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WNabors posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 8:49am
Whoot,another great chapter.this story only gets better!!
Wolff posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 8:36am
Great chapter, folks. Still enjoying the story, keep up the fine work.
Quizer posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 8:36am
Oh, and I'd still like to know about the banner! :P
Bobmin356 replied:
We're too busy writing to worry about it at the moment. We may get to it in the future, though I wouldn't count on it :D
Quizer posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 8:32am
Shaving charms... feh. Why not use something that makes fall out all facial hair? (Unless Harry wants to keep the possibility of having a beard later, but I bet even then there's a possibility for that.)
The Hammer of God a 'regular explosion spell'. You just had to make me eat my words, eh? ;)
Whoa, Harry got hurt again. By Hermione overreacting no less. But Harry and Miles are part of the fuck-up just as much. Miles is pretty self-explanatory, but Harry did put up his occlumency and left without a word. Hermione is far from innocent though and the reaming Remus gave her is more than deserved.
Well, I'll be looking forward to see this resolved. Thanks for the quick update! I really didn't expect another one so soon! :)
Ishtar posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 8:18am
Excellent chapter, as always. And Hermione still thinking she knows best, I see. If she doesn't stop that, Harry's going to have to tell everybody not to act on anything she says until they've checked with him first. This wouldn't do their marriage any good at all, but it might keep him alive.
BTW, you guys could use another proofreader to give it a look after Alyx's eyes go bleary. It's "Little Whinging", not "Little Whining", and the "Imperius" curse, not the "Imperious" curse. (Spell checkers keep trying to change it, so you have to be firm with them.) And lots of other little things that could stand to be fixed. With a story as excellent as this, the little things are glaring.
bluemac posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 8:14am
It's always great to see the notice for an update, and the early chapter was a welcome surprise. Once again, a thoroughly enjoyable read.
However, weren't you a little rough on Hermione at the end? She's at fault for jumping to the conclusion that precipitated the whole mess, but she isn't actually in the chain of command. There's a lot more blame to go around, from Harry shutting her out to Caleb not pushing his objections more forcefully, and Miles insisting on going through with the mission despite Hermione telling him point blank that she didn't know if Harry actually had gone to Little Whinging.
Of course, the fallout should make for an interesting next chapter. Can't wait to see where you guys go with this!
mathiasgranger posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 8:06am
So I see you are going to give us a grand cliffhanger to stew on for a while now.
While I appreciate how quickly you have updated the last couple of times, it will be excruciating waiting for the next update.
I really look forward to see how they will all deal with the inevitable conflict of faith that is going to happen, and to see how Harry and Hermione come to grips with Hermione's rashness in combination with Harry not be open with her. Both could have prevented what happened and neither did.
Adam posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 8:02am
Great chapter, I really hope that Hermione has learnt the lesson this time. Just goes to show how well Harry know Hermione though, as the moment he heard the location he knew she was involved. I can see those two needing a talk. Remus though I think said what needed to be said, but Tonks might be someone else who can advise as she has made a similar mistake, and got Remus hurt because of it. Well done on getting this out so fast.
neely61 posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 7:40am
Man this is going to be a bumpy ride! Bring it on! Love the way the stories headed. Ok, on to the actual review.
I like that you are making Hermione start to see that she is not "all knowing". I usually don't care for the H/Hr ship as she is almost always written as the know it all and I don't see Harry falling for that type.
One possible slip I noticed but haven't gone back to check yet was the scene with Dilly whare she announces Authur.
"Miss does be having a visitor," Dilly announced as she trotted into the kitchen, a tall man behind her. "Mr. Minister does say that he wishes to speak to Miss."
Aurtur's not the Minister, Madame Bones Is.
Anyway keep up the great work! Looking forward to more soon.
Bobmin356 replied:
Your right, and your not. Arthur is a deputy Minister in charge Magical Relations (Akin to Secretary of the State Department) so Mr Minister as given by an elf while not quite correct, is appropriate. :) Thats for your review!
Taegeous posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 7:36am
A little harsh on Hermione, aren't you? Why so quick to make the ambush her fault? Harry shut down his link and stormed out without saying a word to her. Miles, knowing it was a trap, ordered the mission with no intel or backup. And Remus must have a pretty good view from the cheap seats. They're all at fault, and it's the poor Auror shmucks who pay the price. I think Harry got off light in comparison.
