Sunrise Over Britain
Chapter 9 - The Pain of Birth
By Bobmin
Taren posted a comment on Saturday 25th March 2006 9:50pm for Chapter 9 - The Pain of Birth
Interesting bit. Liked the memorial service for the lost Aurors. Really shows what a bastard Dumbledore is when he tries to use it to turn people against Harry.
The battle with Dumbles... OK I understand that you had to severly drain Harrys power prior to the battle or it would be more of
See Dumbledore... Inprison Dumbledore... Make Dumbledore confess.
But To damage Harry yet again. Seems that most of the injuries Harry has taken have been while under Dumbles Direct supervision (snake bite) or at his hand (globe thingy). How much longer before Harry powers his way through whatever obscuring charms Dumbles has in place and summons the fool?
Rex posted a comment on Saturday 25th March 2006 9:47pm for Chapter 9 - The Pain of Birth
DOWN WITH DUMBLEDORE, now that that is out of my system. Can you reintroduce the ferret but in animagus form for draco and have him break into where the potions are brewed and plant c4 in ever cauldron?
Quizer posted a comment on Saturday 25th March 2006 8:56pm for Chapter 9 - The Pain of Birth
Liked the memorial. It's a great and fitting tribute to those who gave their lives in the fight. I'm also glad to see that Charlie could be convinced by the truth.
Also, here's finally the Harry/Dumbledore face-to-face rumble you have promised. Too bad it was ended prematurely...
But I bet we'll get to see the genuine article in time, eh? Harry messed up big time, though. He should have left Dumbledore unawares and prepare for the assault instead of going off half-cocked like that. Looks like he still has to work on his temper!
Keep up the good work!
Davideg posted a comment on Saturday 25th March 2006 8:07pm for Chapter 9 - The Pain of Birth
fantastic chapter i cant wait for your next update
David Thacker posted a comment on Saturday 25th March 2006 8:03pm for Chapter 9 - The Pain of Birth
Great chapter.Thank you for this story and the time and effort that you have put in to it.Please ignore any and all flames.Enjoy your self when you write and have fun in your life when you can.
fashizzlism posted a comment on Saturday 25th March 2006 7:38pm for Chapter 9 - The Pain of Birth
awwww.... you stoped there.... evil cliffie! hahah glad to hear your getting better! please.... you cant leave us on the edge for two long... a week max PLEASE!!! :)
im glad charile has finally come around.... and what is dumbledork going to do now... at least harry beat him.... well sorta anyways i guess... he retreated FIRST! in your opinion who won?
Please update as soon as possible... i hope the orb thing dosnt have some permet damage like his leg....
Musings of Apathy posted a comment on Saturday 25th March 2006 6:59pm for Chapter 9 - The Pain of Birth
Excellent chapter, Alyx. (I realized that I normally forget and address myself to Bob, so this time, Bob, go sit in the corner and let Alyx read the good reviews. She'll save the bad ones for you to read and respond to.)
I like that Charlie has started to be resolved, but I can't help but be victim to your twists and turns and wonder if it is genuine and permanent.
Dumbledore is certainly a right bastard. (And that is all I have to say about that.)
I love the anti-dementors. I don't believe that I have ever read one with that before. (I could be mistaken, but if I did, I am sure that they didn't do it as well.)
I liked your version of the disclaimer, Alyx. Perfect way for Snape to go down, by a herd of stampeeding hippogriffs. Oh, I'm sorry, that was Bob's improvisation. But really, if you didn't want Snape trampled by a herd of hippogriffs, don't put one anywhere near Bob.
For a disclaimer, I picture having Snape taken out by a sniper rifle fired by Alan Rickman, due to a grudge involving look alikes and draging a good man down by making thousands of fangirls think that they are one in the same person. This might help some *~nudge-nudge~* realize the difference between the actor and the character.
As always, thank you for writing and sharing with the unwashed masses. Of course I am only speaking for myself here.
Musings of Apathy.
Riven posted a comment on Saturday 25th March 2006 5:42pm for Chapter 9 - The Pain of Birth
awsome awsome, i did have an interesting idea the other day that you may or may not choose to use. i know you said molly is dead and thats all well and good but what if ole voldie found her corpse and made it an inferi? the same with Ron and then sent those two inferi at harry's little group, it could be a psycological attack not at harry but at harry's friends and supporters. can you imagine ginny haveing to torch the already burnt body of her mom? that would cause a nice little conflict for a bit
ridmania posted a comment on Saturday 25th March 2006 5:33pm for Chapter 9 - The Pain of Birth
absolutly loved it!!!!
AcceleratedGlass posted a comment on Saturday 25th March 2006 10:06pm for Chapter 9 - The Pain of Birth