Content Harry Potter


Meg posted a comment on Friday 11th August 2006 2:13pm for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains

I'm reading this for the millionth time and I just wanted to point two things out - well, three, really.

1) This story is awesome, no matter how many times I reread it!!!!!

2) In the last book, you used a different name for Luna's mother - something like Laurna rather than Vespa.

3) In the circle, Hermione starts out with her staff, and then raises her wand once Harry, Luna and Tonks take over the whole thing.

I only caught this on my billionth reread. The Luna's mother's name bit maybe on my millionth, but the staff/wand bit just tonight (on that billionth). You guys are really awesome for keeping so many details straight on such a crazy plot, and the name thing is really, really minor. But seeing as I've read this so many times now, it's stood out.

Bad Meg!

*irons fingers like Dobby used to*

Anyway, I'm happily rereading, waiting for the next chapter to come out. Hope that my little note doesn't delay anything! :P


Ailishmckechnie posted a comment on Monday 10th July 2006 8:40am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains

Please, I wish to know were you got your information on the celtic brotherhood of druid.
Please let me know at

DrT posted a comment on Thursday 8th June 2006 8:02am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains

A well-done ceremony. Obviously my take of Druidic magic in a Potterverse is different, but it was fun to see your ideas.


TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Monday 1st May 2006 12:16pm for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains

Good chapter.


Viridian posted a comment on Tuesday 28th March 2006 7:18am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains

Great chapter as always.

The ritual was nicely done, and the bit about Harry and the ocean was a nice touchstone for the reader.

"severed clean off" sounded a bit odd. "severed"? or "torn clean off"?

Nice to see other couples being a little insecure as well - realistic!

The bit about a second dose of liquid imperio was a chilling pseudo-foreshadowing!

Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Wednesday 1st March 2006 3:44am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains

Okay, Dumbledore plans to lobotomize Harry, so please kill the old codger in your own good time and way, but please make it fit the crime. Being blown up sounds good, but so does being trampled by a herd of hinkypunks. Slow motion being kissed by a dementor maybe over several hours, perhaps?

Fascinating bit of Gaelic lore.


maeghan posted a comment on Wednesday 8th February 2006 10:01am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains

i love it please keep writing.

starlightsuprise posted a comment on Sunday 22nd January 2006 11:40pm for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains

I love your fiction and I hope you update soon.

Your DA and SC series was fantastic and I can't wait to see how this turns out and end.

For soem reason I could not read Chapter 5, is it possible for you to e-mail it to me at


Update Soon


beauty01021 posted a comment on Wednesday 11th January 2006 4:14am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains

yeah great chapter can't wait for chapter 5.

jalva200 posted a comment on Monday 9th January 2006 3:51pm for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains

:D man you guys (and girl) are awsome writers and i cant wait till you post another chapter.

Hehehe i love that part with the orge and draco, that was funny. God id of pissed my pants if i saw that thing.

Well thanks for the story you are writing and i cant wait for your nect chapter.

Oh and i was just woundering if molly is still alive. You probly not going to say but still asking :p

Snapesmistress005 posted a comment on Monday 9th January 2006 8:54am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains

wow! i really liked the ceremony, good stuff that! i liked the little look into draco/luna and neville/ginny. they bring an interesting dyanmic in. i also can't wait to see how dumbledore reacts when they lift the fidelius (spelling?) charm off of haven. great job guys and i can't wait to see more! much love!

Manatheron posted a comment on Sunday 8th January 2006 2:27pm for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains

Excellent chapter, as always. I can't wait to see where you take this, I am especally interested in what Charlie is going to do once he manages to talk to Harry. I would think that something like liquid Imperius would leave a visable effect, Glazed eyes, Trouble focusing, things like that, also There is the possibiliy that the ritual has left the entire group immune to mind altering spells, I really don't know what you have planned, but it's going to be really fun reading the next couple of chapters,

Please keep up the excellent work!

