Content Harry Potter


Tammy Driver posted a comment on Saturday 11th July 2020 6:43am for Chapter 6 - Far Reaching Decisions

If nobody with a dark aura could get into Haven without becoming seriously ill, how did Dumbles?

Bthumper posted a comment on Tuesday 19th November 2013 2:46pm for Chapter 6 - Far Reaching Decisions

Authors notes aren't that bad. They are like colds. You only get them after a long spell and then it is over. :)

Lord Cleveland posted a comment on Monday 28th May 2012 2:21pm for Chapter 6 - Far Reaching Decisions

Another shitty ass chapter. Wow. Why in the devils name would arthur be deputy minister when he was a traitor and participator in horrendous crimes against a child? Thats how i know i should stop reading your story. Sorry that yall started sucking at writing.

Fidelia posted a comment on Monday 20th October 2008 4:41am for Chapter 6 - Far Reaching Decisions

I realize that this fic is finished. I have read Sunset (interesting take on the humumgously powerful!Harry btw.) The Matura Magicus (or the other way around) is a very creative idea to cover the birth of the magical side of new wizards/witches and why some are more powerful than others and why children only get their letters for Hogwarts at that time in their lives.
My next point is utterly silly - it just hurt to have Charlie slap Ginny. SlightlyShady Charlie just hurts and seems so wrong though I fully understand why he would be reacting this way given your take on the Potterverse. None of the other characters twists and turns hae given me quite the emotional jolt than distrustful charlie - though evilRon was very sad.
Enjoyable story.

RockBiter posted a comment on Sunday 24th August 2008 7:24am for Chapter 6 - Far Reaching Decisions

I love your voice and style, but someone did make a valid point in the last reviews I read. When a reader encounters a flaw in grammar or, sometimes, punctuation, it does stop the story cold. You're cruising along at top speed, enjoying the story, then someone slams on the brakes. It often takes a minute to straighten it out in your head, and, by then, you've lost your mojo. Betas do seem to be kind and gentle creatures. Helpful, too.

Prongs1977 posted a comment on Wednesday 30th April 2008 12:31pm for Chapter 6 - Far Reaching Decisions

I noticed you said you're "out of alan rickman movies", and while I realize this may not be useful for Sunrise, you do know he was in Galaxy Quest and Die Hard, right? I don't remember seeing those, and of course, IMDB has all the "others" listed, though it doesn't seem like he did much outside HP, those I listed above, and those you've used.

Amber Dragon posted a comment on Wednesday 12th March 2008 10:51am for Chapter 6 - Far Reaching Decisions

We've decided to comment on all those people that think it's cool to leave descriptive reviews consisting entirely of punctuation characters. So here is our comment.

Ouch! Is that even possible?

GreatWarlord posted a comment on Tuesday 14th August 2007 11:02am for Chapter 6 - Far Reaching Decisions

if harry erected a line of death that makes those with a black aura become ill, why doesn't dumbledore become ill when he goes into haven to start his pub. I mean he did kill grindelwald and knowingly did all of that evil stuff to harry, wouldn't his aura be dark too?

Joyfullscroll posted a comment on Friday 22nd June 2007 10:15am for Chapter 6 - Far Reaching Decisions

First and foremost, thanks for posting here some story recommendations.

As for Charlie...I already mentioned something on he and Dumbles in a earlier review. Except for the fact that until now it mentions that he (Charlie) is a Willing Victim (in a matter of speaking). You didn't mention till this chapter that the Journal was a known two-way communication devise.

As for the Harry/Dumbledore confrontation that will be a whole chapter in of itself. Glad Harry finally asked Hermione to the local dance. Also we now have a wedding date for all the Brotherhood. Will it also include Dan and Emma? I know they are already married in the Muggle sense, but would they willingly participate in their new found Wizarding Bonding as well?

Oh I was surprised that Lucius called Dudley a 'muggle' instead of a 'mudblood'. I thought all muggles are called 'mudbloods' in the narrow minded set of purebloods? Just a thought.

Selma Flamel posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 1:17am for Chapter 6 - Far Reaching Decisions

Excellent chapter.

GryffindorDragon posted a comment on Monday 4th June 2007 6:48am for Chapter 6 - Far Reaching Decisions

The prank on Tonks was very good.
'he's had a hard time accepting the divorce' -- ?? has this come up in the story before? Aside from Charlie going to look for Molly (would that necessarily indicate he's not accepting the divorce?), I don't recall seeing anything. So Dumbledore performed some of his 'memory charms' on Charlie? he comes across as a rerun of Ron. I have to err on the side of those reviewers who have trouble with Charlie; while Arthur may have withheld criticism of Molly, is it likely that all letters sent to Charlie would've failed to mention the systematic theft of Harry? Charlie's behaviour is understandable either as Charlie coming from an informational vacuum and accepting Dumbledore's version based on his having saved his life (and being his former beloved headmaster) or (and that former possibility doesn't seem likely as you don't have Charlie coming from an informational vacuum -- his family [not just Arthur and Molly] has been sending him letters) while Charlie was in a weakened condition Dumbledore tampered with his mind like he did with Ron.
I think the tension Dumbledore creates in the story is extremely plotworthy (even if a bit distracting as the story is supposed to be about the retaking of England from Voldie). But is Charlie the best vehicle for Dumblie's machinations?
Ok, I apologize for overanalyzing your story.

lmahlerdd posted a comment on Friday 23rd March 2007 11:16pm for Chapter 6 - Far Reaching Decisions

Hello Bob and Alyx,

I have a bit of a bone to pick with you. I was up for promotion board this past month, and just happened to come across your story around the same time. I was having mucho trouble tearing myself away from your most excellent story and getting myself to study for my board. In the end, I did well enough, and will be pinned next month.

