Sunrise Over Britain
Chapter 4 - Labor Pains
By Bobmin
Musings of Apathy posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 10:22am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains
Although I think that some peeves need repeating, I agree with the change up in you A/N. After all, I keep violating some of your pet peeves. (.:grin:.)
Wonderful chapter. I am disheartened with Dumbledore's actions and Charlie's predicament. Dumbledore is trying to earn a good old fashioned killin for himself. Might I suggest that it might be time for a new disclaimer subject. I picture a good long, slow linching from the stage rafters, his last breath being the disclaimer. I would volunteer to be the man in the black mask with the eye holes, but you already graciously used me in a disclaimer in the last story. Just don't forget the executioner's laugh, oh and the tradition of the condemned paying the executioner for a quick death. Maybe his refusal to pay is what got him a long slow hang rather than a fall for a broken neck.
Sorry for that tangent. Back to the review.
I love the concept that you used for the enchanter. Harry, though, meerly showed Dan how to cast the first page. Does this mean that Dan is also an enchanter? Will Haven find enough enchanters to manufacture the books? Does the fact that Harry is an enchanter mean that he can show specific enchantments to people to allow them to repeat his work without posessing his talent?
I always liked the names Dan and Emma Granger. They seem less forced than any other name I have come up with for the couple. What right does anyone else have to bemoan an authors decisions as incorrect if there is no conflicting canon. I guess that we all on occasion find our own opinion to have more weight than reality would support, but we are just human.
Thank you for writing. I am enjoying every word and look forward to reading more. Now if I can just turn out my next chapter with a fraction of your efficiency, I would be doing well.
MarinePotterfan posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 10:15am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains
Great chapter, cant wait to see what charlie thinks about DD, when he get the correct story.
You said you are taking a break from pet peeves but you had 2 in your AN.
Kristina posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 9:58am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains
So, um has Charlie been brainwashed by Dumb-ass-dore? cause it really seems like he has. I liked this chapter. can'wait to see what comes next.
Puck1 posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 9:57am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains
Wow, great story so far. This builds on the already to-great-for-words of Sunset Over Britain and surpasses it in greatness!
Andrew Niehaus posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 9:34am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains
You were my favorites authors, and then you had to surpass yourselves and bring in HANS FREAKIN' GRUEBER.
I bow before your awesomeness.
Elfguard48 posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 8:59am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains
I'm really enjoying the story. What is so lame about the names of Hermione parents? I think Dan and Emma are great names. I think writers of slash need to seek help{ or just jealous for some reason}. Cannot wait for the next chapter. Glad your Holidays were nice. Mine was good to. Happy New Year. Sorry if I wrote some things I shouldn't. I always say you are not forced to read what you do not like. So don't read or comment on it. Please keep up the great work. Thanks Alyx for keeping him in line
C. Harris posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 8:40am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains
I am truely delighted to see that you have graced us with another wonderful chapter.
"Besides, he had permission from Harry Potter himself to wreak a little havoc, didn't he?"
I especially loved that line!
Giovanni posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 8:25am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains
Finally! An Update :)
I liked the chapter, and the bit about the "Ministry" wards bouncing out Dumbledore and leaving a message in his head was pretty funny.
Also, I liked how this chapter advanced the plot, and the James Bond "Q" reference was quite good... Though I have one question about that; will Harry be wrecking a souped up Magic BMW equivilent every chapter or so now? Dumb question, I know... But it would make a funny little humor break.
Also, nice authors note... Slash Harry/Draco writers who believe that there is a canon basis for their material are severely delusional, and should be dealt with accordingly.
ThunderGod posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 8:17am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains
Finally..YAY..another chapter...oh..a pet peeve..people who repeat pet peeves LOL..just kidding..maybe:}
A lot of foreboden(sp) stuff..makes for the future chaps to be interesting...can't wait
now to go back and reread the first story..
