Content Harry Potter


Dale Dietzman posted a comment on Thursday 7th January 2010 1:50pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

I see lots of petty people here, especially at the end, carping about the few typos and slip ups that crept into your work. I notice NONE of them give you a path to any of their stories where they show you how to write 6,500 words, much less 650,000+ words of story, and make 0 errors.

The fact is that JKR AND all her highly paid editors at ALL of her multiple publishers let about as many mistakes per thousand words enter the canon books as you guys do, working on your own, and for free.

Some of them try to demand perfection .... "Well, ya' know, folks, when you start PAYING for the product THEN you can gripe about the quality".

The fact is that Bob and Alex, and all the other authors on, maintain a VERY high level of quality, compared to even commercially published fiction, much less most Fan Fiction. And if you are so unhappy, what are you doing reading it in the first place?

If you have so little of importance to occupy your time that you need to invest it in nit picking their stories, then rest assured, WE know how pathetic YOUR life really is.


sayena posted a comment on Saturday 26th December 2009 11:53am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

Yet again you have left me astounded, what an epic tale of the "Potter clan"
I wish you many donuts

ElleKendra posted a comment on Monday 30th November 2009 4:53am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

First off let me say thanks for giving me such a well crafted, well thought out and complete story to read. I’ve spent the last 5 nights staying up till 3am because I couldn’t stop with this story. I’m going to try and give you a few decent comments for all the enjoyment you’ve given me.
I really enjoyed your whole story arc from beginning to end. It was well planned and executed very nicely.
Super Harry: I like that you gave him so much power but he still needed help from others because he wasn’t powerful enough. I wasn’t thrilled with his reading and retention ability at first, because it seemed you were going to follow the path of everyone else and just give him one thing after the other. But, after a while this really grew on me, because he needed a way to increase his knowledge as quickly as his power to face Voldemort. I was a fan of him not having an animagus form and I was also a fan of Him not having a leg that worked at 100%. It kept him human.
Dumbledore: Of all the characters, Ron, Molly, and Dumbledore, that you turned into Harry’s enemies, this one was the easiest to believe. I felt he was made to be just a bit too stupid through most of Sunset, but in Sunrise, you did a better job of showing us that he was going or had already gone mad. And not mad like the Weasley twins, but really not in charge of his faculties anymore mad.
Ron and Molly: The change in them from the end of book five to Sunset was just too much of a jump. Molly had never shown anything against Harry at that point, and even though Ron had his moments previously, he’d seemed to mellow quite a bit by the end of book five. And your Ron was too unable to control himself from letting his hatred of Harry show in Sunset as compared to what we saw before that. It’s almost like he went mad himself from the time of the Department of Mysteries fiasco to the start of Sunset.
The final battle: It seemed almost too easy. But then Harry had been planning for two years how he was going to take back the school and the country where as Voldemort had not really even considered that he might need some kind of plan or training for his men to hold the country once he’d taken it. I know there were tons hundreds of deaths and casualties for the Light in the battle, but it felt too clean to me.
Voldemort: He was too incapable, too uncunning, too not smart enough, too unknowledgeable enough to have reached the point he did. His knowledge of magic was supposed to be unparalleled but for Dumbledore, and quite honestly, he just seemed like he didn’t know anything about anything to me. I agree with you that JKR’s book 6 and 7 were a wash. I didn’t like the horcruxes. Actually, I didn’t like the idea that defeating Voldemort was reduced to a scavenger hunt that left him vulnerable to being killed by anyone, not just Harry. And once Harry had sacrificed himself in book 7, Voldemort really could have been taken by anyone who got in a good enough shot. But, the horcruxes at least gave us a way of Voldemort surviving his encounter with the death curse when Harry was a baby. You didn’t give us any other way for him to have survived that even in just a spirit/shade form for him to be able to come back in the first place.
Harry and Voldemort’s last fight: You gave us two dudes with the ability to level half of Azkaban Island with a single spell and the battle dissolved into a fist fight and legillemency inside of a paragraph or two and was over nearly before it started. And for all intents and purposes, Harry was left uninjured in anyway by it. I don’t know what I wanted, but this fell short of what I thought we’d get.
The relationships between Harry/Hermione, Neville/Ginny, Draco/Luna and Terry/Susan: I Think I’ve read nearly every decent Harry/Ginny story out there in fanfic world. I was desperate to find any decent story at all that was in the HP world and I turned to Harry/Hermione. Sunset and Sunrise are the first stories I’ve read in this area, and I already feel I’m doomed to find nothing else that will even come close to what you two turned out.
There were essentially 3 girls you could have picked for Harry at the end of Order of the Phoenix; Hermione, Ginny, and Luna. Given what you intended to do with the rest of the Weasleys, it was impossible for you to pick Ginny for him. Luna, you really probably could have switched her and Hermione around if you wanted too. Wouldn’t that have endeared you to the cannon Nazis! First, no Harry/Ginny or Ron/Hermione and to top it off, you’d have had Draco/Hermione!
Really though, at the end of book five, Harry’s relationships with Ginny and Luna are just not enough for him to have been asking for one of them; it would have been Hermione if any at all. You did well. And, for purposes of Sunset and Sunrise, I was able to believe in all the relationships. I just never made the leap to being invested in Harry/Hermione and Neville/Ginny. I’m really not sure that you two did either. There were just a few too many tense moments between Harry and Ginny. And Harry’s thoughts at the end while healing her leg about how he could have fallen for her if the dice had come up just a bit differently, and Ginny laying one on him not long after that kind of scream to me that while you’re both willing to accept them with someone else, you just don’t feel the emotional attachment to any relationship for Harry and Ginny besides Harry/Ginny to invest in it.
It’s funny because I’m nearing the end of writing my 4th novel length story that puts Harry/Ginny together. I’ve posted three of them, and intend to post the 4th when it is done. But I’ve had thoughts of writing a Harry/Hermione story and Neville is my alternate pairing for Ginny. I wonder if I’ll be able to actually write it if I can’t invest myself in the relationship.
Thanks again for hours of entertainment it really was a great ride through this and it was a gift from the Gods that it was complete by the time I started.
If you’re interested, my stories are posted on mugglenet under the penname of huskers.

kal91a posted a comment on Wednesday 18th November 2009 3:04pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

Lots of inconsistencies throughout the story, but overall a very enjoyable read. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Inconsistencies examples: Manor is under Fidelius, then manor not under Fidelius; Chamber accepts non-parseltongue, Chamber accepts only parseltongue; Daughter will be named Alison, Daughter named Water Lily. That last one really gets me because I also thought it would have been a nice tribute to the girl who saved Harry's life.

Once again, thanks for sharing the story. I was a little daunted by how long the Sun series was, so I put off reading it. Glad I finally took the plunge. Now I'm eagerly waiting for the next installment of Mutant Storm :)

kauri posted a comment on Wednesday 28th October 2009 8:59pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

Not being a H/Hr fan i found myself rather pleased with this stoy and sunset, but you've set a high bar, and now i don't think ill ever be able to read a H/Hr without trying to compare.

Thank you for all your hard works, i've read many of your other works and i love them. keep writing, keep typing even :)

Alice Zecco posted a comment on Tuesday 6th October 2009 2:36am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

All good things must in. These have to be the best stories I've ever read. You are both talented and takes something to bring me to tears and you did in this chapters an others. Congrats in you published works!!! Now the rest of the world know about you!!

Alexis Rinaldi posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd September 2009 5:16am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

The day I found your website is a bright day in my world. I have enjoyed reading your work and look forward to wherever your writings will lead us to next. Bless you and thank you for all of the time and energy and heart that went into writing these two stories.

mage_slayer posted a comment on Monday 21st September 2009 10:03am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

Thank you, words can not describe this tale, i've read everything you posted except for the the crossover fic and it is all professional quality.

Once again,
Thank you, 4 days without sleep and so worth it.

sarahgirl12384 posted a comment on Friday 18th September 2009 1:28pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

I absolutely love this story. I think I have read it completely through 5-6 times. It is great!!! By the Way, I copied both Sunset and sunrise and they are 799 and 1,505 words respectively.

