Content Harry Potter


freakyfinger posted a comment on Tuesday 11th July 2006 9:46pm

Ha! Well, that was to be expected. I mean, how can we write HARRY POTTER fanfiction without Harry himself with a major role? No, a private citizen role will be something Harry will not have for a long time . . .

Jeanas posted a comment on Tuesday 11th July 2006 9:26pm

A new update. You are really spoiling us with those very fast updates. Love it ;))
Love the idea that Hermione and Leannar were able to come to a contract and bending their husband to it. But is 3 sickles not a bit low?.
Would the Goblins particitated into the war efforts.
And Harry as Ambassador, poor Harry but he is Gryff so he would overcome this anyway would he?. And who is the King of Britian ? Charles? because I remenbered that you had killed Elizabeth II and her husband before.
Love the idea of Harry and Hermione making a tour to promote the war effort.
So Moody is back on the track, good but what is Albus doing? the poor fool. And this Coeur de Lion man,he needs to be reform but somehow I dont known if he would see the error of his way.
Awaiting another chapter and hope that you would update soon.

Bebop_5 posted a comment on Tuesday 11th July 2006 9:05pm

i Just have one qusetion and thats it. Did you guys ever watch stargate SG1. cause the explanation for them portal things sounded aful familiar. Sorry for the bad spelling and grammar. Lover your story and lest see if you can get another chap out in around 10 days.

BBFN Bebop_5

Ken Warner posted a comment on Tuesday 11th July 2006 8:46pm

It is a little repetitive to just tell you what an excellent chapter this is - since they all are, but thanks again for your wonderful work. It is great to see the characters maturing and growing into their positions, as well as all of the story development going on. Are the portals related to the Niven transport booths? I hope you will use the 'chocolate dollar' token as a tribute if that happens to be the case.

I hope also that you have something suitably nasty prepared for old chicken liver (Coeur de Lion in modern translation).

Warmest regards

Afiz posted a comment on Tuesday 11th July 2006 8:42pm

Brilliant chapter as always.
I'm a bit worried that Harry's lack of mobility would make of a unbelievable win against me, not to mention my Master Lord Voldemort.
That didn't seem to work. I'm not above begging, can you please fix his leg to a reasonable degree that he can kick ass without having to rest for ten days. I mean I fought wars (the current one) and I don't even get to rest more than five hours on the relatively peaceful days. Its a taxing and tiring business, and I'd like to say for the record that, without Me (Not anyoneelse, but Me) we won't be kicking ass. Now unot other interesting things. I like the whole wizgarden-mott thing its absolutely brilliant. The Lion heart guy sounds just like some I would like to torture.. I mean interrogate. Being that he's a royal desendant(did I just mush that spelling?) won't the other royals feel for him a bit.
Now the rant his over, don't expect another review from me till, well whenever.
Again your story kickass for here to Tim-buck-two
Thanks for all the fishes

DrT posted a comment on Tuesday 11th July 2006 8:36pm

I still haven't seen any reason to think the wizarding government is 'democratic' in this story; it seems to be a pure oligarchy. Give Hermione a good biography of the Emperor Augustus and then have her ship those disruptive elements out of Haven to very different places of exile (as they should, under already established Haven rules) and with no real assets available, they can't get together. Why should Harry et al lug his own opposition around? Harry might not know any better, but those around him should.

atlantis-rob posted a comment on Tuesday 11th July 2006 8:18pm

Great chapter you two! I really dug how you handled the whole portal thing with hermione really stepping up and showing harry what the advantage to them is. Very good job also with the kids training at school, too funny. The wizengamot git is in for a few more shocks in the future, if not he might just disappear by coincidence. hahahah. Excellent job with another great chapter!

red jacobson1 posted a comment on Tuesday 11th July 2006 8:05pm

As always; an excellent chapter. I have to admit; I was surprised to see it take this long for the "Yammerheads" (to quote RAH) to make an appearance, but I'll be looking forward to seeing what Hermione and Amelia have come up with.

Thanks for the update


vl100butch posted a comment on Tuesday 11th July 2006 7:00pm

Oh what a tangled web you weave, LOL

Just one Brit pick. Group Captains in the RAF are always addressed as Group Captain.

Z3US posted a comment on Tuesday 11th July 2006 7:24am

Very well.... i hope the story will continue soon. very soon!!!!


Ailishmckechnie posted a comment on Monday 10th July 2006 8:40am

Please, I wish to know were you got your information on the celtic brotherhood of druid.
Please let me know at

atlantis-rob posted a comment on Monday 10th July 2006 4:08am

Wow. Amazing work on the last 7 chapters, I was way behind on reading and reviews and caughtup the other day on a slow weekend. Amazing work on the continued development of the plot especialyl nutso dumbledore, the small issues hermione has had with doing things with out more thinking, etc and harry's smaller issues. The raid on Azkahban was awesome as was the angel's luna created. Truly awesome. twisted work with riddle and such also and his ritual of power stealing...suprised the ghosts haven't reported the new trend yet either. Great job with all the dialogue and sub-bits that are going, hope to see more moody also! Cheers and all! Also I love the list of shame! :)

exar posted a comment on Monday 10th July 2006 2:39am

Great took me a bit to get to it but I thoroughly enjoyed. My thinking of Miles' decision on sending in the attack team without scouting was the simple fear of something happening to potter. Even though it turned out a mistake, he paniced and did his best to get support for Harry (even though he never went back Surrey). Just my thought...the fault lies at Harry's feet for not flaming the note from Lucious.

mcfeedfest posted a comment on Sunday 9th July 2006 9:57pm

A lot of updates recently huh? Yay!!!! Three cheers for Alyx lol Bob's a woman abuser so he doesn't get anything. It'll be interesting to see what Voldy does now since hes going on the defensive now with the recent attack on Azkaban and the morale boost the world got out of it.

Ailishmckechnie posted a comment on Sunday 9th July 2006 5:47am

Very well done chaps! I haven't really got the time to reply to the fullest but i willl try.

I have read all of your storys to their so far completed potenial and I must say "good show!"
Please keep up the good work. It is marvoulous work so far and i wish to see it continue,

ilovekc posted a comment on Friday 7th July 2006 11:48pm

I love your work, I always feel giddy after finishing one of your chapters; I especially love your attention to detail and staying with the plot! I do have one request...could you post everyone ages in the brotherhood? I can't seem to find it, if it was there, and I feel a bit muddled at times trying to picture everyone. Thanks you guys are brilliant!

Bobmin356 replied:

Alyx here.   This seemed the quickest way of answering your question. The following are the ages of the Brotherhood members.

Harry - 17, Hermione 18 (As of Chapter 15 - Upcoming)
Draco - 17, Luna - 16
Neville - 17, Ginny - 16
Terry - 17, Susan - 17
Remus - 38, Tonks - 24
Dan - 41, Emma - 40

Hope this helps clear up the confusion for you!

guyute44 posted a comment on Thursday 6th July 2006 3:13pm

For the past month or so I have been trying to find the time to actually sit down and read more than one paragraph. I finally managed the time and got to read the last three chapters, and I must say they are some of the best chapters I have read in the story. It was interesting to see that even though Harry has super powers, he can still be injured under the wrong circumstances. The discussion between Harry and Hermione in the aftermath was well written, and I can see how it will help both of them grow up. I'm sorry to see Miles have to step down, but ulcers are a nasty business. I like how in your stories, magic can't cure everything, kind of brings home the point magic can't do everything. Looking forward to your next chapter next month.


Kristina posted a comment on Thursday 6th July 2006 6:52am

Well, at least somebody else sees Dumbledore as a phycho (my hats off to Moody!) Good chapter, folks, and I'm now realizing why Hermione and Miles did in the last chapter. DUH ME! Anyways, good chappie, and update soon!

Anaknisatanas posted a comment on Wednesday 5th July 2006 2:49pm

YAY!! I was hoping for Ragnok and some of the goblins to come over for dinner at some point. I think its really cool that Harry made the offer. You've done a great job with Harry as a character in this story, everything is very realistic. Harry suffers casualties and even Hermione makes mistakes.

Will the goblins be offering any support to Harry? You would think that even though they don't necessarily have armies they would have some trained as guards and whatnot. But maybe I'm just expecting too much to come from this dinner with the goblins?

Perhaps when Oliver Wood recovers he could head up a squad of broom fighters or scouts or something? Just a suggestion...

kittykatluver posted a comment on Wednesday 5th July 2006 1:25pm

Hi, B & A! Read it, liked it, will keep reading it. And what the heck is with your obsession with whipped cream. Speaking of whipped's so good frozen....
Yes, anyway, the little thing about Christians was...not very funny. Tolerable, but not funny. (*Wags finger in both your faces. Theoritacally, that should not be possible, but who cares?*) As I am a Christian, aka baptized believer, I object ferociously at your slandering of the early martyrs! Hy-oh, Silver, away!!! (*Brandishes plastic sword as I gallop off into the sunset*) Here's an idea for a disclaimer: Have Snape meet a younger version of the headmaster, who is under the delusion that Snape might look miiiighty good covered in whipped cream. Then, well yeah you get the point.
Until next time,