Sunrise Over Britain
Chapter 4 - Labor Pains
By Bobmin
Keeroo92 posted a comment on Wednesday 5th January 2011 1:38am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains
Was that a reference to Harry Potter and the Witches Secret in the disclaimer?
slashslut posted a comment on Friday 8th January 2010 9:37pm for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains
charlie, you idiot *groan* ...
Alice Zecco posted a comment on Saturday 26th September 2009 10:56am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains
Wonderful chapter! Loved the disclaimer! I was hoping you would be twisted enough to use Haus and Snape together!!!
ghostchicken posted a comment on Sunday 19th July 2009 11:19am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains
The Celt in me is intrigued by the whole Brotherhood ritual thingy. I was wondering how it would work out with Draco. Luna to the rescue! Woo hoo!
I hope Charlie has the gift of discernment because Dumbles is about to feed him a load of bull hookey laced with a little chocolate. But if your Charlie is anything like my Charlie, he won't buy it. I think he's already suspicious of the old duffer.
And in the spirit of Brotherhood... HARRY IS NOT GAY AND CANNOT GET PREGNANT BY DRACO MALFOY! The only thing more ludicrous than Harry/any male Slash is male pregnancy. Barf!
That said, I shall read on...
David305 posted a comment on Saturday 14th June 2008 11:16am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains
Still enjoying your story, natch.
In ch. 2, you wrote,Luna’s response was to issue dire warnings to people bothering her about the massive, one footed, hopping Nerfherder.
In this chapter, you wrote:Luna says Nerfherders are truly one footed. She is our resident expert on strange creatures so we have to take her word for it.
You're right, of course; Luna knows her fantastic beasts. But are you and she the highest authority on language?
See, when she issued the warning regarding the "massive one-footed hopping Nerfherder," she was clearly pointing out the unique qualities of this particular Nerfherder: massive and one-footed. (It goes without saying that if it's one-footed, it's got to hop to get anywhere.)
But to use a similar example, does one ever have to say, "Hey! Look out for that one-eyed cyclops!"? Nay, I say. The single most defining characteristic of any cyclops is that it is one-eyed.
Similarly, if Luna is pointing out the massiveness and one-footedness of our now rather endearing and familiar Nerfherder, it has to be because most Nerfherders are smaller and at least two-footed. (Or possibly no-footed.) Ipso fatso.
Keep it up! Cheers,
PS Till now, we only had Princess Leia's description of a Nerfherder (scruffy), though one must similarly opine that not all Nerfherders must be so. And some may even be very ruly and kempt.
Peace & Love.
Odelia Riddle posted a comment on Wednesday 11th June 2008 6:49am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains
Truely classic disclaimer
Dragen posted a comment on Monday 19th May 2008 10:02pm for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains
Another great chapter mate, Oh I love what Peeves is doing to the Death Eater. :D I like how things happened at Derreenataggart. I like that Harry and Hermione could have the same kind of bond as Luna and Draco. I like what happened at the ritual, very nicely done
jerry3 posted a comment on Tuesday 6th May 2008 11:13pm for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains
i was going to wait untill i finished both stories but i had to review and tell you that your stories are the best ive ever read........ well done
Joyfullscroll posted a comment on Thursday 21st February 2008 9:27am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains
You have me questioning one of the comments that Eocho has said during the ceremony. Did you mean to say 'Changlings child' rather than 'Magic's child' during the comments of being 'worthy'?
Then I came up with a possible theory. Is it the fact that Hermione's very Christian and conflicts with Druid beliefs? My earlier thought that it could have been 'changlings child mate' aka Remus because he's a werewolf by none of his choosing. So I'll just continue reading and possibly find out.
Tammerz posted a comment on Tuesday 27th November 2007 11:57am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains
I just realized the significance of Hermione's parent's names. How lame am I for not noticing until the fourth chapter of the sequel?
By the way, Sunset and Sunrise over Britain have officially made my top ten list of fanfiction, even though I don't ship Harry/Hermione. Thanks for being such great writers!
mathiasgranger posted a comment on Thursday 20th September 2007 4:29am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains
I am wondering how many more times a Weas;ey can screw everyone over in this story...having already read this I am just shaking my head at how stupid Charlie was.
Oh sure Charlie, Harry Potter is being controlled by liquid imperius....duh...making Charlie just barely more intelligent than the dragons he worked with.
