Sunrise Over Britain
Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
By Bobmin
patrik svensson posted a comment on Wednesday 25th June 2008 10:35am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
My thought about the fic as a whole.
Great story,
keep up the good work.
Opinions are like assholes.
Everyone has one - but some just smell worse than others.
Cheryl MacDonald posted a comment on Friday 20th June 2008 9:35am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
I really loved this story, and it's prequel. I'm glad I found this site. Thanks for the great story. :)
witowsmp posted a comment on Thursday 19th June 2008 12:53pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
Great story.
I thought they were going to name their first daughter after that woman who saved Harry's life.
Korisovra posted a comment on Wednesday 11th June 2008 8:08am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
You've been plagiarized.
Arkantos posted a comment on Tuesday 10th June 2008 3:56am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
having reread both the stories back to back, i must say, these two stories are my most favorite HP-fanfics in the world.
definitely worth reading many times.
i printed a few hairs, the chest and one arm, but not the whole monster!
bertovia posted a comment on Wednesday 4th June 2008 3:18pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
Just to let you know, these two stories were some of the best stories I have read. There was everything one would hope to read in a story, love, heroism, angst, silliness. At times I was a bit angry with some of the characters, but you made them act honestly and realistically, so it was all good.
Great work and I look forward to reading your other stories, especially Harmonian ones.
Draklorien posted a comment on Tuesday 27th May 2008 2:07pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
FYI, Print for straight .doc file appears to be around 1,010 pages while .txt seems to be around 1,512 pages (I tried to remove all of the extra lines). .Lit format is around 9467 on an ipaq. Conclusion --> Really large story that takes lots of time to read but worth every moment of time I spent!!!
Will add more notes later so I am not used, abused or aroused by da Authors! 8-)
Sandra Smith posted a comment on Sunday 25th May 2008 7:29am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
I'm tickled at the stories you've written. Thank you for writing them
azrael91 posted a comment on Sunday 18th May 2008 3:41am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
damn, this was an excellent story. thanks for your dedication.
clancy21 posted a comment on Friday 16th May 2008 12:49pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
Words can't express how much I have enjoyed your stories ! I am just glad I found then AFTER tax season, else I would have had to file a late return !!
Thanks again for your excellent writing.
Bucks posted a comment on Monday 12th May 2008 7:35pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
Ok you got me. The cliche'd beginning in sunset made me cringe and turn away from it the first time saw it. But I read on because someone recomended it to me. T'was great....
Prongs1977 posted a comment on Saturday 3rd May 2008 5:05pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
WONDERFUL! Couldn't have asked for (or written) a better story/ending! BRAVO!
Green Hat Linux posted a comment on Wednesday 23rd April 2008 5:06am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
one of the best fanfic books i have ever read. plain and simple. thanks for the read. :)
drakko posted a comment on Tuesday 15th April 2008 6:47am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
Thank you, you two for such a beautiful story.
Barni posted a comment on Wednesday 19th March 2008 9:14pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
i think the sunset-series are one of the best harrypotter-fanfics i've ever read :) really really good and so looong!
i think it's better than the JKR-stuff ;) and now i'm going for the power of the press :)
keep going !
tshp posted a comment on Wednesday 19th March 2008 10:15am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
I love long stories
Jason Huitt posted a comment on Friday 14th March 2008 11:29pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
When I read the first chapter of the Power of the Press, I will admit that I wasn't that impressed with it. For some reason, I just didn't like it. But I had enjoyed Sunset. Unfortunately, for some unknown reason, I had never gotten around to reading Sunrise. About a week ago, I was looking for something to read and I remembered Sunrise. Halfway through it, I received notice of a new chapter of Power of the Press and decided to try it again. After finishing the story, I came back to Sunrise and just finished it. Thanks for so many great stories and I look forward to your next effort with bated breath.
SHaDoWlOVe posted a comment on Thursday 13th March 2008 3:08pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
omg this series is like the most amazing fan fic i have ever read and i have read alot
Ken Warner posted a comment on Sunday 9th March 2008 10:42pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
If someone has printed this monster out, drop us a note letting us know how many pages it is. We're interested in knowing.
I have save it to a word doc, with 2 pts between paragraphs, 12 point font and it runs 1352 pages.
I have also done a little spelling and punctuation editing that slipped through the furious, and very welcome, pace at which you posted this opus.
If you are interested I would be happy to email you the file.
the reason I created the file was to make it easier to share, as I think it is one of the best long works in the universe.
thanks for this and your others stories, each has been fantastic.
cwejr posted a comment on Sunday 6th July 2008 4:48am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings