Sunrise Over Britain
Chapter 5 - Relationship building
By Bobmin
B134 posted a comment on Saturday 14th January 2006 12:52am for Chapter 5 - Relationship building
Great story. There's just something that has been nagging at the back of my mind, why do they think they have to wait until Voldemort is as powerful as Harry? Does it matter that they already passed one point where this was the case (between normal Harry and Super!Harry)?
The original prophesy said only that Voldemort would mark him as an equal, not that they would be equals. It's been a while since I read the prophesies in your work, but I do not rememeber any of them saying that they had to wait until Voldemort was equal in power to Harry.
Snapesmistress005 posted a comment on Friday 13th January 2006 11:05pm for Chapter 5 - Relationship building
hmm interestinsg chapter. wonder what charlie will do once he realises that harry is not being being controlled, nor is anyone else. would be cool to see him turn on dumbledore and give him a taste of his own medicine. oh yeah, i'm not ashamed to say i have not updated my two stories on in over a year. i had a whole bunch written on a story, but i can't find the notebook i had it written in! anywho, great job and i can't wait for some more! much love!
Jamie46 posted a comment on Friday 13th January 2006 4:33pm for Chapter 5 - Relationship building
Yay :) Another great chapter from some great authors. Rather than go on and on about how fabulous this chapter was, and how much I loved the twins' stuff, and the kitchen scene (and Arthur maybe having a romance), and the "get married" reactions (:-D heheh!), and Millicent being a spy on the DE students, and wondering if the American Ministry will share their info about those Cauldrons being sold, instead I'll ask a question.
I'm a little confused on the timeline. OK, I know they left Hogwarts early April (maybe late March b/c they had to go a little faster). I know that they've been there for a few weeks. But OWLs start "tomorrow", which I had thought started in early June. And Arthur is working on the final phases of the Fidelius coming down. But it's not coming down until the end of May... What time is it now? :'( Wah. I'm so confused.
(But yay, I'm so proud of myself for thinking this through b/c my initial reaction was to review and be like "What the heck?! You can't have OWLs in early May!!" *doh* Boy, would *I* have felt stupid when that got responded to. :-D hahahahahaha)
hyper_swain posted a comment on Friday 13th January 2006 2:49pm for Chapter 5 - Relationship building
i am loving it! but what did ambiance 15 do?(if u dodnt mind me asking)
Prodipan Sengupta posted a comment on Friday 13th January 2006 2:48pm for Chapter 5 - Relationship building
i should have posted in yahoo,but for some reason my browser refused.
i just wanted to say i love this is a plot very new,& very well written.
BUT,pet peeves was much better than this list.its really no use to know somebody dumped their story.pp was more fun.
by the way,care to recommend some completed,no-slash fics?i am running low.
MattD posted a comment on Friday 13th January 2006 1:55pm for Chapter 5 - Relationship building
Oh, btw...'Seeking Ginny' is another one for your updateless list. It's been in the process of 'revision' for almost 7 months now. ARGH.
MattD posted a comment on Friday 13th January 2006 1:54pm for Chapter 5 - Relationship building
Great've done a great job in creating Dumbledore!villain against type. He's not the usual manipulator!Dumbledore...he's just cold, heartless, and out to put himself at the top. I like it, and I look forward to further interactions w/ him and the Outcasts.
Keep up the brilliant writing. Thanks for all the great work so far.
Sean Dillon posted a comment on Friday 13th January 2006 12:38pm for Chapter 5 - Relationship building
Oh no. Everybody has to get married. What a way for Arthur to find out Ginny been's intimate with Neville.
Will there be a family reunion / discussion now that Charley has joined them? Someone needs to find out about the portkey clerk in France and adjust his loyalties.
fashizzlism posted a comment on Friday 13th January 2006 11:56am for Chapter 5 - Relationship building
wow! for some reason i cant see charlie beliveing in DD much long since the fact that i fought that Harry mob will tell Charile about the stuff that DD has done... i hope you can update soon, i hated waiting 11 or 12 days :P but love the fact that your chapters are 3000 words, and are a decent read! i cant see how it take people 2 weeks to update a chapter with 1500 words when you can do this in 10 days... jeese you could write 1500 words in about 2 hours :P
Update soon and keep up the good work
Voldemort is Dead posted a comment on Friday 13th January 2006 10:53am for Chapter 5 - Relationship building
I certainly agree about the story The Father. I have just finished reading it and have wondered when it will ever be updated!
As far as this story, I am am really enjoying it. I can't wait to find out what happens next.
I really enjoy a lot of the stories I found on this site.
Oh, regarding Charlie...I hope somebody wises up to him before he mucks up Harry's plans. Too bad Harry or Draco couldn't devise some way of monitoring Charlie where he is staying.
Regress posted a comment on Friday 13th January 2006 10:04am for Chapter 5 - Relationship building
Please tell me big D is going to die soon. Both of them (Dudley and Dumbledore). And poor Charlie! All twisted and enthralled without even knowing it. Dingledong's got his claws into him but good.
Can't wait to see what happens with that part of the story, and how the Haven Army is going to start taking the fight to the DEs. I think there should be a House Elf combat squad, I mean can you imagine if they gave them all like, little swords or pistols or something? They can pop around naturally, heck it's what they DO most of the time. I mean 20 of them could come up against 20 DEs, and just pop behind them, stab them, pop away to confuse them, wait a moment or two, pop back in, stab, pop out. They'd be DEADLY! And unless there is a anti-popping ward out there, (They can pop in Hogwarts which had the strongest anti-apparating wards around from what I know and it didn't slow them down any), they could pull off all kinds of assassinations right in the heart of DE territory. I would love to see Lucius Malfoy waking up to Dobby standing over him with a hand-gun aimed right between his eyes. But that's just me, I love house elves. They rock, and are TOTALLY under-rated in most fictions, although you've done a MUCH better job than most in giving them a role that allows them to better utilize their talents.
Even if you don't bust out the Death-By-Dobby, I love this story and can't wait to see where it goes from here. Keep up the good work!
Meghan posted a comment on Friday 13th January 2006 7:41am for Chapter 5 - Relationship building
Oh I agree don't kill poor old Dumblydoor off... just slice into him publicly viciously and into so many frantic "how-do-I-save-myself?" pieces not even all of the power Harry commands could put Dumbledore together again...
Lady FoxFire posted a comment on Friday 13th January 2006 7:40am for Chapter 5 - Relationship building
So doesn't Dumbledore have any spells on Charlie and thats why he's following him without question?
noylj posted a comment on Friday 13th January 2006 7:17am for Chapter 5 - Relationship building
You two are the only writers who can have an Updateless List and not be hypocrites. Have you tried HP and the Power of Time for a wait? How about The Next Dance? HP and the Runespoor Shield? Backwards Compatible? Flying without a Broom? This Means War? These may not all be stellar stories, but I enjoyed them but haven't seen an update in so long...
Again thank you for two things: great stories and regular updates.
Crys posted a comment on Friday 13th January 2006 7:13am for Chapter 5 - Relationship building
Harry's threatening Tonks's income seemed just a bit . . . off. Oh, it was the quickest path to get what he wanted, but it seemed just a bit OoC, even in jest.
The talk with Millicent shows the continuing tensions in the general population. Well done.
Arthur/Melinda interaction is good (especially his confused explanations). The twins^2 are always entertaining (giant crabs? ;) Neville telling off Draco was great. Luna's thoughts are always a trip.
Charlie. Well, I'm glad at least Ginny is suspicious, though she can't verbalise why. Interesting to see where that leads.
Incidentally, if AD had an "Order" hideout in Ireland, wouldn't McG et al know about it?
As always, looking forward to more.
Jake posted a comment on Friday 13th January 2006 6:51am for Chapter 5 - Relationship building
Great chapter, I love the way the story is progressing and can't wait to see what happens next with the american informant. The James Bond stuff is great and I think that Draco using Luna as a letter drop opens up some kinky possibilities like we've already seen. Keep up the great work and update soon!
Lurk posted a comment on Friday 13th January 2006 6:41am for Chapter 5 - Relationship building
Wonderful chapter, guys! Gah, I feel soooo insanely bad for Charlie! But ya know, it would be funny if he managed to get Dumbledore in, and then everyone in the Haven just completely blew him off (Dumbledore, that is, not Charlie.) Oh, what a blow to the ego!
Poor Ginny. What with Charlie now, she must be frightened that she's loosing another part of her family. But hey, she does have Neville to cheer her up! I loved Arthur's reaction, by the way. Even though I was ticked that he would say something like that to Harry. I guess that goes to show that he still hasn't completely forgotten the lies he'd been fed.
Aaaand we see the Twins deadly (maybe) pranks! Glad you finally got them in there, and glad Draco wised up enough to see their potential! Battles are going to become much more interesting now.
Personally, I'm in two minds about Harry's leg. One mind is saying, "BOOYAH! We've got a powerful Harry, BUT he's got his own fight-limiting-problem which is NOT going to go away (though it might get better.)" The other mind is saying, "Wait...I like SuperPower!Harry...and his body should be fit, his whole body!" Then, of course, I repeatedly strike the second mind, disgusted that it would wish to "Common-ize" your incredible story.
Keep up the great work! Love the UPDATELSS LIST!
Chewy posted a comment on Friday 13th January 2006 6:26am for Chapter 5 - Relationship building
Will Harry find out about Charley and what Ginny feels about something been wrong. I really liked were Harry was laying down the law the land to Mr Wesley i like the way you are writeing Luna she is not as space as some auters write her. will dumbledor cause more trouble for. Harry and what will Harry do when he finds out Charley is spyin for Dumbledor i hope before Harry takes care of Vordmont he will get even with Dumbledor.
Amanda1 posted a comment on Friday 13th January 2006 5:56am for Chapter 5 - Relationship building
Very nicely done as usual.
The Prancing Pony wouldn't be from Lord of the Rings, would it? And did Q come from the "Bond" movie series? It just rang a bell while I was reading.
I also have read "The Father" and I, too, wish that it was updated. :-(
What has happened to Hedwig by the way? Haven't seen her in awhile.
Viridian posted a comment on Saturday 14th January 2006 4:43am for Chapter 5 - Relationship building