Sunrise Over Britain
Chapter 9 - The Pain of Birth
By Bobmin
Keeroo92 posted a comment on Friday 7th January 2011 9:21pm for Chapter 9 - The Pain of Birth
Charlie accepted everything pretty fast for the impact it made on his core ideals. I don't know if it would've been so quick in reality, but the proof was clear enough for it to be believable. Well done!
superseastallion posted a comment on Sunday 26th April 2009 12:07pm for Chapter 9 - The Pain of Birth
Harry's t-shirts are so bloody funny lol!!
Joyfullscroll posted a comment on Saturday 23rd June 2007 3:17am for Chapter 9 - The Pain of Birth
Well this one was one really a Grignotts roller-coaster that would put the best to shame. Nice ending to this chapter.
Finally Charlie gets the clue! Now he and Author will have Lots more in common. Both decieved and munitpulated by Bumbles. That reminds me of Harry's infamous T's... here's a suggestion for a t-shirt for Remus given by either Harry or Hermione (not Tonks she could disagree on it *winks*) "Moony/Wolfie Pet, All Bark...No Bite!" *snickers* He's the only known Were who wouldn't 'bite' anyone on the side of the 'Light' (with the possible exception of only Tonks and his future 'pups' *grins*)
Now how will the town of Haven react to Harry's public display of how he handled Dumbles and those that he (Dumbles) 'planted the seeds of dissention'? With the now possible convertion of Charlie to Harry's side...(I say that as a tentive, not a positve known fact) how will this affect the towns perception with also the attack of the Dementors and now the creation of the 'angels'?
Too bad Harry was so exhasted when he confronted Dumbles so publically. His 'rush into things without planning' is really comming to the fore again isn't it? If he confronted Dumbles when he was rested and with an 'warrent for his arrest' would have been much more logical. But that won't help the storyline too much at this point now would it. Looking forward to the next twist you two come up with. Ja ne!
Selma Flamel posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 1:30am for Chapter 9 - The Pain of Birth
The Enchanted Goat? Could he be more obvious. Though of course he probably didn’t let it get spread around much about his brother. Anyway you look at it the name brought a chuckle out of me.
GryffindorDragon posted a comment on Tuesday 5th June 2007 5:52am for Chapter 9 - The Pain of Birth
You had a double negative in the disclaimer, so you do claim rights regarding Harry Potter.
'the a group of ten' -- just 'a group ...'
'the hair on little Brendan head' -- Brendan's head
Why wouldn't the rings recognize the Weasley's divorce?
gadriam posted a comment on Saturday 28th April 2007 7:59pm for Chapter 9 - The Pain of Birth
Pet peeve: Authors who thinks they're bloody Kafka.
Well crafted writing is generally a good thing, but not when the story suffers for it. This particular story started with a great and powerful buildup. That is still going on, and while it lets some steam out sometimes, there's no real release. Every time some storyline concludes, it does so with a minor fart that is overshadowed by a greater plot twist that keeps up the momentum.
It's not entertaining anymore.
There's nothing quite so impotent as a review like this one, written long after the fact. The absurdity is even greater as i'm mostly annoyed over the quality of the story than anything else. It just doesn't qualify as light reading anymore.
Sir Chris posted a comment on Saturday 24th June 2006 10:35am for Chapter 9 - The Pain of Birth
Hm, I am a couple chapters past this but I wanted to note about your updateless list thing.
I couldn't find myself reading Merlin's Gifts at all, to be honest. The dialogue seemed very out of place and so direct that it read more like an amateur script than any real fanfiction. So I was honestly curious as to what drew you to that particular fanfiction piece, out of curiousity.
Oh and it goes without saying you guys are doing a brilliant job with this, I just haven't been in much of a reviewing mood lately.
Darth Revan posted a comment on Saturday 20th May 2006 5:27am for Chapter 9 - The Pain of Birth
No, the story Harry Potter and Merlin's Gifts is not abandonned, it has been updated the 8th of this month.
And, I think there is a story that you can like, it is a like yours and its title is Ascension of the Scorpion Sorcerer. Read it, you'll love it.
catallison posted a comment on Friday 12th May 2006 11:40pm for Chapter 9 - The Pain of Birth
I started reading the other reader reviews for the first time yesterday, but I generally keep up with the author notes, and I have to say, I'm pretty surprised that so many people are down on the Charlie-manipulated-by-Dumbledore subplot. I love it. It add some complexity, and is completely reasonable, and I like how its introduced us to Ginny's talent. If we're to believe that Dumbledore manipulated Harry, the majority of the Order, and the wizarding world successfully for x years, it shouldn't be any surprise to anyone that Charlie is taken in for a few days/weeks as well. And let's be honest, his family took their sweet time getting around to telling him about what was really going down. If he's only getting information from a source who's supposedly beyond reproach and his family is acting shifty, what else should we expect?
TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Wednesday 3rd May 2006 12:03am for Chapter 9 - The Pain of Birth
Good chapter but a burrmer at the end.
Ruth posted a comment on Tuesday 25th April 2006 4:38am for Chapter 9 - The Pain of Birth
I've just read all of sunset and what you've written of sunrise in about 4 days (after work and sharing the computer with my hubby... damn him). I've been really enjoying it and im glad you dont answer many questions that people ask you cos i hate it when people spoil the plot. Cant wait for your next chapter. When will it be out and how do i know when it is?!
MichelleG posted a comment on Tuesday 25th April 2006 2:21am for Chapter 9 - The Pain of Birth
I just recently read all of your stories. I think they're brilliant! I normally don't like the Harry/Hermione ship, but I like in in your sun stories. I love the disclaimers and Harry's T-shirts. I hope you update soon. I can't wait to see what happens next.
Carson Sheir posted a comment on Monday 24th April 2006 7:40am for Chapter 9 - The Pain of Birth
Really really good story. I first found you guys on and then I lost you for awhile... but I finally found you again. I hope you update this story soon
Ps: crispy creames are on the way :P
David Thacker posted a comment on Thursday 20th April 2006 3:23pm for Chapter 9 - The Pain of Birth
Mama is why the town is alive she has helped every one that has come after she got there and some even that where there before her.Here is an author that you might like the works of he realy dilikes Ron.
Badger-dude posted a comment on Wednesday 19th April 2006 1:20am for Chapter 9 - The Pain of Birth
pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeasssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeee update!!!!!! SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN lol AK enema? Kinky :P
smilingcat posted a comment on Tuesday 18th April 2006 8:21pm for Chapter 9 - The Pain of Birth
it ´s a great big story and I like it so much ;)
heart_bloodline posted a comment on Saturday 15th April 2006 4:16pm for Chapter 9 - The Pain of Birth
HEY HEY!!! ITS MY FIRST REVIEW!!! This is where I chastise you lovely vixens called authors... and tell you some random things about why I liked or did not like the chapter! Ready for it? Are you sure? Well... here it goes...
And thank you very much!
Umarth posted a comment on Friday 14th April 2006 3:44am for Chapter 9 - The Pain of Birth
Ok Love the story so far!!!
Lyon Pride posted a comment on Thursday 13th April 2006 3:25pm for Chapter 9 - The Pain of Birth
Well, I don't know if I believe that Charlie would cry, where do you come up with this stuff. Just joking seriously. I know how Chuck feels coming home to a kid sister who was just a runt when you left and finding out she's got teeth, its a shock let me tell you.
Did Dumbleydoor use one of Fred and George's Flashbang variant grenades? And if so how did he get them, Chuch wasn't stealing for him was he? I imagine that AD was using some sort of influencing charm on the pub again.
You two seem like nice folks, too bad you're from the east coast. We hail from the golden land of corn and soy, the midwest, more specificaly the second city (that would be Chicago).
What kind of spider is it that bit Alyx? Been there and its not fun.
Mallory makes me think Malfoy when I see it, so I sub conciously don't trust him, it may also be that he is a politician.
What happend to the sorting hat? Not that Harry would advocate using it I think, but I'd have trouble starting a new year without it.
Sorry that this was so long, execelent work, sorry I can't britpick for you.
Bobmin356 replied:
Alyx here. The chapter we just posted should answer the question about what Dumbledore used, at least partially. As for the sorting hat, the elves emptied Hogwarts of everything so yes, the hat was saved, but something odd has happened to it. It seems that in leaving Hogwarts, the hat has refused to speak. Due to this, Minerva has placed it on a shelf in her office next to her supply of catnip.
The spider that bit me was a Hobo spider. Nasty little beastie! It wouldn't have been too bad and would have healed in due time, but I managed to pick up a staph infection in the process, and I'm still dealing with that.
Bob is from the east coast (NYC), but I'm from the west. I was born in California but became an Idafornian when I was 14.
We like long reviews as much as most like long chapters, so no worries!
Lord Cleveland posted a comment on Monday 28th May 2012 7:52pm for Chapter 9 - The Pain of Birth