Coty Jorden Scott posted a comment on Tuesday 1st September 2009 1:14pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

I feel like I should review as I've read most of your stories and never reviewed. Yes I know unusually cruel of me but that isn't the point. You seem to have a penchant for taking legs as ways of disabling your characters. I feel their pain I strained my IT Band a while back and it's about a 10% disability and it does hamper me but nothing like Harry's but Superman has Kryptonite Harry has a bum leg from a spider. The story flowed beautifully and really introduced characters I could connect with and see more personally than JKR ever did I feel the last two books were rushed and terribly written so I substitute fanfiction for those atrocity's that JKR calls novels. I really did enjoy reading and will continute with The Wizard's Fall story I believe it's called. I do enjoy your writing and I'm sure I'll enjoy your other works. Honestly though come up with some better snarky remarks some of Harry's shirts were horrid. I really do believe you did a good job in writing a super power Harry without falling into every cliche DESPITE the reviewers trying to make you and I'm glad as it would've cheapened the story. I bid you good morrow sir and hope to continue to read your excellent writings for as long as you will write.

PEBKAC1981 posted a comment on Tuesday 1st September 2009 10:29am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

I didn't actually print it, but i converted this together with Sunset, and all total they come to 2,990 pages. Now to start reading . . .

Radical7 posted a comment on Wednesday 26th August 2009 6:12pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

I just finished the sunset series and I'm amazed by the level of detail that you managed to put in. The war and fight scenes were very planned out. Unfortunately, there are quite a few grammatical errors which can be cleaned out. But on the whole an excellent read.

Antoniusan posted a comment on Monday 24th August 2009 7:26pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

I've been reading this over and over since it first started here, and I can honestly not remember any other HP fanfic I've read more than this one.

You are the elite and I bow to thee.

Keep Up the Good Work and know that Antoniusan hails thee as his superiors.
(Hint: just a bit misty-eyed in the brain at the end of such an awesome story, hence the weird speech)

MidnightsSong posted a comment on Monday 10th August 2009 1:38pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

This is the first time I have read these two novels and I would like to congratulate you on writing an excellent piece of work. The stories were at times so sad it brought tears to my eyes and at others it made me laugh. This is one of the top ranked stories I have every read and I think that includes published novels.

Sableflame posted a comment on Thursday 6th August 2009 2:23pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

So, I know its been a while since you wrote this story, but I wanted to write a note anyway.

Congratulations, you have officially ruined 99% of HP fanfiction for me. Not in the "oh my god my eyes are bleeding" way (though there was some of that which resulted from the disclaimers) but rather, in the " your work is fabulous, and very few other stories compare.

I've read Sunrise & Sunset before, but I figured, since this is my 4th reading or so, that I should actually drop a line and say thanks. The story was fabulous and believable, the characters were real people, and damn if I don't expect every Dumbledore to be corrupt and power-hungry now. This and Jeconais's White Knight, Grey Queen are, hands down, my two favorite pieces of fanfiction out there.

I know you're busy with Wizard's Fall, and X-Men crossovers, but I hope in the future, that you might put out another long HP story like this. Meanwhile, I'll just have to troll other fanfiction sites for good, worthwhile stories. My life is so hard...I know.

Watrees posted a comment on Tuesday 4th August 2009 5:58pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

Brilliant story, well written and entertaining. What more can you wish for, just more please. Although I'm very much a Harry and Ginny fan, you made Hermione tolerable and even quite enjoyable, Looking forward to more.

Baldahir posted a comment on Thursday 30th July 2009 9:16pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

love you!

mjb posted a comment on Thursday 30th July 2009 4:22am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings

Thank you.

I have read sunset & sunrise over the last 6 days (skipping no bits at all :-) )

I enjoyed the tight and consistent plot and the mix of magical and muggle worlds - it was interesting to see the military organisation to the campaign to foil & defeat Voldemort. The characters were well drawn and believable (yes even Draco).

This was an exceptionally well written story - else AI would not have read it non stop foe 6 days - now I am tired of reading :--

Thanks Again

Lostinfantry posted a comment on Saturday 25th July 2009 9:24am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings


Truth posted a comment on Saturday 25th July 2009 3:22am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings


...(it was either that or a 1000 word composition to express how awesome I think every single part of this story is)