Content Harry Potter


Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 4:14am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

Ah, the wrap up to a long and most enjoyable story. You tied things up quite nicely and implied a lot more about th reconstruction. I expect the Brotherhood to continue to serve as needed, but that the various members will be following their own, and their family's, lives. With all the "dead wood" cleared away, I suspect that something of a rennaisance in the wizardng world may well be underway.

I suspect Millicent's parents are going to be rather rudely surprised by just who stands by her and what happens to them; their problem.

I suspect that when she grows up, Minerva Lupin is going to be heavily recruited by several "special agencies". A multiple animagus has to be rather on the rare side.

Anyway, thank you for a most enjoyable and high-quality story.

Ted posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 4:13am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

Thank you for writing this. I have been a reader from the beginning and have enjoyed every page. I am married to an author and know the challenges that come with writing and I must say you have done an excellent job with these two stories. I look forward to what ever you do next.

Back to lurking,


jessiecross posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 4:12am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

I know my single opinion won't mater that much but i feel as if i am saing goodbye to an old friend too. I am not very emotional person, but your story made me cry and laugh and feel a bunch of other emotions... I look forward to read the next great sory!

p.s sorry for spelling, english is not my native language (if you have not noticed, which would mean you are blind!)

lilchuckie posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 4:07am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings


Adam posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 3:53am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

a fantastic end to a wonderful story.

many thanks for sharing this with us all.

Rob9 posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 3:53am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

It was an extreme honor to read this fanfic, I have never seen anything like this before. The writing style and the plot points were so well planned out and executed that I was (and still am) flabergasted. The story flowed so well and I think that if the real Harry Potter canon ended this way JKR would have an even better ending for the series than whatever she has planned out right now. I have for the longest time proclaimed this as my favorite fanfic on the internet and dont belive that it will ever lose that title. This fanfic has been like a constant friend to me and I often reread the older chapters just for sheer enjoyment. I hope all of your other fanfics go as well as this one and I hope that you as authors won't stop writing for a long time hence.

Your fan
Rob (or Bob)

betsymc51 posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 3:43am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

Thank you, thank you, thank you. I have enjoyed every moment of this story. I really appreciate all of your time and effort. And I look forward to reading more of your work.

Tracy0652 posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 3:41am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

Dear Bob and Alyx,

Thank you for putting the time and effort into creating such a wonderful series! I particularly loved the way you expanded Luna - I think she may be my favorite character here. You two are definitely blessed with loads of creativity, and the talent to get it onto paper (or cyber paper). Again, thank you for hours of enjoyment - I look forward to your next project!

Aberforth's Avatar posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 3:39am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

It's sad to see this story end. Sunset and Sunrise together have truly been one heck of a ride. Your ability to continue regularly posting chapters over this time is made even more impressive by the high quality of each chapter. Thanks for sharing these stories with all of us.

beauty0102 posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 3:38am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

This was a great story i hoped there was going to be more. But look forward to seeing more work from you.

biblios posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 3:26am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

oh sob, I am crying with happiness after sobbing with sadness as well during the roller coaster ride of sunset/sunrise wow, I am proud to have been reading this from the start many moons ago, I am not a HH fan, and I adore snape centric fics, but while eveything you did here has been out with my usual reading, I have been hooked. thank you for your time and effort. this has been one of the most fulfilling reads around, ffa has a high level of standards, and you are well up in them, I came from DA on and havent regreted it once.
I like the sound of a hp/xmen crossover, more my choice huns, and please Alyx dont let bob strip the women too often for the disclaimer, blue skin, yuck....
lol biblios

lelila posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 2:55am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

i love the t-shirts that everyone wore. u wouldn't mind if i used a few of them if i ever decide to print a few t-shirts, would ya? rebuilding is sometimes the most difficult part of a war. it's sad to think that so many character weren't able to make it but so many other did pull thru and can now have a bit of peace. it was nice of draco to reach out to another slytherin. and to think that after everything, they all still had to take their newts. hee hee. couldn't they have just given a harry an honorary O in dada since he did defeat the most evil and powerful dark lord in the century. i imagine harry wouldn't have accepted it tho. and good for hermione standing up to amelia for her family like that! it's about time she realized her position. fred and george's wedding was spot on. nice to see that amy got to really get back at them for all the crap she's endured from those 2. and the prank harry had planned would have been quite amusing. and woohoo for tonks and remus! their kids r great! talk about the 2nd coming of the marauders. hee hee.

it's over. *cries* i can't believe it. *sobs* i just can't believe it's over. *sniffle* it's been bloody fantastic. just thank u for a brillant story. i'm sure that once the last book comes out, i'll be back re-reading the entire story. to me, this is the perfect ending to the harry potter world. i can't wait for more stories from u guys. *throws a bouquet of lilies onto the stage*

Adde posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 2:53am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

I'm lost for words.

Your stories are amazing and very well written. I have read so many fanfictions about the Harry Potter universe that I cant even guess how many. Some are good, some better and many are rubbish. But after finishing this serie I can say that you are my absolute favorite authors. You are good writers, update often and your view of HP suite me perfect.

I started to read your stories a long time ago and have waited eagerly for every chapter since. I have never been dissapointed.

I dont know why I haven't posted any reviews before but I just wasn't sure what to write. But after this last chapter of the Sun series I just feel a bit sad about it ending and I have to tell you two how much i appreciate your stories.

Thank you Bob and Alyx for this story, the other stories and all stories that you may write in the future.

Thank you,
Andreas "Adde"

Lily Makay posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 2:53am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

I liked your story very much and it's sad it must end. I can wait to see your next work. Keep going. It's good to see such a good work.

Shawn Cullipher posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 2:45am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

I'm sad to see the tale end, yet happy in the knowledge that this masterpiece is complete. I applaud your decision to not continue this world, as it would definitely diminish the grandeur if you had gone into all the tedium you mentioned with the slow process of rebuilding.

A toast to a tale well told, and best wishes for your future collaborations.

Laura8 posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 2:31am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

I can't decide whether to be upset that it's over or not. I've followed this story almost since the beginning and love it. I look forward to your future works.

hedwig_edwiges posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 2:30am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

Thanks for the ride and always interest in whatever else you might want to share.

Bob6 posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 2:27am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

I enjoyed it very much and look forward to your next stories. It takes a lot of dedication to see the end of such a project and I admire your dedicatiom and talent. Bob

aengus posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 2:27am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

I printed it out, but I'm not going to bother counting the 3+ reams of paper that I used on it.

Thanks for all the memories and good times.

I can't wait for your next works.



Ishtar posted a comment on Thursday 7th June 2007 2:17am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

Bravo! Well done! Going out on a high note, with elegance and class.

I look forward with great anticipation to your future fics, whatever they may be.