Content Harry Potter


Sofie posted a comment on Tuesday 11th April 2006 3:44am for Chapter 9 - The Pain of Birth

Hello there,
I just finished both Sunset and Sunrise. I stumbled across them from a recommendation at Fiction Alley. I am so very glad that I did. I have to thank you because I would almost swear that you wrote this in answer to a challenge that I wanted to give. I am not a writer, just a hug fan/reader. I really wanted to see a fic with Harry/Hermione that had a Harry with exactly the issues and power that you have written, where Draco was redeemed and yet still snarky. I LOVE what you've done. I LOVE long chapters and long stories. I have done almost nothing for the past 2 days except read. I really appreciate the way you've written Harry's reactions to his responsibilites and his humility. I would like to gush all over you and tell you all about how great it is, but you are the writers not me. Know that I am really enjoying and appreciating your time, effort, creativity and attention to detail. You've created something massive and wonderful. Haven is an amazing idea. I can't WAIT to see what happens next. Thanks so much for sharing your talents with all of us.

Lady FoxFire posted a comment on Sunday 9th April 2006 7:36am for Chapter 9 - The Pain of Birth

Finally I've had enough time to actual sit down and read this chapter! Of course now I have to get back to work! UGH!

Ok this question is for Alyx and I know I'm going to regret this question later but where did you find Bob and does he have a brother (unmarried and straight is preferred)

Bobmin356 replied:

Alyx here.   I found Bob in the dungeons of Yserbius while fighting my way through a horde of orcs.   He was a wizard (how fitting!) and I thought that my skill with the war hammer would be useful to him, as he was relatively new to the land.

In non-geek speak, I met him on an online gaming system back in 1994.   He flew out to see me a few months later and we've been together ever since. As for him having an unmarried brother, I'm afraid not.   His brother is very married.

Jack-A-Roe posted a comment on Friday 7th April 2006 12:56am for Chapter 9 - The Pain of Birth

First of all, strudel isn't easy to make. Especially trying to get that thin dough.

An entertaining chapter.

I'm glad they started to straighten Charlie out.

The memorial scene was nice but the setup etc seemed a bit much for a sideline of a plot line. Unless there is more to Olga.

The showdown with Dumbledore felt anticlimatic in this chapter. It seems like we needed more build up to that scene, which would have probably necessitated it being put in the next chapter.

freakyfinger posted a comment on Thursday 6th April 2006 12:08pm for Chapter 9 - The Pain of Birth

I HATE CLIFFIES!! But on a happier note, Dumble-dork has finally been exposed! yah!

noylj posted a comment on Tuesday 4th April 2006 4:54am for Chapter 9 - The Pain of Birth

You should mention that HP and the Mind Mage has been updated recently ( You guys rock. Updates frequently and stories excellent.

jessiepp posted a comment on Monday 3rd April 2006 9:06am for Chapter 9 - The Pain of Birth

really cool keep it up.

unperfectwolf posted a comment on Monday 3rd April 2006 3:56am for Chapter 9 - The Pain of Birth

I think this is one of those series that you get to the end and have to start over again because you can't remember what happened in the beginning. Or something. :). So, now, whats the towns people's reaction to Harry and Dumbledore? Humm?

Graup posted a comment on Saturday 1st April 2006 11:10pm for Chapter 9 - The Pain of Birth

I have very much enjoyed your story over the time you have published the updates. Do you have a mechanism to notify readers of updates occurring?

Anyway, although your story twists some major characters into totally different people (Molly, Ron, Dumbledore), it still works well on its own. You aren't holding canon sacred, but going your own way. It is refreshing, and a bit confusing at the same time. I like it.

The appearance of Dumbledore and his battle with Harry was fun to read. Dumbledore seems to represents evil from a whole new perspective - can I call it part-time evil? The evil of greed and pride pales by comparison to Voldie's evil, even though they are based upon similar concepts. Fascinating.

Harry's T-shirst are a hoot. I bit of levity always adds a special something to the story as well.

Anyway, well done, and thanks for sharing.

RainingFlowers posted a comment on Saturday 1st April 2006 8:43pm for Chapter 9 - The Pain of Birth

Love the story, but Dumbledore... bald?

I would be asking a load of questions here, but the odds are they'll never be answered, so all you need to know from me is that this is a fantastic story and you better keep up the good work and update soon or else.

