Content Harry Potter


ted slack posted a comment on Monday 14th August 2006 9:11am

Y'all are seriously cool. I'm moving to Haven.

antipsychotic posted a comment on Monday 14th August 2006 8:55am

I usually do not submit reviews because I do not read stories on line. When I discoverd Fan. Fics. I would look for a completed story over 100,000 words then print it up at work then read it at my leisure. We have a very fast printer where I work,example I printed up Sunset Over Britan in less tha an half hour. I love your work so much that I printed up Surise before it was completed and now I find myself looking every day for updates. I wish to thank you for taking the time and energy to create these wonderful stories for us. I am amazed that you do this for no pay and impressed that you love writting so much. Thank

Steve6 posted a comment on Monday 14th August 2006 2:51am

The Great Pumpkin! I loved it! Linus van Pelt and Charles Schultz would be proud. Whoo-hoo! This story keeps getting better and better. I'm not even going to guess where this story is going next. All I can say is keep up the good work and I hope to see another chapter soon. BTW: whatever happened to Colin Creevey anyway? And any other updates on other characters would be appreciated.

selenepotter posted a comment on Sunday 13th August 2006 5:04am

more please!

Kyle Bissett posted a comment on Friday 11th August 2006 10:02pm

You stated that the Wizengamot was purged of non-purists in Sunset. As such, the only people to be rescued from Azkaban from the Wizengamot would be muggle sympathizers and people who annoyed the DEs in the Wizengamot (I'm willing to be that Mr My-last-name-was-the-nickname-of-a-Plantagenet-so-I-must -be-a-King was in the second category). As such, purists in the Wizengamot should be a distinct minority at the moment.

How did Littleton know Voldie was a half-blood? Only a limited number of people knew Voldemort's real name and history, though AD should have spread that knowledge as far as possible to weaken the DE power base. The only time his origins have been openly stated in public was the battle at Hogwarts, which was witnessed only by Death Eaters, who would have been ordered to not spread that 'slander' on pain of multiple Cruicios and an Avada Kedavra.

Malfoy's made a big mistake. Keeping the General Staff is a necessity, which he did. Purging the officers below the General Staff was stupid, but as he isn't planning to keep the army around for the generation it would take for those officers to replace the General Staff. But I doubt that he realizes that the true strength of any army comes from the senior NCOs. You didn't say specifically, but from your descriptions he's either replaced the sergeants with more thugs, or simply put the sergeants under people who don't understand that they have more experience than the officers and as such should be listened to. As such, even with harsher discipline, the effectiveness of the British Army will drop dramatically. I wouldn't be surprised to see some of the junior officers and senior NCOs who managed to avoid the purges trying to work their way to the resistance units. Once that happens, Mad-Eye will need to find a way to make sure these recruits aren't DE plants, some of which will show up eventually - one that doesn't involve pointing a stick, muttering some Latin and giving a trust/don't trust verdict. Colonel McHardy would not understand or accept that process as valid.

Bobmin356 replied:

In Sunset we said the non purists were purged. That is correct, the people who were purged were sent to azkaban where they were ultimately rescued. This group consisted of a number of pure bloods who agreed with the policies of Voldemort, but refused to follow a half blood.

I won't go into numbers, but the current break down of the Wizengamot is mostly made up of neutrals, with some people, whom we've already met, on the Ministry's side, and some against the ministry.

The Wizengamot was informed of Voldemort's background in Sunset. It was in a scene that was cut from the story but kept in the plotline.

Yes what Lucius did was stupid. But then I don't claim he's any sort of genius, never have. As for McHardy, he's learning to trust Moody. The guy's brought him food, supplies, more men... after a while you sorta learn to trust that. Besides, a bulk of McHardy's men will come from a more reliable source than Moody.

Meg posted a comment on Friday 11th August 2006 2:13pm

I'm reading this for the millionth time and I just wanted to point two things out - well, three, really.

1) This story is awesome, no matter how many times I reread it!!!!!

2) In the last book, you used a different name for Luna's mother - something like Laurna rather than Vespa.

3) In the circle, Hermione starts out with her staff, and then raises her wand once Harry, Luna and Tonks take over the whole thing.

I only caught this on my billionth reread. The Luna's mother's name bit maybe on my millionth, but the staff/wand bit just tonight (on that billionth). You guys are really awesome for keeping so many details straight on such a crazy plot, and the name thing is really, really minor. But seeing as I've read this so many times now, it's stood out.

Bad Meg!

*irons fingers like Dobby used to*

Anyway, I'm happily rereading, waiting for the next chapter to come out. Hope that my little note doesn't delay anything! :P


Jamie' posted a comment on Thursday 10th August 2006 11:25am

A question: will you ever post Dumbledore's Army and Spiritallus Crystallus on here?

TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Thursday 10th August 2006 11:01am

Good chapter.


TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Thursday 10th August 2006 4:37am

Another fine chapter.


M. R. Moore posted a comment on Thursday 10th August 2006 3:58am

I have to know, are they? Though i've never heard of a Great Pumpkin.

You know, I'd swear that I once read a story that had Luna being the many greats granddaughter of Santa.

TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Thursday 10th August 2006 2:06am

Very good.


TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Wednesday 9th August 2006 1:34pm

Very good story.


mathiasgranger posted a comment on Wednesday 9th August 2006 1:20pm

That was a fun chapter and it moved the story along quite nicely.

I envy your ability to carry on so many different aspects of the story at once, it makes reading your story a very involved experience.

I've reread several chapters that you've recently posted numerous times to catch the direction of the story and there are still things I'm sure I am missing.

I have to admit the great pumpkin was very funny, although I can hardly remember watching the cartoon special on Halloween when growing up. Good old Linus patiently waiting for the great pumpkin to arrive.

Thanks for the update and keep up the good work.


minervakitty posted a comment on Wednesday 9th August 2006 1:57am

I do hope that Bob knows that the letter is now phony and that the twins get more torture in future disclaimers, along with Snape. Does this mean that Lucius would get boosted before getting offed by Voldie? Who's going to put the portals in place? Wonder if the portals will work in non magical areas. I do hope they find out on who's leading the pure blood idiots at Haven and boot them out. Just how many people will Voldie loose? I do hope that they tap the labor force that they have in Haven. Also those that break the peace should be forced to do the demeaning jobs for a very long time. Wonder if someone has brewed stamina potion for the Brotherhood. How many more angels will be born?Dumbledore should get doubled and triple crossed. I wonder who's holding the blackmail pictures? I do hope that Camilia tasted really good.

Scott Sakraida posted a comment on Wednesday 9th August 2006 1:31am

This is probably your funniest chapter so far in this story. the great pumpkin from charlie brown is the best. hope that gets all explained next chapter.

Manatheron posted a comment on Tuesday 8th August 2006 3:21pm

Can't we just get the queen to disband the Wizengamut? it would simplify so many other things.

PS. The great Pumpkin? -{Grins}- Nice touch!

Lurk posted a comment on Monday 7th August 2006 7:06am

My god! ::laughs hysterically:: The Great Pumpkin? The Great Pumpkin?!?! Good grief.

::sigh:: I love Charlie Brown. I also love this story!

Hmmmm, let's see. Eh, Wizengamot's stupid, and Harry should just blast them all and go "har har har, I'm the ruler now!" (I just quoted something, but I can't remember what....)

Good idea, keeping Hermione MAINLY out of the fighting, it's not really her forte.

Dumbledore is giving me nightmares. His giggle creeps me out.

Eh? Nooo! Why the twins!? Twins are cool! Twins are sexy! They don't deserve to be roasted like chestnuts over an open fire! Though the fire farts are funny.

Keep it up!

Crys posted a comment on Monday 7th August 2006 3:52am

Harry left Q Branch but DIDN'T look for Amy? Hmm. I'd think he'd be at least curious.

EP-3E ? Is that the predecessor to the Rivet Joint (electronic intel gatherer) aircraft? Or have I just proclaimed that I'm a complete idiot by asking that?

You took away the chocolate frog company?! How could you? Well, okay, so it leaves a spot for an obvious niche company for Haven.

Good insertion of Mr. Amos. Your general bigoted arsehole moment, there. Nothing spectacular, just pointing out what they're like.

The pageant. *grin* That was just too fun. My kids are just getting to school age, so I'm sure I'll see some variant of this in the next few years.

I'm just glad the name "Charlie Brown" didn't show up.

> but I hear the BBQ was spectacular
Okay, Bob, that was just wrong. Funny as hell, but wrong.

Shawn Pickett posted a comment on Monday 7th August 2006 12:49am

An outstanding chapter. While I see the Wizengamout being A problem, I would think that some of the blatant bigots like Mr. Amos ought to be run out of Haven on a rail.

ironau posted a comment on Sunday 6th August 2006 9:18pm

"Many Boffins died to get us this information" is a quote from Star Wars when the rebels are discussing the death star. I even suggested to google to display their search complexities in number of boffins. Saddly they have not yet done so publically.

I'll let the rational number issue die right here. if you don't know what I'm talking about Harry likely doesn't either, and I'm sure you don't want a number theory discussion in your reviews :)

I just finished reading sunset and sunrise and the stories are very well written. The pace is slow, but the plot is so complex that I think the pacing is correct for the complexity.

So if Harry and Hermoine are the two great heros, who is going to become Linus preaching the story of the great pumpkin. I vote for one of Luna and Draco's many time great grand childern.