Sunrise Over Britain
Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
By Bobmin
Star_Ranger4 posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 11:07pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
What a long and bumpy road it was, but you are right. All things must come to an end, and this was the perfect spot for it.
Bob, Alex, Thanks for shareing one rip roaring tale, one that easily could have been written by J.R. herself.
Oh, and good luck on whatever project you tackle next.
Dominick posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 9:58pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
I have followed this from when it was first started in Sunset - it's been a long journey, and a good one.
I commend you for the work you have put into this series, and I look forward to reading more of what you write.
You both are an inspiration - keep it up. :)
NateGold posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 9:12pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
I've been an avid follower of this series, as it's the kind of tale one would wish Jk Rowling had done. A wonderful mix of World war II and magic mixed together..truly marvelous. While I'm sorry to see it end, I will look forward to more well thought out and extremely provacative stories in the future. Bravo!
clt_71 posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 8:28pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
First of all, I absolutely loved this story. I have also loved your earlier works, but agree with your assessment of them.
Now, that being said, you asked about page length. well, if this final chapter is any indication, i can tell you this much -- if the font size for Times New Roman is 16, it is 70 pages long, for 12 it is 47..
My, my you two are wordy (grins)
can't wait until the next great adventure takes place.
Ana Maria Fernandes dos Santos posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 7:56pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
Hi there
A delurking here :P . Well not exactly I love the Sunrise series from the very beginning back in FFnet, and follow religiously because you are incredible. In your author notes you want to know if someone printed the series, well I did: Sunset has 780 pages +/- in Tahoma 10 and Sunrise has 687 pages in the same font.
So both of you can be consider best selling authors!! :) . Even though I haven't review a lot I want to said thank you for your hard work and for sharing this incredible books with all of us. I can only hope that you keep sharing it and delight us with such good writing as you always do . I can hardly wait for the next adventure, until then keep safe.
dic posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 7:36pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
over a million words? that's like, the most largest fanfic ever! well, that i know of...
and while is length certainly is part of why i like it so much, of course i think the story is at the top quality-wise as well.
one of my favourites!... dunno what else i can say now... it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside to see you have planned an x-men crossover... haven't a single really good one of these, and the prospect of you two doing one really is comforting, now that the sun series is done... well thank you very much for putting all that time in this, and good luck with other projects!
David Bryant posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 7:03pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
I have saved a copy using msworks. Using a 1" top/bottom margin and a .7 inch rt/lt margin it comes to 1532 pages, 7+ mb file size and over 625,000 words. But even at that size I consider that its one of the best I've read. David bryant
Quill posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 6:20pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
I am sad to see that the story is finished, but as David Eddings once said in one of his series of novels; the story never REALLY ends... The Brotherhood and all the others will carry on in the universe you created. A universe that is both wonderful and awful. A universe that has had me crying, cheering, laughing and sulking. Your universe hit me fair and square in my heart and soul and I would like to thank you so SO much for sharing such a universe with me...
azureguy86 posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 6:12pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
This was an incredible story, and i'd like to say i can't wait for the next story you come out with. Once again great job and keep them coming.
chapps posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 5:47pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
GREAT ENDING!!! Such a wonderful fic, so sad to see it over but like they say, all good things...
Thank you Bob and Alyx for such an amazing fic! (not to mention Sunset as well!). I really hope you guys write more H/Hr independent harry fics. Have a wonderful post fic afterglow, you've earnt it!!! Truly superb. Thanks again :-)
diablos_el_swave posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 4:58pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
Well, I have to say, it's been a journey and a half. This is actually the only story I've followed. I've been reading since early sunset, and have continued to be more and more impressed with each chapter. It's so amazing how you can go from like a two house setting in the beginning and go to a world scale, and mannage to not lose any of the detail. I have to bow down not only to your impressive uses of imagery, (I can't spell worth crap, just a heads up) but the way it's impossible not to SEE the action unfolding. As for the small amount of reviews I have left throughout, all i can say is sorry. It's hard to write these at three a.m. which is normally when i get done reading your updates. Anyhoo, I'm starting to rant, so i guess in closing; thank you for this amazing journey, and i will continue to watch this site vigilantly, and anything posted here, i promise to read. I'm curious about this xmen thing you have going on :P Oh, and on a side note... Alyx, don't you DARE make those disclaimers a single message for all. They're almost as exciting as the story.
LifeScientist posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 4:47pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
A great wrap to a grand adventure. Thanks so much all of your work on this--from characterization and imagery to detail of interaction amongst all of the various pieces of your tale, the effort that you put into it really shows. I've never read your earlier tales as H/G has never been a premise that has worked for me (with H/HR barely doing so at times) but will make an effort to do so if I can at some point because even though they may be earlier and less polished, I have no doubt that they will be much better than 95% of everything else out there as this has certainly been better than 99% of the things I've read.
Thanks again for your work on this, I will certainly be looking forward to whatever comes next.
Best in all things,
mythicaljayde posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 4:24pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
I'd make this longer, but I've been working all day, and had to read this before I went to bed. It's after 4 am now.
I loved the entire thing, I'm so sad it's over, but you guys did it perfectly.
I can't wait for my reread. :D
KyleOgden posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 4:15pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
Truely brilliant, a fanfiction masterpiece.
fuddledone posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 4:13pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
Not that I could write one but are you allowing fanfics? If they can write them for HBP then any based on superior quality works like yours would have to be better.
Definitely looking forward to your next production.
merf425 posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 3:44pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
I think this was the best way to end. Also, Water Lily Potter? So awesome. I love it.
And I'm debating about even posting this, but when I read that you are writing from Idaho my first reaction was fangirly and something like "OMG IDAHO I WONDER IF I HAVE RUN INTO THEM" even though I am hours away in Seattle and that's impossible because I've never been to Idaho. *is a geek*
Anyway, great ending, and I am looking forward to your next stories! (Also, I think you made the right choice regarding DA and SC so don't let anyone else get you down... Not that my opinion matters more or that you are the types to let that happen, but I just thought I'd voice some support.)
wotmania505 posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 3:17pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
Well, I have read many stories, but this is simply the best. The amount of dedication and effort you put into this in inconceivable. So I'd just like to thank both of you for this masterpiece. Good luck with your future endeavors and keep up the great work!
Dustin Johannes posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 2:48pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
Well, it's finally over. Only two things left to say...Great story, and thanks for including me in it. Say, did any of those death eaters that were launched into orbit with that Flaming Flatulence potion ever come back down?
infinity2x0 posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 2:47pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
I absolutely have loved, am loving and will love everything that you guys write. The Sun Series is one of the most well written and original fan fictions that this avid reader has every read. I will remember this series and already am planning on re-reading it all over again from start to finish. As a fellow writer, though not anywhere as good yet, you give me hope that one day I'll be a writer people would like to read from as well. Thank you for the inspiration to write and I look forward to your next update on whichever story you may be dreaming up with the plot bunnies.
LanceFan2001 posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 11:10pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings