Content Harry Potter


lbfan posted a comment on Saturday 5th August 2006 9:54am

That's much better of a disclaimer. I felt you were getting a bit carried away with Snape. It was actually getting a bit tired. Using Amy was distasteful, but her getting revenge seemed nice for a change. Please give us another disclaimer where Amy continues to settle the score.

vl100butch posted a comment on Saturday 5th August 2006 9:38am

The King is Charles. Camilla was accidentally mistaken for a horse and shot for food two months after the fall of Britain.

ROFLAMO---this isn't the first time I've heard Camilla linked with Flicka

I hope you have something good planned for the racists in the Wizgamont

Gardengirl posted a comment on Saturday 5th August 2006 8:48am

Just a couple of spelling suggestions - alright is incorrect, though common. All right is the correct way to spell it. Principle means an idea, a principal is in charge of a school.

Aside from that, I enjoyed the update immensely, as usual!

Bobmin356 replied:

Alyx here. Alright isn't incorrect, it's just not the standard spelling. It's been used for over a century and if it's good enough for James Joyce, we figure it can't be all bad.   It's actually no different than using "already" or "altogether", except that those two words have been around since the Middle Ages, so readers are more willing to accept them as standard. I guess age has its privileges.

As for Priciple....erm...we have no excuse.   However, it's been fixed in the file, so that counts, right? :D Thanks for pointing it out to us!

Brandon West posted a comment on Saturday 5th August 2006 8:40am

I like. It was a calm time for them, even with training and bigots.

I guess it's just the calm before the storm, eh?

Muirnin Cocan posted a comment on Friday 4th August 2006 6:15pm

Well after yet another computer crash and an installation of Windows XP Professional otherwise known as I HATE SPAM!!!! I have finally caught up with the story again!

I can't wait for the next chapter in the story! Boy howdy! that was def a cliffy for the Duke and Duchess of Disclaimers and Destruction ... yes I the Queen Mum of the Royal Family of Cliffies have gifted you with a title... you SHOULD feel honoured...

Even Kinsfire has a Knighthood He's Sir Kinsfire...

So welcome finally to the Royal Family!

Just so you know, the little tornado that came through Provo earlier last week did quite a bit of damage to our apartment complex uprooting really big trees and cutting out power (and here I had just signed my unpaid Internship with Americorp *Vista to represent the Apartment Community the day before!) We had been told by Provo Power that we would be without power for up to 4 days... we got it back by 7pm that night ... Anyway... Great chapter Loved the bonding with the Angels... Loved Arthur's Rant to his family! That was just priceless...

Take care, and hope to read more real soon...
As Always,
Muirnin - Queen Mum et al.

PS. This review was interupted 5 times by spam pop ups!

Polkera posted a comment on Friday 4th August 2006 11:30am

i was wondering if i could could copy the ur gyes fic and put on my pda, so i can reas wherever i go.

participium posted a comment on Thursday 3rd August 2006 8:33pm

Hmm, nice chapter. Some things did raise some questions however. Sadly I can only remember one of them. About the Wizengamot, I'm wondering if they actually have power at the moment. You say they're like the muggle parlement. But the parlement does not have power when not in their country. And Haven is not Britain. The Wizengamot holds power over Britain not Haven. Maybe they could try to arrest Voldemort?

Chris1 posted a comment on Wednesday 2nd August 2006 7:03pm

Oohh!! Romania :D

Do you know how funny Gisca pe varza sounds? :D Aaanyway, it's Gasca :)

Goose on cabbage. I mean, really. *snickersnicker*

Nice chapter, you two :)


mcfeedfest posted a comment on Saturday 29th July 2006 6:37am

Poor mouse. Stupid underfed cat... lol

On a side note wonderful chapter.

Jake posted a comment on Saturday 29th July 2006 5:27am

Great chapter, nothing else to say but keep up the wonderful work and update soon!


MonkeyAxman1302 posted a comment on Saturday 29th July 2006 1:02am

This is very very cool. Angels mating was a tad strange but the creation of them was very good! I have to say that your evil for your cliffie's!!

Will you take the Dumbledore thing all the way to the final battle, or will you clear up that sub-plot before hand?

The piss take of Arthur Weasley was brilliant, you knew straight away that she hadn't told them but you still did that scene very well.

Keep updating please!!


seishi posted a comment on Friday 28th July 2006 1:46pm

Great story/chapter/fanfic/plot and that rot. :)) Where do you get the inspiratioN?? Just wondering, does harry and Hermione's love bickerings are the same as you and Alyx's bickerings?? lol j/k

Anywaz, here are a few questions/suggestions for you:

1. Will fawkes be making an appearance? It will be good if he comes along and joins harry at his side

2. How about the animals in the forbidden forest? Centaurs/mermaids for example, surely harry should be contacting them

By the way, great story all round!

AK posted a comment on Friday 28th July 2006 7:49am

Are we gona see the technicolor Penguins?

And have you visited the lovely lakes? But be carefull moose bites are quite nasty.

I am also still wondering how that new creature creation mojo work? And shame on you for the cliffie!

Highschool Nerd posted a comment on Friday 28th July 2006 1:04am

Great, as usual! Update soon! :)

Ailishmckechnie posted a comment on Thursday 27th July 2006 1:38am

Hey! I just realized something...

Harry may not be able to die as everyone keeps reminding me, but the cat could. Or Harry could... but a Harry story without harry is just hairy. Sorry!

Lots could still happen. Maybe lose a leg for a bit or show up somewhere strange or hularious.


Ailishmckechnie posted a comment on Thursday 27th July 2006 1:32am

SO CRUEL!!!!!!!

why must you do this to me??? =)

Love ya's!

Good work

Charm posted a comment on Thursday 27th July 2006 1:32am

Omgosh omgosh!! Cliffhanger?! Oh well, we know he will be alright. This chapter was great! Thanks.

Jamie' posted a comment on Wednesday 26th July 2006 3:21pm

Um, I thought it was Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, not Able, Baker, Charlie. You used the Joint Army/Navy phonetic alphabet, used until 1956, now people use the NATO phonetic alphabet.

thewisesirivanthes posted a comment on Wednesday 26th July 2006 10:38am

You are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
cruel with that ending. Please update soon so that we can get over this cliff-hanger. Yes, I know objectively that you can't kill Harry and that he won't die but that doesn't mean that you can't put him through a place so bad that if the Devil owned it as well as Hell he would live in Hell and rent that place out (and yes that is a shameless bad quote from Chronicles of Riddick)

Brook Mctirre posted a comment on Wednesday 26th July 2006 10:07am

I finally got to read the whole story and I must sat I am amazed. Great job. The story is interesting, entertaining, and a great read. Can't wait to see it finished.