I still can't get over a bald Dumbledore.

hedwig_edwiges posted a comment on Friday 31st March 2006 1:31am for Chapter 9 - The Pain of Birth

All I can say is that you two twist minds and knickers very well. And I hope that Harry is not going to spend another unholy amount of time hurt. The needs to pick up some stamina and a srong immunity system.

Christina C. Keimig posted a comment on Thursday 30th March 2006 1:24pm for Chapter 9 - The Pain of Birth

Oh, great chapter, folks! Hurrah for the Weasleys explaining things to Charlie and convincing him! Hurrah for the confrontation between Harry and Dumbledore. I guess it's a good thing the latter ran away, though, as Harry was pretty drained from what Luna did to him. Those anti-dementors were pretty cool, too.

shadowmist posted a comment on Wednesday 29th March 2006 7:04pm for Chapter 9 - The Pain of Birth

Eh, I'm starting to really not like (hate) Dumbledore... Can you have him die sometime in the next chapter? Preferably after lots of torture of the body and mind. Oh, and update soon please.

Rachel10 posted a comment on Wednesday 29th March 2006 6:23pm for Chapter 9 - The Pain of Birth

First of all..<looks around shiftily> I'm not above a good healthy amount of groveling when groveling is due.. so!

I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy!....ahem.

Brilliant story you two. I happen to love a good long read and you supply me with just that. Not to mention I used to be totally against the Harry/Hermione ship, and I just have to say, I stand converted! ;)

Also on more than one occasion while reading your disclaimers you've turned my tea into herbal vapor as well. Go figure!

And thank god that spider bite is clearing up. We don't wanna see Alyx going the way of the dodo (Ron) now do we?


Schokki posted a comment on Wednesday 29th March 2006 1:14am for Chapter 9 - The Pain of Birth

Dammit, I hate cliffhangers....

Awesome chapter, but I would have liked to see Dumbie being torn apart! :D

Maybe next chapter? *evil g*

Sarah9 posted a comment on Tuesday 28th March 2006 7:06pm for Chapter 9 - The Pain of Birth

Poor Charlie. I can't help but like him.

chapps posted a comment on Tuesday 28th March 2006 3:06pm for Chapter 9 - The Pain of Birth

Oh Dumbledore is so agrivating in your story!

I love this fic but pleeeeeeeeeeeeeese have Amelia release to the public all the dirt on old dumbles so the yohkle locals are against him then strip him naked and stick in to the ceiling of his pub and let the flesh eating slugs have a tasty treat between his legs... yes I know it will be quite nasty for them and they may not want to continue but damn it man you've got to do someting to that old bastard ........... ofcourse now that harry didn't have his 2nd skin on he'll most likely be severly injured grrrrrrrrr .... that old coot just can't help but help old Voldy, nearly as annoying as Umbitch....

What do we want?

AK enema for Dumbledore!

When do we want it?


Dahlias posted a comment on Tuesday 28th March 2006 11:05am for Chapter 9 - The Pain of Birth

I hope Harry doesn't hurt Charlie too much. I swear, I thought you were going to have a birthing scene or something, careful with the titles hun.

The teddie bear part was a bit scary considering it was made to smother children - *sniff*


Viridian posted a comment on Tuesday 28th March 2006 10:26am for Chapter 9 - The Pain of Birth

Liked the T-shirts, hate the cliffhangers.

Er, how did they knock holes in the wards? Were they that weak?

So, are the angels going to stick around now?

powellt posted a comment on Tuesday 28th March 2006 5:22am for Chapter 9 - The Pain of Birth

Never forget our primary aim is to tease and twist the reader's knickers until they bunch up and slide into that crack in a very uncomfortable manner.

:) Knickers whater them alls I gots is couple a drawers an thems too holey to twist too much.:)

Great chapter. It is always a pleasure to read well written and long updates to great stories. Please do keep up the good work and do please get to feeling better. Being laid up with an injury is always a drag, atleast until you're feeling well enough to start milking it for more TLC.

Jake posted a comment on Tuesday 28th March 2006 12:37am for Chapter 9 - The Pain of Birth

Great chapter, I can't wait for the real confrontation between Harry and Dumbledore! Keep up the great work and update soon!
