Sunrise Over Britain
Chapter 5 - Relationship building
By Bobmin
Lord Cleveland posted a comment on Monday 28th May 2012 2:18pm for Chapter 5 - Relationship building
This chapter SUCKS!!!!! I'm almost tempted to just quit reading at this point. I couldnt even finish reading this chapter it was so terrible. Your story went from a 7 to a 5 with this chapter alone.
amsev posted a comment on Saturday 31st March 2012 9:54pm for Chapter 5 - Relationship building
OH, but you are so evil to list non-updated stories -- I went out of curiousity to see what was up with that story and saw that... er, it had been updated, but the last update was 2008. However, I probably will give it a read anyway.
Enought about that -- you both are such wonderful writers, you really, really, REALLY should write original fiction. You craft a wonderful plot and fill in with such neat details that one is compelled to continue reading. You truly have the knack!
Continuing to enjoy this story very much.
darridle posted a comment on Monday 19th December 2011 10:33am for Chapter 5 - Relationship building
*meep* I like the Bill, Charlie and the twins, so your Dumbles-uses-Charlie plot is scaring me.
Here's to me hoping Ginny's gift and Draco will save him soon.
Keeroo92 posted a comment on Wednesday 5th January 2011 2:04pm for Chapter 5 - Relationship building
Nice reference to the Lord of the Rings there, with the Prancing Pony. Poor Charlie, I hope he gets help soon. Great work!
Keeroo92 posted a comment on Wednesday 5th January 2011 2:03pm for Chapter 5 - Relationship building
Nice reference to the Lord of the Rings there, with the Prancing Pony. Great work!
slashslut posted a comment on Friday 8th January 2010 9:44pm for Chapter 5 - Relationship building
my heart is in my throat ...
Panthera posted a comment on Thursday 17th December 2009 3:12pm for Chapter 5 - Relationship building
Though I like your story, there are some things that irritate me.
With your author notes, and especially the 'Pet Peeves' you had, I get the impression you're the perfect writers. In my opinion you don't run other authors into the ground, if you're not perfect yourself. Don't get me wrong, I'm totally hooked up on your story! But please, I'm Dutch (and the Dutch are not known for speaking English very well!) and even I see several mistakes in your spelling and grammar!
So make sure your own story is flawless in spelling and grammar, before you criticise others. Perhaps you should take your own advise and get a Beta?
Prongs1977 posted a comment on Monday 17th August 2009 9:28am for Chapter 5 - Relationship building
Just to let you know, sometime between when you posted this chapter and now, at least one update (oddly enough, on my birthday in 2008) was posted.
RockBiter posted a comment on Sunday 24th August 2008 5:34am for Chapter 5 - Relationship building
Still going along very well. I do appreciate the fact that you hold out tantalizing little bits of info from the reader, giving us a reason to continue. Many authors don't have the will-power to do that.
David305 posted a comment on Saturday 14th June 2008 2:54pm for Chapter 5 - Relationship building
I still love your story, of course.
I suggest you read my bio page on FFnet, where you'll find a 10-question essay called "Why you _Shouldn't_ get a beta reader."
If you like Pet peeves, I got tons of 'em! There are a mess of them on the bio page, and also in my fanfic called Project Potter.
"If they'd been able to get us out of Hogwarts, we be helping them." we'd be
"Not only can get they get Potter," can they get
"There's no sense is both of us missing dinner." in both
"That's something between Millicent and I," between Millicent and me
"at his friends odd behavior" friend's
"I think it's time we find out what it going on." what is going on
"he quickly walked into an ally" alley
"he sunk lower in the tub" sank
"a point where I'd be no better that Voldemort" no better than
"Hermione expression broke into a huge grin." Hermione's
"His family was just one of the problems he had to deal with it." to deal with.
"Ginny found herself shuddered back" shuddering
"that Ginny was developing a talent, though she didn't what it was." she didn't know
That's just a snapshot; there are hundreds of these. If you have a beta, they've not done the job. If you haven't one, please consider letting one help you.
Why bother? Because errors draw attention towards themselves, and away from the story. Every time the reader sees a confusing error, and has to pause, scratch his head, try to figure out what was actually meant, go back and edit in the correct words or phrases in his head, and then proceed with reading, the momentum of the story gets lost. An extra pair of eyes will simply catch things you can't see because you're too close to perceive them. Every good author needs a good editor; JKR herself has teams of excellent ones!
