Sunrise Over Britain
Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
By Bobmin
Manuel Urrecha posted a comment on Monday 14th January 2008 7:27pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
I had a great time reading through sunset and sunrise, a read many works of fiction and these are up there with the best, congratulations and thank you
Tammerz posted a comment on Sunday 13th January 2008 10:17am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
Absolutely astounded by this story. There's not much else I can say. It's definitely on the top ten list. Only one thing: I thought the daughter's name was supposed to be Alison...
Portus posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd January 2008 6:58am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
My first review of any of your works...
Let me start by saying that the Sunset/Sunrise fics are quite possibly the most epic I have come across. Both are very well-thought-out and aside from quite a few grammar errors, I have enjoyed them immensely. I was never a Harry/Hermione-type person before beginning to read fan fiction in the summer of 2007, but now can see that almost as well as Harry/Ginny.
I really appreciate all the stories you two have written for the reading pleasure of anyone who cares to take the time, and want you to keep up the good work.
I also would like to see a third installment of Sunset/Sunrise, but have no idea where the story arc could possibly go.
Thanks again!
ginnysohma posted a comment on Saturday 29th December 2007 4:14am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
That was one of the best stories I do believe I've read. The realness of everything, how every detail was thought of... Most stories I read, everything political is forgotten, the muggles are forgotten, and everybody slips through the battle unscathed. Everything had a reason, and a critical role. Things weren't just thrown in here for the hell of it. To read Sunset and Sunrise, it took me about a month. It was a month very well spent. I look forward to reading your otherworks. <br><br>All the best, <br>ginnysohma
JoTaylor posted a comment on Saturday 29th December 2007 1:39am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
Excellent, just excellent. This is the second time that I've read your story and its not growing old at all. Riviting and compelling, I just couldn't stop reading! I love how you've developed the characters and especially how you've made Harry real, with flaws and everything, not just some superhuman-wizard that can do no wrong. Absolutely first class!
Ezmerelda posted a comment on Friday 28th December 2007 4:46pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
What a fantastic trip this has been! I enjoyed both stories immensely, but couldn't help but think your bloopers were slightly hypocritical, considering your misuse of its/it's, using the word causality instead of casually, mixing who's/whose, and using your when you should have used you're (and vice versa).
Always remember: if there's an apostrophe, it represents two separate words, i.e., it's equals it is, but its is possessive. You're is you are, your is possessive (I think I may be seeing a pattern here...:)), who's is who is, while whose is also possessive, as it relates to whom or which (there's that pesky pattern again!).
I had intended to point these errors out as they occurred in the story, but, let's face it, I got so wrapped up in what was happening with the plot, that I immediately hit the NEXT button, rather than scrolling down to leave a review.
At least your mistakes weren't as strangely disgusting as that "shit down" comment :) All in all, the errors weren't terribly disturbing, and you seemed to figure them out over the course of the story, so I'm probably beating a dead horse by mentioning them now.
Now, Bob can quit reading, 'cause this next bit is for Alyx only.
I'm jealous! I can only imagine how much fun it is to be able to share this with your husband. My husband hates my interest in fanfiction and gives me a hard time about it frequently. It doesn't help that he's not much of a reader (oddly enough, when he does read, he only reads historical texts, usually about WWII). Ah well, I'm sure it has its downside as well (don't tell me if it doesn't, because believing it does makes me feel better!).
I'm glad I followed the recommendation of Chem Prof and found this site and these stories. Oddly, I already had a user name, so I guess I found the site a long time ago and forgot all about it - strange, that. Anyway, thanks for writing, and for reading this ridiculously lengthy review. ~"~
KEFIOX posted a comment on Sunday 23rd December 2007 3:30am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
Bloody Brilliant!
That's about all I can say about the Sun series.
It's taken quite a while to read, (a few months on and off to be exact) seeing as how long it is, but it was definitely worth it.
The Sun series was definitely one of the best HP FF's I have ever read.
Seeing as how I myself am a H/Hr shipper, I would be more than ecstatic to read some more of your work should it be H/Hr. But even I know what makes a story good, and the ship isn't what makes a story good. So I shall most likely read your other stuff as well as Jeconais and some of the other authors stories on this site.
