Content Harry Potter


Jadzia7667 posted a comment on Wednesday 26th July 2006 5:07am

What are Boffins?

noylj posted a comment on Wednesday 26th July 2006 3:46am

But I don't have another chapter to read...
I REALLY think that there should be some way to the wizengamut and move the wizarding world into the 18th century. At the very least, there should be assault laws on the books that would get that arse thrown in jail. I can not believe that you didn't have Harry simply send him back to England. Any way, love the story but I would like a lot less of the Weasleys, except for Fred and George...

HermioneGreen posted a comment on Wednesday 26th July 2006 2:20am

A most awesome chapter! ThankYouEverSoMuch!!! I look forward to seeing what Dumbledore is up to, will Harry somehow get advance notice about what is being planned? Keep up the good work.


Taloruyas posted a comment on Tuesday 25th July 2006 9:07pm

To all those stargate nuts out there, no we are not patterning Harry's portals after stargate.

So what of the ancient race whose history is forgotten? :p

The first circles weren't even made by our people, but by an earlier race, whose memory and history has been lost."

It's all subliminal, I tell you.

werewolph posted a comment on Tuesday 25th July 2006 8:00pm

Loving the stories, keep up the good work.

Came across the site when i was searching for updates to kokopelli's stories on

More importantly though, could you toss out an entry to the Updateless List?

Jeconais and This Means War. H/G fic, but hilariously funny as well as a nicely portrayed "super-harry". I know that it's probably never going to be updated, but PLEASE PLEASE attempt to get Jeconais to update.

On another note, loving the Disclaimers. But i must mention that i found the shorter versions in sunset funnier than the drawn out ones of sunrise.

Anywho, Mustn't make this review too long, so i'll finish with:


Sikandar Durrani posted a comment on Tuesday 25th July 2006 7:48pm

Ohh you two are bad. Evil Cliffy writers.

till next time


Anaknisatanas posted a comment on Tuesday 25th July 2006 1:47pm

OMG!!! That is such an evil plce to end. Now I'm really wanting another update very soon to see what's going to happen. I hope Harry gets out of England safely. *chews on nails nervously*

AcceleratedGlass posted a comment on Tuesday 25th July 2006 8:02am

good chapter update soon

Manatheron posted a comment on Tuesday 25th July 2006 7:59am

Hmmm... You like questions? I have one for the two of you then, Is it possible to be a little more... Selective... As to whom is allowed on the wizengemot? For example is there the possibility of an oath to serve the people to the fullest extent of your ability, and anyone who refuses will be removed? Obviously there will still be conflicting opinions over the best way to do so, But at least you know that nobody is just milking the system and tying up reasources.

Asad posted a comment on Tuesday 25th July 2006 4:15am

Interesting chapter... but a wicked cliffy! :(

tw posted a comment on Monday 24th July 2006 11:56pm

your stories are just getting better! i cannot even imagine the time that you spent developing these plots.

have you considered ttying the portals to: Obviousely the veil,wait you all destroyed the DoM didn't you? what about using the portals to creat a pocket dimension where space and time have no meaning?

is there any way that the characters could use above (dimension) to train, develop, and or relax?

anyway i love your story! i just vish that Scorpion Sorcerer would update as often as you all!

have a good day!

Rex posted a comment on Monday 24th July 2006 6:17pm


Musings of Apathy posted a comment on Monday 24th July 2006 1:37pm

You Evil Evil people! For a cliffie, that was particularly EVIL!!!

Okay, so we know that Harry will survive, and so will Crookshanks, most likely, or will this be like 'The Fly'...shudder.

Excellent chapter, anyway. I like that Arthur is moving on. I like Harry's present to Hermione, and his reaction to Opera. She should not have the attitude that he should like it just because she does. She should be happy that he is willing to sit through it with her.

I am just too tired to comment on any more, but thanks for another great chapter. Thank you for all of your hard work.

Mike (MoA)

rippergirl posted a comment on Monday 24th July 2006 12:19pm

I was just thinking about how I hadn't reviewed the last chapter because I have been working a lot lately and took just enough time to read it. So today I get online to check my email that has taken awhile for me to do and I see another chapter. Woohoo! Again awesome writing.. Love the Muppets chef bit in the disclaimer. Hilarious. Oh can't wait to see what happens with the portals in the next chapter. And I wish a horrific accident would happen to dumbledore. Oh and I wonder what exactly is happening to the troops in Britain that Mad Eye had visited. Write fast!!

Lang posted a comment on Monday 24th July 2006 12:16pm

So Dumdledore has had to resort to illegal mercenaries, that's kind of low.

As to your comment about losing your job over reading, I read chapter 16 at work. Boss hadn't shown up yet. But you can't blame me! Really! Desk jobs are soooo boring. I'm young and sitting at a desk is absolutely horrible. The story makes it more bearable. If only it were possible that there'd be a chapter release everyday, possible forever at about, 8am?

Let me know. Ciao!

Sonicdale posted a comment on Monday 24th July 2006 11:27am

you know, foreshadowing should be your middle name.
Liked the bit with DD. He's going to be a major thorn in Harry's operations.

Opera isn't that bad. I wonder if Harry would like Gilbert and Sullivan? Maybe that would be his 'getting back' at Hermione. I would think Harry would like that sort of opera.

Love the angels. I like the way you're setting them up as a great foil to the dementors ... maybe foil isn't the word... balance? Draco's absolute loss for words during the office scene with the twins was great. Seems like they haven't forgiven him for being a former Malfoy.

Harry the Ambassador. Nice idea.
Loved the Wisengamot political dancing. Hope to see more of the good guys vs. the bad guys in wizarding politics.

Good work all around. I haven't been reviewing lately, but have repented from that fact and have vowed to give more, starting with your stuff. Good work.

BTW, have you planned any stories that would be non-ship?
Just curious.

mathiasgranger posted a comment on Monday 24th July 2006 10:48am

Oh Crookshanks, you wacky cat. You really are putting poor Harry through the grinder in this chapter aren't you?

His leg seems to be getting continually worse throughout the story isn't it? It's almost as if you are prepping us for the time he uses the combat spell to give him his mobility back in exchange for a permanent disability.

The whole Wizengamot thing is giving me a headache like it is Harry. No offense, but why don't they find a way of reassigning seats other than old families? Something as simple as the best and brightest wizards of the time or something.

The New York trip was a nice touch and opera hating boob was quite funny.

Keep up the good work and update soon.


Alex00 posted a comment on Monday 24th July 2006 10:12am

Great chapter.

Jamie' posted a comment on Monday 24th July 2006 10:06am

Great chapter!

Could Harry put a line of Death around Hogwarts?

How about putting one around the prison camps and waiting for the shift changes?

Or, just put one around every city and cross britain with the lines so that the DEs are trapped within a dozen sq miles, making it easy to retake Britain as there is no way for the DEs to reinforce any area?

Lurk posted a comment on Monday 24th July 2006 10:05am

Wonderful chapter! I have to actually work on a resume, so I don't have time to leave a long review! Loved everything about it!

Keep it up!