Peace & love,
Dragen posted a comment on Tuesday 20th May 2008 6:54pm for Chapter 5 - Relationship building
Oh I do love your Standard Disclaimers they are very funny and I can’t wait to read more of them. I like the new character Eocho, nicely done with him. I like the idea of Harry being a Maglios. I like the twins fairy idea, very nice. I like how the parent and Guardians reacted when they out that their children within the Brotherhood, need to get married.
Oh I love the date with Melinda and Arthur, and the talk help Arthur a lot.
I like that Millicent is willing to help Harry, but is afraid to go to him, as she didn’t know if he would believe her as she is a Slytherin.
Oh the ass Dumbledore is using Charles to get to Harry, at least when he met with his family Ginny suspected something was up.
I like Eocho’s thoughts about war, I agree with them.
hjdevnull posted a comment on Wednesday 6th February 2008 5:21am for Chapter 5 - Relationship building
I just checked "The Father" out on the Pit of Voles (a.k.a. and it's been updated since you put this up! Awesome! (Well, most recent update is July of 2007, seven months ago, but whatever.) You have the power of forcing others to update their fiction! That is pretty rad. What other powers has the Brotherhood Ritual given you?
Oh, and this story is pretty rad, too. Although this chapter was a bit exposition-heavy, you've earned my trust that sometime in the near future, some feces will hit an oscillating unit, and it will rock.
mathiasgranger posted a comment on Tuesday 4th December 2007 1:54pm for Chapter 5 - Relationship building
Of course, maybe if Arthur had grown some balls Ron and Percy wouldn't have been lost and neither would have Molly...allowing Molly to run roughshod over him led him to where he was.
Thanks for writing,
Joyfullscroll posted a comment on Friday 22nd June 2007 1:20am for Chapter 5 - Relationship building
Well, Dumbledore just won't/can't quit can he. Not surprised. I was sort of expecting that he did some sort of 'memory charm' thing as he did with Ron on a more willing Charlie. Does Charlie 'know' that he did that to his journal?
As for Ginny's reaction to Charlie I'm not at all surprised. I was also expecting somthing from either her or Harry sensing something 'off' with Charlie's exposure of Dumbldore. Since the barrier is comming down soon, will Dumbles make himself an immediate nuisance of himself with both Harry and the School? How would McGonagall react to him on the school? Since this is technaclly a new school he should NOT be immediately the Headmaster once more. Even if the students are formally Hogwarts.
Oh, thanks btw for a new story to check out. Even if it does fall under the new 'Updateless list' (boy can I relate to THAT one!) There are loads of fics I myself follow but the writers have too much of a life to update their stories for at Least Over a Year! Well I'm now off to work. Ja ne!
Selma Flamel posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 1:15am for Chapter 5 - Relationship building
Favorite line: "We asked earlier if we could help, but you didn't take us seriously. I'm afraid we have a bit of a reputation and it got in the way this time." Very good job with the twins.
Something I wonder about: If it is possible to just shrink your books and put them in your pocket, why would you need a large bookbag? Wouldn't this be a spell they should teach first year students. After all we get warned about the problems that can be caused by carrying a bookbag that is to heavy. (Sorry it just popped into my head.)
GryffindorDragon posted a comment on Monday 4th June 2007 5:15am for Chapter 5 - Relationship building
Wizards and Jello -- that's a riot.
'Rupert and Sons, Antiquities' -- are they archaeologists or do you mean Antiques?
Cky Raes posted a comment on Friday 14th July 2006 3:34pm for Chapter 5 - Relationship building
All I have to say deals with Harry's leg and that is...Come on you know you want him to get better. I bet you do. Your just in denial.
Sterling posted a comment on Thursday 15th June 2006 5:25pm for Chapter 5 - Relationship building
These first few chapters have been pretty good. I think you are going a bit overboard with the power-enhancing rituals though. Harry already did something along those lines for the rest of the group when he created the wards around england. But, meh, it isn't that big a deal. I have noticed that there are a lot more little errors in this story then its prequel. Mistakes with missing words, syntax errors and incorrect words are found throughout the chapters. It is nothing major enough to make the story unreadable but it is noticable.
Darth Revan posted a comment on Saturday 20th May 2006 3:43am for Chapter 5 - Relationship building
I just wanted to say you this : the story The Father had been updated the 02-19-06.
capt_bob posted a comment on Thursday 2nd August 2012 11:23pm for Chapter 5 - Relationship building