I love the story, and could sit here and tell you all the wonderful things about it for a while, but I wouldn't want to waste your time. What I want to ask, though, is how much Hermione's parents are modeled after the two of you? After reading your disclaimers and authors notes, I'd like to think that I received a small insight into your personalities and they seem to match Dan and Emma's spot on. Is it their reaction, being able to excuse everything as magic, or yours? Ah well, keep up the excellent work. I expect you'll hear more out of me now that I don't have to study anymore. Thanks for the wonderful distraction!

Berkeley posted a comment on Thursday 8th February 2007 1:10pm for Chapter 6 - Far Reaching Decisions

I've noticed that you guys are using the word 'quip' more frequently, but you're using it incorrectly. A quip is a witty statement, not just a statement period.

webdoc posted a comment on Wednesday 14th June 2006 6:46am for Chapter 6 - Far Reaching Decisions

I have been a fan of your work for some time, and was glad to have stumbled onto your new location. Keep up the good work.

Oh and seeing as I have a warped sense of hunor myself, I love the breif "skits" before the chapters.

TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Tuesday 2nd May 2006 2:43am for Chapter 6 - Far Reaching Decisions

Outstanding, gotta love Peeves.


star22 posted a comment on Wednesday 29th March 2006 4:36am for Chapter 6 - Far Reaching Decisions

I am really enjoying your story. The whole Voldemort taking over Britain plot is very unique. This is my third time through the story, and I just can't get enough.

I really only have one problem with this chapter. Why is it that it is all right for Remus to risk his life, but not Tonks? She's an auror and trained to fight. She should be allowed to go out there and do her job. Hermione doesn't allow Harry to keep her from fighting. Tonks would be the same way.

Viridian posted a comment on Tuesday 28th March 2006 8:39am for Chapter 6 - Far Reaching Decisions

The ongoing Weasley drama is interesting, but I'm surprised Charlie isn't discovering some unsettling truths in the course of his information-gathering.

Long chapters are fine, until them make you go so long between updates that some berk slaps your story onto some silly 'updateless list'.


Frank LeTanc posted a comment on Tuesday 14th March 2006 6:50am for Chapter 6 - Far Reaching Decisions

I have always been a bit of a conspiracy theorist. I like being able to see things that aren't there. So I throw out one that may be a bit extreme, shall we say, but here me out....okay?

In regards to the wonderfully refreshing and delightful Mrs. McKinney with her long auburn hair and green eyes......she wouldn't happen to Lily Potter who somehow survived only to be obliviated by the old goat so as to keep Harry under his thumb. Yes, a bit out there, and I'm sure that I'm very wrong and that it fits nowhere into the realm of your story. But I thought the auburn hair and green eyes were coincidental, and I don't really believe in coincidences.

Oh and to explain Harry remembering the green light and his Lily screamig when he sees dementors. Dumbledore modified his memory just a little bit to remember that which also helped in delaying his matura and explains a lot of his problems in school such as taking forever to grasp simple spells, but can bang out a high powered patronus at the mere age of 13.

Finally, another suggestion for the updateless list....."Harry Potter and the Year of Resolve" by bferbear. A really smashing story that was just strating to get really interesting and got abandoned in November of 2003. The link is

Bobmin356 replied:

No, Melinda isn't Lily.   Lily died with her husband in Godric's Hollow from the killing curse and will not make an appearance in this story.

Yes, Melinda does have green eyes, but her hair is black, though I'm not sure we've ever mentioned that in the story.   You're theory is interesting, I'll give you that.   However, don't you think if Melinda were truly Lily Potter, she'd be doing everything she could to see Harry, including visiting the manor?   Melinda's never been to the manor, nor made any attempt to see, let alone meet Harry.

We have too many plot lines running to create something like this within Sunrise.

Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Thursday 2nd March 2006 7:51pm for Chapter 6 - Far Reaching Decisions

The plot bunnies about Peeves and the growing military bearing of the house-elves are great fun.

Over and over again Dumbledore as a bad guy becomes more intriguing. My only concern is Charlie gettting killed decause of his involvment with Dumbledore. But hey, this is war.

The idea of the scope and pervue of justice to be addressed by the Brotherhood was a brilliant conception. Genius.

Well done.

Quizer posted a comment on Friday 17th February 2006 6:21am for Chapter 6 - Far Reaching Decisions

"...and no one with a black aura will cross it with becoming truly ill."

shouldn't that be 'without' at the end of the sentence? Just thought I'd point that out.

Cheers for the new update, which I'm going to read now! ^_^
