By Bobmin
neely61 posted a comment on Saturday 19th August 2006 4:20am
Great chapter! Things are starting to move along nicely now. Can't wait for more! One note though...
"Inside the camp there are four rows of five blockhouses each. If our scouts are right, we could be seeing at least eighty people per blockhouse. That's a total of two thousand prisoners in this camp.
By my math 4 x 5 x 80 = 1600... not 2000.
Asad posted a comment on Saturday 19th August 2006 3:08am
An enjoyable chapter... I await your solution to the crime situation in Haven...
Will the manor be filled with Dobby Jr.s in the timeline of this fic? :D
beauty0102 posted a comment on Saturday 19th August 2006 2:59am
yeah great chapter can't wait for more so please update again and soon.
Jim_xinu posted a comment on Saturday 19th August 2006 2:11am
Nice chapter, thanks for sharing it with us.
Sean Dillon posted a comment on Saturday 19th August 2006 1:55am
So which Blofeld was it? The one from Diamonds are Forever or the one from You Only Live Twice?
With Q Branch, that's the second Bond reference I've picked up. Am I going to have to start over from chapter 1 to see if I missed any others?
Damn I hate that Amhar guy. Are we going to see him make another pass at his secretary and get his assed kick by her husband?
UdderPD posted a comment on Saturday 19th August 2006 12:29am
As usual another excellent chapter.
However I would like to hope that this story does not go the way of so mant others where the baddies get all of the breaks and the goodies go blind and get a IQ of -3.
TTFN UdderPD (Who's name is also Robert.)
AzureSky posted a comment on Friday 18th August 2006 11:49pm
Nice chapter. But for me this fic is getting boring, I'm not sure why though...
Paul Ellison posted a comment on Friday 18th August 2006 11:22pm
Another great chapter, as always keep up the brilliant work.
That said I do have some concerns as to your mental health at being able to think up some of you more grusome torture/killings. Alyx please check out the meds cabinet again, as I don't believe Bob is taking his proper dosages.
Finally, please note that the flag for the United Kingdom of Great Britian and Northern Ireland is officially called the Union Flag not the Union Jack, though as a Brit I am willing to give you this point on the grounds it saves on confusion by you colonials!
Brandon West posted a comment on Friday 18th August 2006 10:44pm
As for the coming next chapter. Will there be a plot to go along with those words, sentences and chapters?
Anyways. Very interesting chapter. No real fighting, but there is plenty of political fighting.
Eventually, Harry's going to have to attempt to ram down the throats of all those purebloods that it was their policies that they're trying to re-implement that created Voldemort in the first place. Are they trying to create another one in Ireland?
House elves are funny.
Frank LeTanc posted a comment on Friday 18th August 2006 10:36pm
oh no not the fiendish paragraphs!!!!!! whatever will they do next!
Derick posted a comment on Thursday 17th August 2006 4:37pm
bloody brilliant!!!!!!!!!! i can't wait for the next upate. Why does Hermione afraid of Santa Clause?
Aliwaheed posted a comment on Thursday 17th August 2006 12:33pm
Its been a week since i stumbled across your story on fanfic, the series was very well written and i sort of love stories with long chapters. After a week of reading through your fiction both the series i have finally reached the 17th chapter of your sunrise in britian story. By the looks of it this may be your longest story yet, and i know it may sound like a cliche' but your stories are very good excellent plot line especially this sunset series. I dont know why but i have this gut feeling that Dumbledore of cannon maybe showing him as someone good till now but that may change in the final book, you are very right in saying how come Harry can fight someone with 50+ year experience in duel, but then probably that is asking for a little too much.
Now coming back to your current story i in principle do not like to read stories which are incomplete because to wait for a new chapter is an arduous tasks but look what you did i had to read this though incomplete and now i am twiddling my fingers waiting for the next chapter. Any idea how long this fic would be in terms of number of chapters and what about the intervals between updates i notice you have a regular two chapter a month schedule is that going to continue or can we dunderheads expect more updates at a faster pace.
a_wanderer posted a comment on Thursday 17th August 2006 12:17pm
Ah, gee. I spent the night reading instead of working only to come to a WIP. Ah well.
Your intro's and AN's are as much fun (if not more) than the story.
Harry despises the legislature (I'm not about to spell that awful word) divide it into Lords and Commons, then neuter the House of Magical Lords.
Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Thursday 17th August 2006 6:19am
Wanted to add that I love Mama Johnansen and her twin girls and Amy. The double set of twins are particularly amusing as is the use of the Great Pumpkin legend. Wonderful chapters. I can't wait for more but I guess I'll have to. I liked the way Hermione dealt with Mr Amos and that she isn't going to be allowed straight into a commando fighting unit because it would be OC rather than merely AU. Excellent story.
a_wanderer posted a comment on Thursday 17th August 2006 3:21am
""and you and I both..." how about simply " and I recieved a lesson in patience"
That scence was painfully funny! Thanks.
Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Wednesday 16th August 2006 5:33pm
Tiny nitpicking moment before I start cheering for all the action chapters: Little Whining should be Little Whinging. Now for the cheering: You had Dudley shoot Harry! (Yay! Proper injuries lead to lots of good heart wringing stuff.) Then you killed Dudley! (Yay! Do I really have to explain?) And then they yelled at Hermione! (Yay! Ditto.)
Jamie' posted a comment on Wednesday 16th August 2006 1:13pm
You know, I just realized something.
Back in Dumbledore's Army, a person of Child Protection Services was named William Hill. Bill is a nickname for William, so it will be Bill Hill. The words have "ill" in common, so something becomes ill. The two remaining letters are B and H. I don't know anyone with a surname beginning with H, so switching them around gives HB. B might be Black, and Harry is lord of the House of Black, so HB is Harry, lord of Black. And he becomes ill. With the magicus matura. In the next story after DA and SC. You had already planned the SoB storylines before beginning to write Dumbledore's army, and put in a very subtle clue for the next series, even mentioning William Hill again in SoB.
Very brillant.
akmusique32 posted a comment on Wednesday 16th August 2006 7:32am
Hello Bob, Alyx. How are you doing? So I held off reviewing on sunset because well, with the way your chapters tend to go (the long way) its much easier to jsut write everything out at once! So , before I begin telling you what I think of Sunrise my most distuinguished twin shall tell you what i thought( oh I dont REALLY have a twin , she's just really my alter ego, I do, on the other hand have an annoying prat of a brother named Eli, and you're welcome to steal him for your violent disclaimers ANYTIME!)
I LOVED EVERY MINUTE OF SUNSET!!! ( i know its all caps but w/e)
I seriously loved it.... I'm a die hard H/hr shipper and though i read others, I just dont think any one works well anywhere else... at all.. (unless of course its slash and that's an entirly differnt matter :) ) so I love novel length fics and this certainly is one... but they're just so hard to find ... and ive been boycotting for the past yr and a half.... but thats a different matter. I loved the pet peeves , the AN's crack me up and It's my goal in life (currently it changes often... one time i wanted to be a high priced prostitute... but I digress) to be mentioned in your AN's... so hopefully i have accomplished that.
I actually read sunset and sunrise in a day and half...( I didnt leave my computer and my lil bro almost blew up the microwave a coupla times ) and my mum got REALLY mad (she does get mad quite often when I get into a fic.... mainly because i read so many novel length ones that its hard for me to stop and the world usaully disapears when I read sooo...) and Im really behind on homework.. so it gave a me another excelent reason to procrastinate even more than usual....
I Love your writing style, though i did notice quite a few typos in sunrise .... but thats not style...
I enjoy your plotline ALOT ALOT ALOT!! its great.... ummm... hopefully dumbles dies at the end of the this one... ( insert generic rant about dumbles being manipulative here) I like how you gave harry a weakness and though I hate it when harry gets hurt and hermione acts stupid , they are essential pieces.... I like tonks being harrys gardian.. that was GREAT....
so now ... on to the sunrise portion of this review ... i guess... I enjoy the peeves stuff... oh and harrys shirts.. mind if i make them for myself? i just NEED the aura one...
ummm ..question... how big of a plot is the hermione not in the field? or rather.. not in a combant position? and the Wizengamot? will dumbles reapear soon to try to take over? also ... harrys going to kill off all the nice assasins... and dumbles giggling is just wonderful...hes nuts... needs to be in the loony bin !! im glad that mad eye is partaking in the war.... CONSTANT VIGILANCE!!!!
might i ask where you get your inspiration for your diclaimers? i notice they started out short and now they have grown....and does someone have an unsual obssesion with alan rickman? lol..... (oh and feel free to use Eli as any sort of torture device... hes blonde and blue eyed... reminds me of draco but alas hes related to me so i cant do anything with him... my lilttle brother enjoys hitting and spitting..... cucumbers and has a nasty little obsession with cats... )
when are we going ot here from terry and susan agian?
hmmm... i dont think i can think of anything more to adress accept update soon.. love the fics... keep it coming and.. update soon!!
oh and excuse any typos... i attemted to findthem but i really dont like reading things in the itty bitty reply windows..... hurts my eyes...
Rebel Goddess posted a comment on Wednesday 16th August 2006 3:42am
I've been enjoying this so much and I just wanted to pause and cackle at the Monty Python rabbit being Dan's patronus. Your plot is excellent and I'm truly intrigued by what you're going to do with Dumbledore. Apologies - I would review more often but I'm continually distracted by the sheer tension of this. Every time I finish one chapter I find myself in need of the next.
participium posted a comment on Saturday 19th August 2006 4:32am