Content Harry Potter


Sean Li posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 6:38am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains

woof. Update faster.

Jamey posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 6:35am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains

A Christmas gift from Jeconais, and a New Year's gift from Bob & Alyx. My holidays have been made!

Another great chapter, in a wonderful fic. Though, your comment about the people giving you the physics of apparition reminds me of the people arguing over the physics of Star Trek, and the physicists & doctoral theses written on the Warp Drive. Perhaps someone needs to set up a PotterTech mailing list. Of course, there's always the "Magic is a Living Thing" and even "Magic is a Sentience" groups who would object to limiting magic to technological formulae...

I can see great flamewars, often going Nuclear, and even unto the Antimatter wars suggested by Kinsfire's Paradigm Shift. BWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

Sorry, Moldiwarts was taking me over for a minute there...

feralgryphon posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 6:35am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains

Sunset and Sunrise have so far proved to be gripping stories, and if in a paperback could be described as page turners.Looking forward for more!

Olafr posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 6:24am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains

Enjoyable as always. I see you're painting Dumbledore in true inky black with a patina of goodness, like a gilt statue of jet - scratch him and his darkness shows.

Can't wait for more.

- Olafr.

Tim Sullivan posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 6:00am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains

My congratulations on the first FFA chapter of 2006! And what a chapter. It was amazing. I am highly amused at the Ministry wards leaving polite messages.

Oh, and I just want to whack Dumbledore with something large, heavy, and maybe enchanted to turn him purple.

Jeremy4 posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 5:56am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains

Great story. I have a few questions.
1. Will Charlie realise what Dumbledore's up to?
2. How long is this story going to be?
3. Will Harry see the Dursleys again?

Brandon West posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 5:54am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains

Good story, very interesting rebirth of the Brotherhood.

Wonder if DD will try to slip Harry a double dose of Liquid Imperious to forcabily overwrite his will? Or is that one of the changes?

Oh nos! You're running out of pet peeves. Quickly, we must give you more to be peeved about.

jmcqk6 posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 5:39am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains

great work! recieved the update just as the chiefs game finished - excellent timing there ;) I foresee an interesting plot device with harry being fed liquid imperius by either charlie or dumbledore (or both). Could such an action invoke the wrath of the old gods? it would be an interesting scene to say the least. Or perhaps with the "Honored Múinteoir." Is he able to do magic?

The other thing I was wondering about is with Haven's population growing rapidly and with the influx of foreign (and new) allies, the possibility of a spy gaining access to it grows rapidly, complicating matters.

Can't wait to read more. I must admit, though, that I don't quite get the title of this chapter...

Kathleen posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 5:38am for Chapter 4 - Labor Pains

Glad you had a great holiday. I did too. And I was very psyched to return to a new chapter! The rite wasn't anything like what I'd expected, (Harry possessed??!!) but it was cool. I hope Charlie gets away from Dumbledore. Are we ever going to see Molly again?