I personally don't like reading inprogress stories, because you never know what can change during the stories development. Which is why it took me so long to review. The one down side to that is the fact that I don't get to review and encourage you whilst writing, but it is something we can both deal with, I'm sure.
I will continue to read and enjoy your fics, so long as you keep making them.
Safety and Peace upon you and yours,
Bobmin356 replied:
Well if you like H/Hr, you'll find a fair amount of it here. Hope you enjoy your reading.
Bob & Alyx
AnnaTigg posted a comment on Wednesday 19th December 2007 9:36pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
As requested in the author's note from chapter 32, here is a review - I was saving it until the end anyway! I just wanted to tell you that I have thoroughly enjoyed both Sunset and Sunrise. I thought your characterisation was excellent and your plot brilliant. I wish JKR had consulted you more when writing Deathly Hallows - I enjoyed book 7 but I think you could have done it better! I really liked the idea of the Borhterhood and how it involved such a diverse and interesting group of characters. Especially I liked the way you redeemed Draco, Narcissa and Millicent Bulstrode. I also enjoyed the portrayal of Ron, Molly and Dumbledore in this series - even in canon you can see it wouldn't take much for some characters to become Harry's enemies rather than his friends. Anyway, I just wanted to thank you very much for the hours of enjoyment this series has provided for me. I would try to send you some food but I don't think trans-Atlantic travel is very good for donuts...
C J Green posted a comment on Wednesday 19th December 2007 6:26pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
Great story guys,
I'm not very mobile as I have developed rheumatoid arthritis and reading fan fiction givers me an escape. This has entertained me for days....
The way I have formatted the story in Times New Roman 10 point it streches to 1561 pages!
Keep writing
dennisud posted a comment on Wednesday 19th December 2007 8:31am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
Well what a read!
that saga so far has been the best Harry potter story I have read so far. and I have a few hundred on my had drive.
Lets go over some of what's standing out here.
overall it hooked me from the get go and kept me coming back through both "Sun" stories. The slow but well paced plot gave me a lot to read and think about. the grittiness of Sunset made this very riveting and emotions in me burst as much as Fuzz did.
And I liked the pairings and was sad at some of the deaths as things went.
the Dumbledore bashing was gradual and well paced while making the statement that JKR did not really see that character well in the canon. At least from a fan and reader POV.
Though I thought Draco/Ginny & Neville/Luna were a bit better in chemistry the pairings were 'real' to me and appealed to my sense of compassion.
A few critiques;
-Ron IMOh should have lived longer and somehow redeemed himself maybe in either Dying in Voldemort controlled Britain, or even as the brotherhood fled.
-Cho I think would have been a very intriguing character maybe as a threat to the various women if she had been allowed to go to Haven, where she would have either been a victim of the cursed dagger or find redemption there.
-Snape... well in some fanfics he was very 2-dimensional and in others either redeeming in some way or even more evil than Voldy-kins!
Severus I think would have done what Cho did here as he realized his position, yes he would have taken a girl and did what he did but his simmering conscious would have had him try to free her.
-Finally back to the positive, I think you both have the talent to now strike out and actually write a Fantasy novel. I so wish i could have bought a hardcover version of the SUN saga, so please consider this seriously!
A minor Fanfic writer and Avid reader!
Steve Stephan posted a comment on Friday 7th December 2007 3:30pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
I really enjoyed the story. I have not read any of your reviews but I would hope that alot of then, if being critical, would have said that this story should have stopped at chapter 30, and you should have started a post story. You had more than enough material for it. I would also hope that someone would have said or suggested that Harry should have gone through the procedure with Ginny in regards to his own leg, and I was hoping that you would have picked up on that in the next three chapters, but it never happened. Having been born with cllub feet myself in the late sixties and learned to walk late during the seventies, having to deal with retropatellar crepitus, then tearing and having to have 45% of my meniscus removed from my left knee, I could sympathize with both situations that you wrote with Terry and Harry. You left him in pain unnecessary in the story after the final battle when having a solution for that pain revealed with the solution that wrote for Ginny. The story was written into an abrupt end.
That is the end of my being critical. I do like your funny bits that you write prior to your story and after your story and I would really like to encourage the two of you to write something that is true funny and focus on that in a story. I think that it would be worthwhile and also be something of value to the readers.