Michael69 posted a comment on Sunday 8th January 2006 1:44pm for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains

Wait...if everyone else seems to be fixed...isn't there anything Muinteoir can do for Harry's leg? Or his scars?

Zytka posted a comment on Sunday 8th January 2006 9:14am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains

i'm very glad i found you guys again. i like your stories and i'd go on and on again gushing about your stories but i say basically the same thing every time. i think you're very GOOD authors and that your stories ROCK , but should i say more i'd be repeating. so i shan't. update soon, PLEASE, i'm sucked in.. . .

Foreverread posted a comment on Saturday 7th January 2006 9:52am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains

Your story just keeps getting better and better. Keep up the good work. An idea for a pet peeve might be how some authors are always misspelling think like the house names, and I've even read one story where they misspelled hogwarts, repeatedly. Keep up the good work, it is appreciated.

Jarrod posted a comment on Friday 6th January 2006 1:07am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains

Woot, we finally get to see the Brotherhood in action.

Maybe I missed it but why is it that Charlie is looking so hard for Molly and Ron and not going to meet up and talk with the rest of his family right away? I'm really curious to see how the whole Charlie story arch pulls out.

Keep it Up you two, gotta love long stories that rock!

atlantis-rob posted a comment on Thursday 5th January 2006 6:18am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains

Wow! Awesome! Great job with the ceremony for sure! Excellent job on the whole thing, the cure for remus, the magic changes etc. Also very amusing that dan appears to be an enchanter now also. Damn dumbledore and kudos on Peeves! That was great! Excellent job with hermione's help to harry on the naked-ness. excellent job there...

Chris Carter posted a comment on Wednesday 4th January 2006 3:01pm for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains

For the most part I've really enjoyed reading this story and also 'sunset'. I like the humor you put in the story (not to mention the disclaimers, I loved the reference to dogma), your characterizations are good, and in general I like the new characters you've added. But did Harry and Hermione really need MORE powers/abilities? I mean Hermione was already supposed to be a stronger than average witch (also the brightest of her age), then the first ritual was supposed to boost her power by fifty percent, then the coven ritual gave her another boost, not to mention that she also inherited seer powers, the girl's averaging a power increasing ritual about every ten chapters. Harry can already do just about everything short of flash boiling oceans by cicking his heels, I'm afraid he's going to start changing in phonebooths and spending his fortune on building a fortress of solitude. Maybe I'm wrong but I thought in 'sunset' that during a talk about the prophecy that LV would take England, Remus told Flitwick that Harry and Voldemort couldn't fight yet because the conditions of Trelawney's prophecy hadn't been met because they weren't equals because Harry was so far ahead of LV, and so LV had to catch up? If that's the case another power/ability boost would seem to push a final confrontation back that much further.

Jamie46 posted a comment on Wednesday 4th January 2006 1:27pm for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains

Really, really good. As usual. :) I caught a few typos, but I only point it out because my friend got irritated with me because she says I subconsciously edit *everything* and when I found myself doing that in your story, I nearly banged my head (a la House Elf style), thinking "dangit"... But I shouldn`t rant. ;) hahaha. Anyway. Good stuff with Charlie and Dumbledore; I feel bad for the poor red-head, he`s going to be led so astray and used (i.e. DD wanting Harry`s 4000 people `following him`). And I have a question that`s been bugging me for *months*: what is the proper way to spell out the Unforgivables when spoken as words, not as incantations? I`ve seen the `loss of free will` one written both as `the Imperious` (all italics), as `the Imperius`, and as `the Imperio-us` (with the `us` not being in italics. Is there anywhere that this could be checked? A lexicon of spells or anything? It`s really bugging the heck out of me... But it didn`t stop me from enjoying your chapter!! :-D hehehe, thanks a bunch for such a wonderful update!

Gawl posted a comment on Wednesday 4th January 2006 5:46am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains

Great chapter, I liked the summoning, and I'm looking foward to seeing what happens when Dumbledore finally confonts Harry.