Content Harry Potter


mysuv1 posted a comment on Sunday 7th January 2018 3:36pm for Chatper 7 - And so it begins

I am loving this story

Rico Perrien posted a comment on Tuesday 2nd April 2013 2:47pm for Chatper 7 - And so it begins

Many years ago, I was told that the difference between men and women was that men think the Three Stooges are funny, and women don't.

I am curious how Alix feels about that.

Lord Cleveland posted a comment on Monday 28th May 2012 2:26pm for Chatper 7 - And so it begins

This story sucks. FYI.

and whatever happened to your pet peeve about authors who switch point of views constantly intheir stories. You both are idiots when it comes down to things.

Keeroo92 posted a comment on Thursday 6th January 2011 6:57pm for Chatper 7 - And so it begins

*bangs head on table at Charlies stupidity. He's utterly cringeworthy.

ivorynightfall posted a comment on Friday 24th September 2010 10:57pm for Chatper 7 - And so it begins

Why won't the Weasley's deal with Charlie? They're fing delusional... they all realize that its important but then don't do it --;

Tammy Driver posted a comment on Monday 21st September 2009 8:55pm for Chatper 7 - And so it begins

Another little gem for your "Updateless List".

Something happens during the summer after sixth year leaving Hermione a shadow of her former self. Can she move on with a little help or will the halls of Hogwarts be haunted forever by stone angels. HGSS, HPDM, RWLL, and GWNL.
Harry Potter - Fiction Rated: M - English - Angst/Romance - Chapters: 17 - Words: 102,384 - Reviews: 437 - Updated: 12-4-07 - Published: 7-28-04 - - Hermione G./Severus S

malfoie posted a comment on Friday 19th June 2009 10:42am for Chatper 7 - And so it begins

I know this does not belong on the no update list but their is Lorrdwar's The Summer of Change which he should make a sequel for. That story along started the hole Honks craze that everyone is trying to mimic but are falling short. Just thought i would pop that one up their. Now on to your story I like it. Its starting to drag on a little bit with nothing new happening, but i want to keep reading it to find out what happens next.

poohbear posted a comment on Tuesday 24th June 2008 5:09pm for Chatper 7 - And so it begins

I have one for your updateless questions and answers by sbar it's a great story but she has not up dated it in a year!!!!!!!!

impliedauthor posted a comment on Saturday 14th June 2008 12:39pm for Chatper 7 - And so it begins

I don't know if you guys are still interested, but Harry Potter and the Mind Mage, which you list as being updateless and abandoned, is actually completed. It's posted on a site called It's a good story, but I like yours better.

dadscooking posted a comment on Wednesday 26th December 2007 11:27am for Chatper 7 - And so it begins

Just a silly note - it says Chatper 7????


nimistar posted a comment on Wednesday 7th November 2007 1:56pm for Chatper 7 - And so it begins

i have to ask, is the power amping ritual valdemort is using the same as the one brought up by snape and dumbeldore in the first story. because if so didn't you say that the subjects whos power is stolen must be a virgin, i dare say that Penelope is no longer one if her physical discription has any truth to it.

James Milamber posted a comment on Monday 29th October 2007 5:21am for Chatper 7 - And so it begins

Greetings, oh wonderful...erm...writers of wonderfulness! *Snaps off a salute he stole from Dobby*
Normally I don't review a story until the end, but I just had to review this chapter...for obvious reasons! Now I know what people were talking about when they reviewed HPMM and mentioned "Bobmin's List"...
In case you're remotely interested, HPMM is on the go again (5 years after the's got to be some sort of record, wot?), although not on It's only being published at WizardTales now (, under the same name.
Now, I'm sure I could wax lyrical about your magnificent story, but I'm sure it would be just repeating what you've already heard from countless other stories. Oh, and I agree with Bob about the last 2 books. Sad, sad state of affairs. I mean, really, where the bloody blue blazes did the Deathly Hallows come from? Side swiped, much?
Ahem. On with the story! *Grins, salutes, and Disapparates to the next chapter*

Selma Flamel posted a comment on Wednesday 6th June 2007 1:21am for Chatper 7 - And so it begins

Picking up garbage for being too rowdy...excellent punishment.

GryffindorDragon posted a comment on Monday 4th June 2007 8:01am for Chatper 7 - And so it begins

Dumbledore's got Charlie wrapped up in a conspiracy mentality; anything evidence he comes across against Dumbly just serves to reinforce it. I wonder if Charlie is going to be rescued.
'Even the water was watered down' -- another line I shouldn't like, but do.
'The man looked about as dangerous as a neighborhood girl scout selling cookies' -- but don't you know the girl scouts are actually martial arts experts trained by the house of Flying Daggers

Eagle-Eyes posted a comment on Wednesday 29th November 2006 12:22pm for Chatper 7 - And so it begins

I'm just wondering how long it will take for that exceptionally brilliant (although danger-loving) red headed dragon handler to realize the bull crap that old fart has been feeding him. Oh yes, he will come to the realization that he's been fed a lie and will most likely crawl back to his family begging forgiveness, BUT WHEN???

Darth Revan posted a comment on Saturday 20th May 2006 4:30am for Chatper 7 - And so it begins

You're right the story called Harry Potter and the Mind Mage had been discontinued on FFnet.

TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Tuesday 2nd May 2006 6:34am for Chatper 7 - And so it begins

Good chapter.


Viridian posted a comment on Tuesday 28th March 2006 9:14am for Chatper 7 - And so it begins

"The spell would give him nearly all of his old mobility back, enabling him to duel without the possibility of the leg going lame. But with the good, came the bad. The downside of the spell, according to Eocho, was that when the spell wore off, the disability of his leg would be increased, permanently. With repeated uses of the spell, it was possible for the leg to become a useless appendage, unable to sustain his weight for even short distances. The pain would be chronic, and permanent as well."

I smell narsty foreshadowing here, a la Chekov's gun on the mantle.

I know you hate Snape, but you aren't going to give him Bitchy-Molly-Prewitt as a roomie are you? That's going beyond the pale!

Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Sunday 12th March 2006 4:25am for Chatper 7 - And so it begins

Another amazing chapter with a twisted disclaimer.

I'm just glad you've given a pretty solid indication Charlie is going to live to find out that Dumbledore is crooked. I just didn't want Charlie to realize he's gone bad moments before he dies.

The Weasley family interaction is so well written.

Erik Wiggins posted a comment on Thursday 9th March 2006 2:02pm for Chatper 7 - And so it begins

God, I love your stuff! Just please dome a favor, almost every story I've read (Probably about 15 after Dumbledore's Army and it's Sequel) have yet to do the battle between Harry and Voldemort justice. I have been surprised to read these stories that the authors have spent so much time on, only to spend a paragraph or two on the actual battle - please this is such a good story- Make the battle Epic! You guys can easily do it! -Erik