Content Harry Potter


Matt T posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 6:28pm

Oops... sorry Harry.

scott2 posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 6:04pm

Great chapter but hermione seems to have taken harry's place in jumping in head first, is there something up with that girl or has harry just matured (mental emotional etc) due to the whole days long matureing and hermione is still at where she was playing catch up (shrug) just curious, luv the story and hope for more soon :)

freakyfinger posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 5:29pm

Yesterday, I went to a Printers Convention. You get to see all the different things that people want Printing on: customized keychains, flyers, pens, cups, etc. Well, one guy was selling custom labels for bottles of water. The minimum order was one crate, which had 72 containers, which had 18 bottles. It was only 24 cents a bottle, but when you add it up, that's a lot of water!

Chris1 posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 4:55pm

Nice chapter, but I spotted several mistakes. Well, only three or so, mostly missing words.

One of them is:

Harry's danced wickedly and he wore a feral smile

It should be Harry's eyes or sth, I think. Tho it would be really weird if that sentence was: Harry's something danced wickedly and he wore a feral smile


And when Danni portkeys Harry away, you said it Dan, but ended with "her" :D

Nice chapter :)

fashizzlism posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 3:54pm

welll... personally i think that alot of what happened was Harrys fault... i mean he left angry and completely blocked their link....

im very dissapointed that you left it there, i wish there was more... i hate it when Harry or hermione are left in a 'condition' or a apart bit if you understand what im talking about

Keep up the good work and update asap


Alex00 posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 3:40pm

Wonderfull chapter.

Christopher Estep posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 3:32pm

Dudley is now a corpse, after shooting Harry in the back. However, none of the four wizards who AK'd the idiot can really be blamed for it. Hermione really needs to get a grip on things.

Travis Schubert posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 2:15pm

um, i'm probably going to sound mildly retarded, but is it just because the Brotherhood is Celtic, or do you have a problem with Christians? the general vibe i get is that the story is implying that Christians are, well sort of mentally deficient. i know its a story, and i do enjoy it as much as i enjoyed Sunset, but i was just curious. this is just something that has been nagging me over the past few chapters. again, sorry if i am being stupid, but i would really like to hear from you guys about this.

Bobmin356 replied:

Alyx here. Most non-muggle born witches and wizards have a problem with Christianity in our story. After all, Christians were responsible for the burning of witches. Eocho also has a problem with it, but then, he's a Druid, isn't he?   Harry has never experienced any sort of religion.   All he knows is what he's been taught at Hogwarts (back to the burning thing!) and he doesn't have much of an opinion either way.   Hermione and her parents ARE Christians, however, and have strong moral views shaped by it. Religion is mentioned a few times in the story, but it won't be a major plot point.

Brian Figus posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 1:55pm

I don't know what to think really. Part of me feels bad for Hermione, but this sort of behavior isn't new for her at all. She's always been a know-it-all. Normally that isn't a bad thing, as her knowledge acts a as balance to Harry's overall power, but in a war setting her implusiveness and arrogence can get people killed. And now 12 men have died because of her actions. I can see Harry not blaming Hermione for his injuries, but he'll be hard pressed to comfort her with 12 dead men on her hands.

Yeah, yeah...he shouldn't of gone off and it was Miles who ordered the strike over Caleb's objections...BUT...Hermione had no business reading Harry's letter in the first place. She initiated the bond and he should be allowed to deal with things on his own. He wasn't even gone that long...barely a few seconds when Mione did what she did. As for Miles, I can't remember if he knows about the procephy or not BUT he does know that without Harry Haven will fall apart due to lack of least! Yes, he should have sent the elves...but had Hermione been right then that could have cost too much time. He made a bad call, but for the right reasons. Also, keep in mind that even though Hermione isn't in the chain of command she is in the Brotherhood and is Harry's wife...therefore he was probably taking her alot more seriously than he should have.

What should be done with Hermione? Well, with this being her 2nd strike in a a very short amount of time she should be banned from all command decisions and combat operations. Kick her out of combat training because she has no place in the field. She's a researcher, not a soldier and this incident proves that. She, above all, needs to realize that her actions have consequences. I'd suggest that Harry order her to apprentice herself to Danni. With her knowledge and the right training she'd be a fantastic healer and medical researcher. That way she could still "contribute" but wouldn't be able to fuck things up so badly anymore.

It's sad anyway you look at it, but she needs to be punished severely. Punish her to little and she'll let her arrogance get the better of her again, but to much and she'll break. And considering that Harry is Magilos he's going to have to punish her. Even with their bond I wonder if their marriage will survive. Somehow, I think it will but if I were Harry it would be long time before I trusted her with anything important again.

Bobmin356 replied:

Alyx here. Many people thought we were too harsh when we wrote Remus' rant at Hermione.   I think you're the only one who's gone the other way...and a bit extreme at that.

Remember, the whole thing started   with Harry shutting down the bond and storming out. Had he not shut down the bond, Hermione would have felt what was going on and been able to ask for clarification.   He started what would turn out to be a complete disaster.

Hermione had every right to read the letter.   She's his wife, she was concerned about his reaction and wanted to know what caused it.   Being unable to locate him via the bond, or even feel him, she panicked. She thought he had gone to Dudley and she rushed off to find help.   She didn't think, she just moved forward based on a flawed assumption. She moved the disaster along by rushing to Miles.

Miles, being who he is, should have known better than to send out his troops blind. Caleb tried to point this out to him, but he didn't listen. He hammered home the last coffin nail in the disaster.

Now you can weigh out blame here if you want, but the simple fact is, all THREE of them are responsible for what happened and they'll have to come to grips with that. None of them can point the finger of blame at the other for one simple reason.   None of them have clean hands in this.

rippergirl posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 12:34pm

Great as always. Nice way to end the night before going to bed. Like before keep up the good work and I can't wait for the next update. Hope to see more about dumblydore in the next one. Have to see what he is up to and glad to see the boys have recovered from the genital swapping.I can just imagine them asking the girls to marry them. Hoo boy. Oh and more Peeves bugging Moldyshorts. I miss his harassing of the DE's. I'll shut up now so you can start working on the next chapter.

Kathleen posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 12:32pm

That was a great chapter...Remus was sooo right. Miles and Hermione ought to be flogged. Caleb was the only one with his head on straight. I liked Dudley shooting Harry -- seemed like something he would do. Glad Harry survived it, of course...

And, VERY surprised and VERY happy to have a chapter so soon! Yay!!!! Thank you very much!!!

Musings of Apathy posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 11:57am

Excellent chapter. (I seem to say that every time.) I loved the way that you had the rest of the Brotherhood participate in basic training. It should make it interesting and give them perspective. I was missing Terry and Susan in this chapter. Although they were probably mentioned just as much as they were in previous chapters, it was surprising that they were out of the picture for that whole time.

I believe that the Little Winging thing should not wholely be blamed on Hermione. The fault lies greatly with Harry shutting his connection with her down. When he does that, he removes information from her decision making ability. Until it was revealed that Harry had not gone, I assumed as well that he had. It was not that bad of an assumption. While he hates Dudly, his character could be interpreted to not let him condemn his cousin through inaction.

Thank you for writing and sharing, Bob and Alyx.

Mike (MoA)

radar posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 11:48am

interesting, and I can't wait for the next chapter. Horrible cliff hanger though, and I can't wait to see them, Harry included chew Hermione out. Yet, part of me, doesn't really know how Harry will react. sTill its going to be something to look forward to.

MarinePotterfan posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 11:28am

Poor Harry you guys are beating him up now he is going to have trouble breathing. And Hermione she is going to be an emotional reck after this. Thanks for the quick update, keep it up I like it.


Sean Li posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 10:46am

"I'm taking him to the hospital. Meet us there," Dan said calmly before she vanished, taking Harry with her.

Should either be 'Danni' or 'he vanished'.

Otherwise, brilliant.

Keep up the schedule, Bob and Alyx.

Lang posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 10:32am

Leave us a cliffy on Harry's health why dontcha?

Anyways, glad to see the chapter earlier than expected. Hope that you two can keep it up :D

I've recommened so many people to read Sunset and some are just starting Sunrise now. So with that in mind, needless to say I LOVE Sunset, and Sunrise and so do the people i've sent your way.


PhishBulb posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 9:56am

I have to ask, if he had an insiders view, would Voldemort try to recruit Hermione to kill Harry seeing how she's proven more adept at that than anyone else or will he leave things as they are considering Hermione seems to be having no problem getting things done on their own?

On the other hand, after Harry survives, will he try to set Voldemort up with some female know-it-all Death Eater in an attempt to end the war? Normally I'd recommend Draco for this task, but you seem intent on trying to redeem the ferret. I think you passed over a great opportunity here.

Ltank687 posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 9:49am

love it... i really liked it when Remus bitched at Hermione, cuz she's irresponsible... can't wait to see if Harry fires miles and what his reaction to hermione is...

thanks for the update!!!

Shawn Pickett posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 9:35am

Outstanding chapter, Harry kind of screwed up by closing off the link, but Hermione mamothly screwed up, along with Miles and Caleb, mounting a rescue mission without knowing if it was needed. Some other form of communication is obviously needed. A great chapter, I can't wait to see what's next.

black_kitten34 posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 9:06am

This may sound like you are repeating yourself, but dudley is dead??? am I right about that? if i am then thats good, if not please explain.

Bobmin356 replied:

Yes Dudders will no longer be playing in this movie. He is quite dead.