroom.

What did the group make on the OWLs?

Thank you for a wonderful and magnificent story. I found your wonderful writings through another author. Then I discovered many more marvelous stories to read because of you. Thank you.

I send you many well wishes on future writing endeavors. I look forward to many more reading adventures.

PS {I counted 1,354 pages. That count is with starting each new chapter on a new page.}

anonymous5 posted a comment on Tuesday 12th June 2007 5:14am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

Thank you. :)

Kalen Darkmoon posted a comment on Monday 11th June 2007 3:55pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

Wow! This was an epic work and I dare say its better than anything I can see JKR ever coming up with. This is one of the greatest fan-fics ever written. My compliments to you both. You make a fine team.

I look forward to future writings from you that aren't H/G. Anybody but Ginny, The-FanGirl-Of-The-Boy-Who-Lived. Harry deserves better than someone who first and foremost is drawn to him because he is the hero - a task he does not want but yet everyone expects of him, even Ginny Weasley. Its shallow and disgusting that JKR went that route in canon.

wavelink99 posted a comment on Monday 11th June 2007 12:38pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

A good end to an amazing series.

IceBlades posted a comment on Monday 11th June 2007 11:47am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

I think I'm gonna cry....but i don't want to. I think its the sleep in my eyes. You guys are amazing. That story is beyond amazing. The only other 6th 7th book fic that I have read that is on par with this one is Refiner's Fire/Time of Change. I do believe that that one beats you guys by a smidgen because I favor the group being at Hogwarts over being at someplace else. But dont take that the wrong way. Thats just my personal preference. As I said, this is an amazing story. I'm going to print it out at some point just like it was some other book I have. I give you guys all the credit is due and I have already gotten many ppl hooked on fanfiction and reading your story and I intend to get a few more along the way.

That was one of the best books I've read!!!