Content Harry Potter


erin_colien posted a comment on Sunday 6th August 2006 11:27am

great update looking forward to the next. wouldnt mind seeing more sessions with the wizard council.

Laura Peregrine posted a comment on Sunday 6th August 2006 4:52am

I never realized that Linus Van Pelt was a wizard or a squib!

Laura Peregrine

MarinePotterfan posted a comment on Sunday 6th August 2006 2:46am

Another Great chapter, I wonder how many babies are going to come about because of the Angels mating. I see a big battle in the comming chapters, I hope that it put a big dent in Voldys forces. Oh by the way there are 247 bomblets in a cluster bomb. But that is a minor detail. If you have any questions on weapons that are being droped or fired from any American aircraft. Shoot me an email, 22 years of Marine Avaition Ordnance. So I know every weapon and there uses, and I will be more than happy to give you any information you need.

Thanks for Writing

KLGreen posted a comment on Sunday 6th August 2006 1:50am

to cute to cute for words

ace posted a comment on Sunday 6th August 2006 12:57am

If the Great Pumpkin was real, what about the other legends and myths? Could they be real also? But I must confess the way you brought in the Charlie Brown reference was very hilarious.

werewolph posted a comment on Sunday 6th August 2006 12:27am

Erm, I dunno where you got the sixteen legged arachnid story from then, coz a Boffin is someone that takes great pride and love in a certain subject. At least that's what it means in Australia.

Anywho, another great chapter, and great A/N (especially the jeconais update part. WOOT!). Looking forward to another brilliant chapter.

Now, a simple question. Will Dumbledore regain some of his marbles before he is either publicly or physically destroyed? (I would say mentally, but he did that to himself already)

proftlb posted a comment on Saturday 5th August 2006 10:47pm

I loved the bit about the Great Pumpkin! I also thought the part about the attack on the owner of Headlines and Beans was an interesting addition. While it'd be nice if Haven was a happy-go-lucky place with no internal violence, I think the tension about integrating Muggle and magical people is very realistic. I like the fact that you're dealing with it in your story. Thanks for the excellent chapter!

AcceleratedGlass posted a comment on Saturday 5th August 2006 9:57pm

good chapter update soon

fopalup posted a comment on Saturday 5th August 2006 9:55pm

So, what does that make Snoopy? My wife and I were considering an Animagus half-breed... By the way, great chapter.

Smeghead posted a comment on Saturday 5th August 2006 7:37pm

The Great Pumpkin? Good Grief! :)

And you didn't just hint as to where Harry and Crookshanks would end up - you said it flat out. :)

participium posted a comment on Saturday 5th August 2006 7:13pm

Hmm, nice chapter. But about the hand to hand combat. Couple of things really.
Being aggressive. Not good actually. If you fight aggressive, you will overextent yourself, you will leave holes in your defense and you will lose. You don't fght using emotions, you fight using your brain.
The way Ginny fights. It may work against someone who doesn't know how to fight but against a seasoned fighter she would get her ass kicked. Like those crotch shots. Hurts if it hits but againt someone who knows how to fight you'd either end up on the groung(best scenario) to having your knee broken. Attacking the crotch is a low straigh forward kick, it's easy to grab or you lift your leg up and let it fall on the knee. Because the kick is low, it will reach the ground quickly and the knee will be broken.
How Luna fights...even worse. Because she constantly dances around the ring she keeps the same rhytm untill she attacks. So either you attack, which would mess up her style. Or you simply counter which isn't difficult because she only attacks a few times so the moment she moves towards you she may attack.
There is only one way to fight good.
You keep moving sometimes quick, sometimes slow but you keep moving. Sometimes you attack full on, sometimes only a half hearted punch and sometimes just a feignt. The only way to fight good is to be unpredictable, to not fall in a rhytm.

Bobmin356 replied:

Alyx here. You're reading too much into this. Luna's "dancing around the ring" means she's moving, she's bobbing and weaving around. There are no patterns to her movements. She's not dancing to a beat only she hears. Our Luna is many things.   Stupid is not one of them.

As for Ginny and her crotch shots, we didn't go into detail about that, but try blocking a crotch shot when you don't know it's coming, when it comes from behind, or when a knee is used. I've used this move myself, and dropped guys to their knees every single time (again, they didn't know it was coming). Ginny's fighting style will work just fine, as when the fight counts, she won't be fighting a "seasoned fighter".

The whole point of the good guys learning hand to hand combat is simple, really.   Old Voldemort and his forces are stuck in the past and see learning almost anything "muggle" as beneath them. Hitting your enemy with your hand or your foot?   Get real!   Why would you want to get that close when you can simply dispatch them with a wand and a bit of magic?

If you want to pick nits, that's your choice.   However, try to keep in mind the canon of our story and the characterizations when picking those nits. :o)

UdderPD posted a comment on Saturday 5th August 2006 5:21pm

Thank you for another excellent chapter.

FYO Unlike the US the British army does not have much aerial capacity. We have the Royal Air Force which is land based and the Fleet Air Arm which is part of the Navy.


Bobmin356 replied:

Alyx here. I'm not sure if you're looking for clarification on this or not, but I'll do it just to be safe.

The C130 escorts were British Tornado's from NATO air bases. The F18's were American from Carriers off the coast.   Hope that helps.

Jamie' posted a comment on Saturday 5th August 2006 5:19pm

What is a Great Pumpkin?

Couldn't it be possible for Amhur de Richard the Kinghearted or whatever it is to trip over the stairs and fall in an "accident" (with a trip jinx by Harry)?

Could the good guys in the Wizengamot vote to expel all the Amhur people?

So the Wizengamot has to pay seating fees which go to pay their salary? Could you clarify?

How many angels are there? How fast do they breed?

Why do you still use the alphabet from WWII (able, baker, charlie, etc.) when you should use the new one (Alpha, bravo, charlie, etc.)?

Once again I ask:

Could Harry put a line of Death around Hogwarts?

How about putting one around the prison camps and waiting for the shift changes?

Or, just put one around every city and cross britain with the lines so that the DEs are trapped within a dozen sq miles, making it easy to retake Britain(at least magically) as there is no way for the DEs to reinforce any area?

Or draw hundreds of Lines of Death in Hogwarts so that DEs will be trapped in a few sq feet of space?

Bobmin356 replied:

No, Harry will not use a trip hex on Amhar. So forget about it.

No the people in the Wizengamot cannot vote out other members unless they have been proven to commit a crime.

The seating fee is a family fee, paid only once per century.

My my, all these questions are you by any chance related to AlleyKittyKitty?

There are roughly fifty angels.

The wizards use the old version of the alphabet because most of what they know about military organization comes from old world war two movies.

Sorry, you've had your questions for this chapter answered. No more allow. :)

KateL posted a comment on Saturday 5th August 2006 5:10pm

Gee, is that the Great Pumpkin that has been touted by Linus? (comicstrip Charlie Brown) Too funny!

Thw twins in cages, definitely blackmail material!

The Midnight Poster posted a comment on Saturday 5th August 2006 4:27pm

Great Pumpkin! I haven't laughed so hard in a long time!

Robert1 posted a comment on Saturday 5th August 2006 4:19pm

Ok, you use my name for the little fanboy, you use my father's name for Dan's middle name, and Luna and Draco had their little sex ed class for the angels on my birthday. Are you reading my mail or something? 'Cause, that'd be cool! And I still think my Harry/Crookshanks hybrid theory would have worked, the 'power he knows not' could have been hairballs!

And, the Great Pumpkin? You're kiddin' me, right?

Jake posted a comment on Saturday 5th August 2006 3:10pm

Great chapter, I really liked the bit in the Wizengamot. Which legislative body are you using as a model for it? Keep up the great work and update soon!

kittykatluver posted a comment on Saturday 5th August 2006 2:57pm

Aw, I HATE YOU ALL! (*Rips out hair*) My sister and I had a horrendous argument on what would happen when 'Harry arrived in Diagon Alley' and you just made me lose!
Um....yeah. Have a doughnut.

es posted a comment on Saturday 5th August 2006 2:52pm

i just found the best soundtrack for this story, its the mercenaries soundtrack... it fits perfectly. *does a little dance*

radar posted a comment on Saturday 5th August 2006 1:42pm

lol, wow, what a wonderful idea. "I got a rock" HAH! Oh god, I nearly fell out of my seat laughing, cept its like one am and I can barely see and tired to boot. That's beside the point. I love it simply love it and well, I love how you intregrate the civilizations into one. THe tensions are mounting, but I'm loving it so far. Way to go, idaho!