Please continue the good work.
Steve Stephan
IssaBissa posted a comment on Wednesday 5th December 2007 12:19pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
Well it has taken me quiet a while to read through both of these stories but I am so very glad that I did!!! I loved the series!!! It was brilliantly put together and I am sad to see it end! I am looking forward to reading more of your work in the future!!!! You both really are absolutely fabulous writers!!!!!! Well Done! and Kudos to both of you!!!!!
Yamikeckley posted a comment on Tuesday 27th November 2007 4:25pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
well i think this is the first review i have given for this story. i have just finished it all and it has taken forever. i do not think i will print this one out, due to sheer size of it all. i am looking at writing a huge plotted story and this has been a inspiration, as well as others. i would like to thank you for given harry a actual physical problem to deal with, it was nice to see that magic could not heal everything. once again thank you for the story.
Colleen posted a comment on Friday 16th November 2007 5:19pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
Well, I've finally had time to sit down and finish reading this monster epic (which I mean in a good way...even if it's a tad redundant ;-)) and I have to say that I just love the whole thing.
Whatever it is that makes great authors great, you two have it in spades. I think I felt every emotion it was possible to feel at some point during this fic, and not just little twinges, but full out. There were times I was sobbing and five minutes later laughing my ass of due to some prank (or disclaimer) get the picture.
I have to say, though, as sad as it favorite parts of the whole thing were the T-shirts that Harry came up with. Those things never failed to have me rolling on the floor...and that scene towards the end where they all show up wearing them...classic!
I also really love the characterizations and pairings that you came up with for everyone. They were all such well rounded characters... especially the original characters and the characters that JKR didn't develop very well, like Amelia Bones. So many authors suck at original characters and use them strictly as plot devices, which annoys me to no end, but you guys made them all into real people. Hell, even the intentionally flat characters felt very real and handled their intended purposes in the story roundly...if that makes sense. (pretty sure it doesn't really make sense, but I hope you get what I'm trying to say...if not, ignore and move on.)
I get the feeling from all the times you had to mention it and address the issue in your author's notes that most people really wanted you to fix Harry's leg. (I know...nothing gets by me. lol) Well, I'm damn glad you didn't. I won't lie...when it first happened I thought that you should fix it. But after a few chapters of Harry dealing with it I was glad that you'd left it gimpy. I think it made the whole story more interesting and gave poor Harry more of a challenge and made him more human. So yeah... great job with that.
Hmmm...I'm trying to come up with something that I didn't like and I can't think of a damn thing. You did an excellent job and I even liked all your spellwork in different languages!
Well, I've rambled on long enough and you're probably bored I'll just leave it that this was a truly superb story and I was sorry to see it end. And from one Idahoan to another... you guys rock! Say hi to my mountains for me...sadly I have to live elsewhere in the U.S. for now. And no it's not for anything illegal! Just no jobs in my line of work. Thanks for the hours and hours of entertainment! Ciao.
theit posted a comment on Thursday 15th November 2007 9:41pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
Great story but I'm wondering whatever happened to naming H/Hr's kid Allison.
Judy Webb posted a comment on Saturday 10th November 2007 7:13pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
Hi -
I just finished Sunset/Sunrise (NOT all in one sitting - though I wish I read that fast).
The disclaimers were a bit annoying, but the series itself was fantastic.
Eviloldersister posted a comment on Friday 9th November 2007 6:25am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
That was awesome you two are one of the few who have managed to take a several cliches and turn them into a truly unique story you have my heartfelt appreciation and thanks for the wonderful tale that you have just spun.
Aeryn posted a comment on Wednesday 7th November 2007 8:57pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
I just wanted to let you both know that I truly enjoyed reading both Sunset and Sunrise - they were the perfect way to escape the pressure of my exams. You are both rather talented authors, and I look forward to seeing what you come up with in the future. :)
nurray posted a comment on Thursday 1st November 2007 7:18pm for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings
Wanted to read a good story of a longer length so I decided to re-read Sunset and Sunrise.
Definitely a high-quality story. Sad to come to the end of it.
Thankyou once again for writing it.
azrael3 posted a comment on Saturday 23rd February 2008 4:02am for Chapter 33 - Of Endings and Beginnings