Thanks for writing,
pfeil posted a comment on Friday 17th August 2007 5:11am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains
I don't recall Kinsfire having a H-spanking-Hr scene, though there is ...
ella1983 posted a comment on Friday 13th July 2007 11:25am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains
was just reading through your authors notes and had to laugh at someone rolling their eyes at the grangers names, i think Dan and Emma are wonderfully normal muggle names, you see all sorts of names given to OC and such in fanfiction and while most of these can be passed off as normal in the magical world, in the muggle world it just makes me think what the freakin hell are these people? are they hippies or what? anyway sorry for rambling i just thought i'd offer my opinion lol loving the story so far
Joyfullscroll posted a comment on Thursday 21st June 2007 11:48am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains
*grins* Pet Peeves are a no show huh? Well that's ok. You did enough with your previous storyline.
Ok, Dumbledore will (apparently similar to Ron in this storyline) always be a Munipulatar and still Glory Seeking in his own little world he insists on pushing on others who would not agree. I get that. Why can't others? *heavy sigh*
As for 'The Brotherhood' now re-awakened... well looks like Eocho will soon be getting an earfull with current history of both Wizarding and Muggle cultures. Hermione and Remus will be in their element! Would Emma also be included in that grouping? I'm still unsure as to how 'bookish' Emma is in this storyline? I guess I'll find out soon when or if you include the individual talks that will be going on will include All the members of just a few in detail.
I'm rather surprised that none of the Irish Ministry found out about Dumbledore being in Irealand with his 'magical signiture' or even the thought of him being brought up by McGonnagal, Moony or Amilia? I know they are busy but they should have at least thought of him in passing at least once and possibly get distracted by something of more importance comming to their attention to distract them. But hey, you'll show him to the Haven when you're good and ready. Till then, ja ne!
Brady1 posted a comment on Sunday 10th June 2007 11:45am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains
why doesnt harry put a line of death around haven to stop anyone evil from coming in? and if her can do that then why not piut a line of death around hogwarts so that whenever someone evil leaves they die...
Selma Flamel posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 1:09am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains
So Dumbledore tries to plant seeds of poison in Charlie. At first I thought Charlie wouldn't fall for something like that, but then I remembered that he didn't have as much exposure to Harry and had to much to Dumbledore. Good job.
The Death Eaters really have no chance now that the twins are on board. I'm glad I don't have to wait to find out what marvelous mischievous magic they come up with.
GryffindorDragon posted a comment on Monday 4th June 2007 3:58am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains
'families had been executed in order to get people working' -- perhaps family members; you might get me back to work by threatening my family and by showing me the threat is real by "making an example" of some members, but if you execute the family (and not just some members), I doubt that would work to get me back to work.
'the letter he was talking about was his own' -- don't you mean the letter was her own
'The evil upon him was forced their' -- forced there
I missed Ginny and Neville going before the stone.
I feel sorry for Charlie. I hope you get him away from Dumbly eventually.
Darksong posted a comment on Thursday 18th January 2007 11:58am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains
Im currently on chap. 4 of and was just curious but why doesn't harry just drop a nuke on voldemort ? do you think they he actually needs to hit him with a spell or...? I just think that if harry droppped a nuke from a safe distance, no fight...but that wouldn't be very exciting eh? Thanks
Bobmin356 replied:
Ok, here's some of the reasons why he's not going to drop a nuke on anyone.
1) He doesn't have any nukes.
2) Someday, they might like to have Hogwarts back. Can't do that if you vaporize it.
3) That would end the story at chapter four, leaving you with nothing to read. How boring.
4) If we drop a nuke, then the story ends. And we have nothing to do with our time except bug you!
5) Harry is smart enough to know that nukes are not good things.
6) He also knows if he uses a nuke, he will annoy Hermione and get no more nookie for the rest of the story.
7) He can't exactly run down to walmart and find a nuke in their weapons of mass destruction aisle.
8) Dropping a nuke on Hogwarts would result in a massive EMP, blowing out your computer and you'd never be able to leave a review. Then where would we be?
9) Believe it or not, the story is already plotted out, and it doesn't involve any more nukes.
10) We didn't want to.
Brady1 posted a comment on Thursday 14th September 2006 9:31am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains
would you be able to send me a pic of a celtic cross and knot that you spoke about in the chapter i wanted to get that as a tattoo. my email is
mysuv1 posted a comment on Saturday 6th January 2018 8:37pm for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains