Content Harry Potter


harry85 posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 11:06pm for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains

Great chapter! I loved it. i sense convincing Charlie tht Harry is ok won't be easy after all the lies Dumbledore is feeding him with. Oh, well, they will deal with it when the moment comes. I liked Peeves' stunt a lot!

PhiloWorm posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 10:39pm for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains

Repeating the Peeves is a Peeve itself no? At least I think so.

I would like to thank the powers above, the powers down below and the minds of the genious authors for conjuring this great story onto existence. Trust me there is one helluva fan lurking inside me demanding that I worship this fic (prepares altar) and trust me I'll do it (puts Snape on altar) therefore I present you with my sacrifice (dissembowles Snape).

Have fun ;=)

Finbar posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 7:02pm for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains

Very nice indeed. I like how Dumbledore is leading Charlie around through a combination of truth and lie. That said, I'm sure that all the sleeping he was doing was induced by Dumbledore wasnt it? Perhaps to work Charms/Enchantments into Charlie to make him more loyal?

Riven posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 5:55pm for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains

awsome chapter. took awhile but it was worth it so i cant complain too much.
anywho, it was awsome and i cant really think of too many faults or anything else that needs pointing out so im not going to rattel on any more. thank you and please update sooner.


Voldemort is Dead posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 5:54pm for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains

I love what you've written so far!

I really hope that Dumbledore will not be forgiven. You're doing a wonderful job in portraying him as a conniving bastard who clearly only wants to control Harry so HE can get the credit! I really want to see Dumbledore dragged through the mud and exposed!

Peeves was a hoot! Don't let Voldemort get a Necromancer.

Keep up the good work, you two!

Gianda posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 5:22pm for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains

Okee it took a long time but is was really something to wait for. it was great but just leaves me with the question what will happen next.


haydenelrics posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 5:19pm for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains

happy new year!

Aaron Whitaker posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 4:27pm for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains

This is good so far, i like how you have a mixture of action and drama, and even though Voldemort controls England, he's not knocked down yet. and i like to see what the Weasley Twins and their signifant others come up with in their inventions, and seems Dumbledore is trying to get into the war, by using Charlie, i hope Charlie gets teh true story, and hopefully we'll find out what happen to Molly and Dudley.
One Question though what's going on with Susan Bones? I thought she was part of the outcasts as well i haven't seen her much since they did the evaulation of Hogwarts, i wonder what's going on with her. Bob, Alyx you guys are writing great keep it up

AcceleratedGlass posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 4:26pm for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains

good chapter, update soon!

darak posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 4:24pm for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains

Oh please kill Dumbledore already, this is becoming tiring, as soon as I saw that meddling old coot I basically stopped reading the chapter as he has no entertainment value whatsoever.

Not to criticize your writing but you attached so many emotional values to him that I came to hate him and thus any chapter in which he makes an appearance, this is stupid but emotions mostly are so.

Debby Smith posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 4:11pm for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains


goofy posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 3:19pm for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains

I loved it, hmm sneaky Dumbledore.... he truly is (in this story) a self-centered bugger.
keep up the great work, I look forward to reading more.

cheers and a happy new year


Al posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 3:12pm for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains

WOW, the only one thing I question, is why would Charlie trust anyone. With war on he just seems a little to trusting at this time, or is Abus spiking his food or drink to help him think that way.......

rhibrew posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 3:03pm for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains

Happy New Years!!
Okay first I have to say somthing I never thought I would:
While, I do wish this had been updated sooner, I am going to point out that only two of the six (yes it gets confusing) Fan-Fics I am reading have been updated since Dec 10th, so I really appreciate that 95% of the time you guys are very consistant about updating your fan-fic.
I LOVE this story.

rippergirl posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 2:19pm for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains

Yay a new chapter in the new year. Was so excited to see this today. Damn Dumbledore and his propaganda like ways. I still hope that Charlie figures out what the hell is going on and gets to his family and away from Dumbledore's clutches. Hope to see more of Peeves insulting old Moldyshorts "Old Snakeface is quite a disgrace, wizard's gizzards in his face," LOVE IT! It's as good as the shirts with the sayings on them from Sunset over Britain. I also agree with the other reviewers that the only thing that could make this story even better would be quicker updates. I know you don't hold out on us on purpose but it would still be nice to see them more often. Also just wondering where you got the gaelic from. Just(trying to) learn the language myself so it is kind of cool to know how the pronunciations would be. Keep up the good work and can't wait for the next chapter to arrive!

Viridian posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 12:52pm for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains

Another great chapter. Interesting, isn't it, how Charlie kept falling asleep after eating Dumbledore's food. Maybe a coincidence, maybe a potion?

I think the ritual was handled tastefully. The participants suffered a realistic amount of anxiety. The scene may not have blown my socks off, but that was probably more due to the long buildup.

Why does everyone consider the mass migration of pureblood fanatics and death-eater wannabees to occupied Britain as a Bad Thing (tm)? I call that establishing a target-rich environment.

Well, Happy New Year and cheers for your next chapter!

Julia1 posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 12:45pm for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains

happy new year!
great chapter! so many things happening, its great. i was wondering tho, if heaven loses the fidelity charm, and dumbledore finds it, wouldn't he resort to something like kidnaping hermione or one of the other outcasts to get harry to work with him? just curiosity.
still, great story, update sooner and it will be perfect

Hagrid posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 12:31pm for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains

Yet another great chapter. Let Albus worry about his own future for a change is my vote. Now Charlie is being confunded by the old man. Glad your holidays went well, and thanks for ending ours with such a great present.

Ken Warner posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 11:26am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains

An Excellent, chapter well worth waiting for. I am looking forward to Dumbledore getting caught in his lies, I hope that Charlie survives the ensuing explosion intact. Sorry that Alyx won't let you write the more intimate stories, but hey, maybe you all have a different grade of sneakoscope than Kinsfire does. Thanks for sharing your vision of the magical world.
Best Wishes for a Happy and Productive New Year.

Kyle Bissett posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 10:29am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains

If Albus enters Haven, he's in for an unwelcome surprise. People there know he didn't do much for the people's security, and he's likely to be unwelcome (Why didn't questions get asked about the Stone in 91-92? Hiding an item you KNOW a Dark wizard is after in a school is deliberate endangerment of the students).

If Charlie tries to drug Harry, he's likely to get everybody.