TheBlackPearl posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 8:10am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains
Bravo!!!! I loved your disclaimer. Though, to my shame, until you mentioned Snape's doppleganger by name, I was totally puzzled. Hans Gruber. An old favorite. Dare I hope that the Sheriff of Nottingham might appear on a later chapter?
I loved the rite. You both continue to amaze me with the amount of detail you imbue in such magical things. I don't know if it's research, imagination or a bit of both, but the end result is fantastic.
I'm very worried for Charlie. Ginny mentioned writing him again. I hope her owl finds Charlie before Dumbledore convinces him to do something horrible and stupid, to boot.
I love that Luna gets time in the limelight in this story. She seems to be an afterthought in so many stories.
I really look forward to the one on one and one on two time that Eocho has with each of the newly inducted Brotherhood members. I can't wait to see what he imparts to them.
Never thought I'd be cheering Peeves and his nasty 'pranks' on, but never say never. So can you tell me? Are The Bloody Baron and Nearly Headless Nick merely ghosts or can they get up to no good like Peeves?
Great chapter and I'm always ready for the update. Hope it comes soon. I had fantabulous holidays and I'm glad to hear yours were nice as well.
I like the AN section too. :)
AzureSky posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 8:05am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains
Great chapter. Happy new year.
Lurk posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 7:58am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains
Thank you for the update! I loved the ritual, and all that accompanies it! I do NOT, however, love Dumbledore and his manipulations. Is he drugging Charlie? Drat, I wanted to see how everyone would react to Harry's scars. Phooey. Oh well, maybe they can see them later? Nice job with Peeves. I'm glad there was some lethal stuff in the boxes! Keep up the great work, and thanks for getting the Twins (both pairs, I guess) into the war effort!
hatten_jc posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 7:57am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains
Great work. I look forward to read more.
patrik svensson posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 7:56am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains
Merry holidays.
Great story,
keep up the good work.
Opinions are like assholes.
Everyone has one - but some just smell worse than others.
Harrypassion posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 7:53am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains
Jimbocous posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 7:11am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains
Nice surprise for a New Year, finding an update from you two. Great, as always. I have to think it won't be too long before Bumbledork manages to tip his hand to Charlie. It seems to me that once the wards on Haven are dropped, word is bound to get out. As far as Hermione's parent's names, being one of the first writers to really explore them as part of fanfic characters, I think Dan and Emma are now part of fanfic canon, if there is such a thing. You've defined that interpretation of their characters.. Thanks for the update!
Matt101 posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 7:08am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains
Great story and good chapter keep up the good work :)
AK posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 6:54am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains
Hey what wrong with the physics of magic? If it exists it must be explained, if the physics we know can't explain it then they are wrong, at least thats how science is :) But I do agree trying to explain the physics invented by someone might get messy. But I find it a little stange that Charlie did'nt even take a short brake to find out what happened when his parents got divorced, or at least give them some support.
Is liquid imperious more powerfull than normal imperious?
Can't wait to see what the twins will come up with, i mean a controlled pixie-cam is cool but a controlled pixie-cam-carrying-two-kilos-of-tnt sound cool too :)
Exarikun posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 6:39am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains
"Any resemblance between Snape and Metatron in the previous chapter was purely coincidental."
lol. given that they're played by the same man, it's no wonder there are 'resemblances'... hehehe
the old man really doesn't know when to quit, does he? thinking he can still control harry? even with a liquid version of the imperious? and even better, that his family would allow him?
as expected tho, he did manage to convince charlie fairly easy. i hope he either realises something is wrong on his own, or is reunited with his family who then set him straight. ron and molly being the bad apples in the weasley family are enough. no need to add on to it.
tonks being a changeling's child, and given the boons they've been granted by the brotherhood's magic, could she perhaps have become a shapeshifter, no longer limited to human(oid) shifts?
anyway, good chapter and keep them coming.
fashizzlism posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 10:28am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains