Sunrise Over Britain
Chapter 5 - Relationship building
By Bobmin
Arkeus posted a comment on Thursday 12th January 2006 10:19pm for Chapter 5 - Relationship building
question: caleb, did you take this name as an homage to feist, or did you try to invent a name and.....?
Hope the thing go well for charlie , though he is stupid to think that matured=controlled.
Stone Cold posted a comment on Thursday 12th January 2006 10:19pm for Chapter 5 - Relationship building
Love this story.
Every update continues to weave a powerful story. A great story that is so much fun to read.
Boy howdy, Charlie Weasley isn't one of the brighter of the Weasley clan.
harry85 posted a comment on Thursday 12th January 2006 10:13pm for Chapter 5 - Relationship building
I liked this chapter, and I reckon it's just obvious you can't kill Dumbledore soon. I just hope they kick Charlie from Haven soon, that would already be enough.
However, I don't think that will happen too. Guess DD will know lots on Haven before his spy is discovered...
red jacobson1 posted a comment on Thursday 12th January 2006 9:08pm for Chapter 5 - Relationship building
Hey Bob and Alyx; excellent chapter; and (since I hate just saying the same thing over and over *GRIN*) I'd like to compliment you on your use of Terry in this chapter; honestly; I think that's the most character development I've ever seen him receive in all the fics I've read.
Also, is the Prancing Pony still run by old Barliman Butterburr?
Can't wait to see what else you two have in store for us.
Olafr posted a comment on Thursday 12th January 2006 8:35pm for Chapter 5 - Relationship building
Souped up brooms? Maybe souped up spoons... can you imagine that? *snicker*
As always, very well done. One minor nit, one *pours* water but *pores* over books &c.
- Olafr.
Kristina posted a comment on Thursday 12th January 2006 8:14pm for Chapter 5 - Relationship building
another great chapter from a couple of fine writers. well first off...
Damn shame that Dumbledore isn't gonna die! I'm sorry, but in this I hated his guts!
I'm sorry, that was a big outburst.
It was good, can't wait to see what happens next!
P.S. So um, Charlie is been corrupted by Dumbledore, huh?
biblios posted a comment on Thursday 12th January 2006 7:05pm for Chapter 5 - Relationship building
I am finally getting a chance to review but am finding it hard to review when most of the authors here are so good, so I will do a what I like instead ;-)
I love the slow development of the characters, and cant wait for more of the grangers... I hope charlie dosent do anything too unfixable before he learns how he is being duped... he seemed the closest to his mum in careing for all, and all being in its place, careing as in dragons! and calmess, and while bill would see his folks as people due to being the oldest the rest wouldnt automatically and charlie has been away sooo long, esp his thoughts on ginny would be behind reality even in a normal situation, this aint normal, hope draco picks it up and the twins help... love the twin/twins and I like the funnies at the top but must you hurt poor sevvie? and the next one could be a cello player thats already dead?
snigger love getting the ref, but bad bob, alan rickman is lush, now behave (smacks wrist)
cant wait for more, so write faster....humm please
lol biblios
AcceleratedGlass posted a comment on Thursday 12th January 2006 6:33pm for Chapter 5 - Relationship building
good chapter, update soon
David Chamberlain posted a comment on Thursday 12th January 2006 5:58pm for Chapter 5 - Relationship building
Thanks alot...
On the one hand its nice to get recommendations on the other hand recommending stuff like this is enough to cause asshats like Ambiance15 ( to try and get _The Father_ banned too.
Heh...Ambiance15's page: [ ]
Notice how she doesn't actually *write* anything? Well how long do you think it'll be before she starts trying to shut down another author? Just in case I nabbed the chapters and rar'd them up and uploaded them to
[ ]
NOTE: You must click free, then wait 30 seconds for the 'prove I'm not a script' image to show-- then type in the three letter\number combo and you can download the file.
--David Chamberlain aka the bornagainpenguin
Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Thursday 12th January 2006 5:45pm for Chapter 5 - Relationship building
Very, very interesting. I rather enjoyed the hesitant way things are developing between Arthur and Melinda; which is as it should be since both are still mourning, somewhat, past relationships that are permanently ended. The revival of the Brotherhood bringing new powers to light is to be expected, that kind of power doesn't normally manifest itself often enough to be commonplace. It's going to be real intersting to see what kind of tracking spell, or device, is attached to those cauldrons; *chuckle* be amusing to use a couplg muggle RFID tags.
Robert Hope posted a comment on Thursday 12th January 2006 5:33pm for Chapter 5 - Relationship building
Good chapter as always, Bob a few words of advice: stop pissing Alex off with the disclaimers. Look forward to reading more soon
Oldwolf posted a comment on Thursday 12th January 2006 5:21pm for Chapter 5 - Relationship building
I actually feel quite sorry for Charlie. By the time he realises just how badly he's screwed up it's going to be too late. I am honestly expecting him to try and slip Harry some of the <I>Liquid Imperio</I> which he may or may not live to regret depending entirely on how quickly he talkes and explains the whole idea was Idiot-dore's.
On a different note, I'm glad to see Arthur is starting to get over Molly and develope other interests.
Whatever power Ginny is developeing, I hope she learns to trust soon for the sake of all Haven.
As for Dumbledore, serious question, is he a fugitive from the British Ministry in Exile or is he still regarded mostly as an interfiring pain in the rump? Because his best chance of meeting Harry is when the drop the charm hiding Haven. However, if he is considered a fugitive, as is fitting considering the list of things he allowed to happen to Harry that they should still have evidence of, as soon as he shows his face, he is going to be arrested. Even if, by some mircicle, he escapes Harry will be aware that he is in the country which should ensure the meddling old man isn't free for overly long.
Quizer posted a comment on Thursday 12th January 2006 10:23pm for Chapter 5 - Relationship building