Bobmin356 replied:
Alyx Here. Harry's in a coma, Miles is sick, and Remus hasn't had a chance to talk to either of them. All he knows is what Hermione did. He knows nothing about the actions Miles took (or didn't take), or Caleb's objections. Don't worry, it will come out in the end.
Ken Warner posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 7:32am
great chapter - particularly enjoyed the maturity with which Harry helped Hermione and the rest of the Brotherhood grieve the lost of an innocence. You all did a marvelous job with that as with every thing else regarding this story.
thanks so much
Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 6:47am
Ah, more fascinating developments of several plot threads and the tying off of one. I'd hesitate a guess that the next time Harry goes into battle, he's going to be wearing both wizard and muggle body armor.
It's going to be very interesting to see how Hermione handles her share of the responsibility for what happened as she really jumped far to a conclusion this time.
Erin posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 6:42am
great update looking forward to the next!!
Lurk posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 6:17am
Uh.....oh. Not not not not NOT good.
Poor Hermione, she really was doing what she thought was best, but so many people were hurt and or died!
I have no clue how that's going to turn out, and at the moment, I don't like ANY of the solutions that are presenting themselves.
Miles? Dying? Oh, Merlin, I hope not! Send him home ill, but don't have him die, please!
I...I don't know what else to say. The whole end bit of the chapter's really messed with my mind.
Keep it up!
Scott Sakraida posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 6:04am
Good chpater, and surprising that it came out so quick. more drama it seemed like in this chapter then in previous ones, but good overall. Hope u update soon. Scott
Kristina posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 5:11am
First a massive break out at Azkaban, then Harry gets SHOT? by his COUSIN? who Harry HATES? WHAT WAS HERMIONE THINKING ????
Bobmin356 replied:
Alyx here. Hermione wasn't thinking, she was reacting. That's the problem. :D
Mickey posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 5:07am
Very nice chapter. Will we be seeing more of Dilly and how the House Elvs were adapting?
Onl;y problem I had with this chapter was that I think the DE trying to throw blame was being too fair to the surviving guards. I have expected his report to contain phrases such as "After allowing Potter..." "...they then failed to report ..." and so on.
Matt T posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 4:17am
Hey guys, loving the stories.... but damn. What did Harry ever do to you? So far he's been maimed, beaten, drowned, tortured, shot, and probably a few more that I've forgotten.... we get it, he's mortal. Give him a break! (NOT literally... I shudder to think what you two would break....) I like the charaterization of Remus here. Understanding, but ruthless. Does that make sense? I dunno, too little sleep, too much coffee an incoherent reviewer makes.
Eagerly awaiting the next chapter (pulls out whip) MUSH! MUSH!
Bobmin356 replied:
Alyx here. I'll give you most of that, but I don't remember drowning Harry. Hmmm...interesting. Hey, Bob! A review by Matt just gave me a GREAT idea...
timey57 posted a comment on Sunday 18th June 2006 10:29am
Wonderful story! I just read all of Sunset and now Sunrise and they were both very well written ^_^ and in this particular chapter I only noticed one mistake ;)
"Neville sighed and shook his head wearily. He checked his watch. It was just after seven in the morning. They had been on the island for barely an hour and he felt like he had been awake for days!
"Alright, Second Squad, let's dig in and hope no one wants to pay us another visit today," Neville called out.
He turned to start cleaning out the debris from his own hole when he heard someone shout. "Look!"
Spinning, he turned to face the fortress. The Dementors had fled to the top of the walls and were trying to escape into the building. All around them were the glowing Angels. The Angels circled the top of the building, every so often plucking a Dementor from the mass and dispatching it. Above the Angels, an enormous Celtic Cross hung in the sky, glowing brightly in the morning sun. It was the unofficial symbol of Haven, and the official talisman of the Brotherhood of CELTIC Knights(<---- wasn't is the Brotherhood of DRUIDIC Knights?).
Able company broke into a cheer at seeing the huge cross. Then Baker and finally Charlie companies took up the cry."
Well, that's all I have to say ^_^ both stories are very well written and I can't wait for the next update ^_^.
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ridmania posted a comment on Tuesday 20th June 2006 9:05am