Content Harry Potter


Ailishmckechnie posted a comment on Sunday 18th June 2006 8:30am

I have joined you on your journey,(Sorry i use you to mean both authors) and love your story to no end. I am very happy with what you have created and obviouly your happy with what you've created or you would have stopped writting, that's all that matters to me.

This series may have started as an experiment but it's the best experiment I've ever seen(read). i extremely like the way you have taken characters from JK's works that were displayed as evil or disliked (Draco, for example) and tried and succeeded to come up with a convincing way of changing their personalities. I also wanted to see if you could take something I saw as unlikely or not believable (A Harry/Hermione pairing) and make it work.

I am pretty sure that if enough people broadcasted or reccomended your story you would have a cast of about ten of thousands. This is a Harry Potter story, but there are other voices that are heard and it makes the story unique. This story is well thought out, is believable and is bloody brilliant! Thank you for your hard efforts and great job.

DC posted a comment on Thursday 15th June 2006 11:58pm

"Frankly the Harry going into and coming out of book six is a weak wimp that is probably going to end up getting killed in book seven. Book six was a major disappointment in my mind and it turned the last book (and all fan fic based on book six) into nothing more than a treasure hunt."

I know you guys aren't like that little psycho who wrote "A Slytherin REvenge (the story where everybody was against Harry and he hooked up with Blaise ZAbini, a girl version)" which was on for awhile. Remember that guy? The author's notes were him swwearing like a sailor with Tourette's about the stuff he hated from canon and cursing out his negative reviewers.

So I hope you'll forgive me for saying this (and perhaps appreciate a counter view-point), but you sound like you're almost disappointed that a) For once, we have a pretty good idea how the next book will go and b)It limits what one can do in post book 6 fics. To that I say:

So what? Rowling herself said 6 and 7 are more like one book split in half or something to that effect, so halfway through one book its natural you might have a rough idea how the other half might go. And JK is under no obligation to build a foundation for fanfic writers.

"Harry still hasn't received any decent combat training, but he's expected to duel a wizard with 50+ years of experience. Bye bye Harry."

But by that logic, even assuming Harry had been trained from birth, Voldemort would still have three decades more experience. The problem is is that a lot of people write stories (I'm not including you, because you guys are obviously smart enough to know better) assuming the "power the dark lord knows not" is some super destructive force that lets him do wandless and non verbal magic that would enable him to level a building with one spell, when Dumbledore makes it very clear that the power is just love. You guys write a super powered Harry, but you have better reasons for ignoring the canon explanation and make a good case for doing so.

At the end of HBP, Snape seems to make it pretty clear that Harry is pwoerful enough, he just needs to close his mind so he won't telegraph his attacks to a powerful Legilimens.

Over time, I have become less and less convinced that the final confrontation will take the form of a conventional duel, and if Harry dies, it won't be because he's well trained or not.

That said, I am a long time fan of both of you guys' works. I just can't help but notice that the people who criticize HBP the most are fanfiction writers and readers, especially those who have wrote and read numerous versions of year 6. If that's the case, I'm staying away from post HBP fiction so I won't be let down by the real thing.

No offense- but have you noticed this as well?

I think I have a differenet perspective than most, as I first read the entire Hp series 1-6 last summer non stop without any breaks between 5 and 6 for me to ponder the infinite number of ways number 6 could go.

I will agree that Dumbledore could have at least tried to extrapolate how the "power" works and could be used. But I also think that we have a disadvantage over the characters, so to speak: we know there's only one more book, one more year, but the characters don't. He probably simply expected a lot more time.

That said, I eagerly await the rest of the story.

And when are we going to see Dudley again?

Sterling posted a comment on Thursday 15th June 2006 5:25pm

These first few chapters have been pretty good. I think you are going a bit overboard with the power-enhancing rituals though. Harry already did something along those lines for the rest of the group when he created the wards around england. But, meh, it isn't that big a deal. I have noticed that there are a lot more little errors in this story then its prequel. Mistakes with missing words, syntax errors and incorrect words are found throughout the chapters. It is nothing major enough to make the story unreadable but it is noticable.

AJ4 posted a comment on Thursday 15th June 2006 1:35pm

Another awesome chapter!

-AJ : )

Anaknisatanas posted a comment on Thursday 15th June 2006 10:53am

This is such an awesome story. I'm glad that you and your wife are still working on this and are planning on finishing it. You two could definitely write original stories if you desired but I certainly don't mind reading your HP stories!!! I love the relationship between Harry and Hermione as well as the other Brotherhood members. I also enjoy the original characters you've added into the HP world like the Healers and other foreign ministry workers and such. I can't wait to see what Voldemort's reaction is and I'm wondering if Snape will finally be killed off or if something else will happen to him. He's a very bitter man, which is sort of how I picture him to be. Dumbledore is off his rocker and something needs to be done about him, he keeps making problems wherever he goes. It would be interesting if Moody came to Haven, or was found and decided to help out since he could be a real asset to them either in training spies or whatnot. Luna is a very interesting character and I've grown to like her a lot. Keep up the good plot and character work!

erin_colien posted a comment on Thursday 15th June 2006 1:41am

nice update looking forward to the next.

webdoc posted a comment on Wednesday 14th June 2006 6:46am

I have been a fan of your work for some time, and was glad to have stumbled onto your new location. Keep up the good work.

Oh and seeing as I have a warped sense of hunor myself, I love the breif "skits" before the chapters.

Nathalie posted a comment on Wednesday 14th June 2006 3:40am

I don't know what to say. I simply love your stories. I know you are not JK Rowling, but to be honest I am glad that you aren't. If I can say so I even like your sequals to what she has written beter then hers. There are quiet a few fanfics out there that I think are better then the book 5 and 6 of JK.

I can say only one think. KEEP GOING!!!!

KLGreen posted a comment on Tuesday 13th June 2006 8:33pm

well done chapter. Hermione sometimes is to curious for her own good.

TheJackOfDiamonds posted a comment on Tuesday 13th June 2006 4:02pm

An excellent chapter, as always. Personally, I agree with you about HBP, and I think it's wonderful how well you've re-created the HP universe with this fic. I've only recently begun to attempt my own story, and it's given me a new appreciation for sheer amount of work it takes to create something like this. I love your ideas about Luna and the angels, and I definitely don't think Harry's too powerful. I'm a sucker for a good Super!Harry though.

The two of you do excellent work, and I look forward to reading more.

-the Jack

Jake posted a comment on Tuesday 13th June 2006 5:56am

Excellent chapter! I really enjoyed the whole azkaban operation. The only thing I thought it was missing was a visual on the Hammer of God spell Harry did. I really wanted to know what you guys were picturing when you wrote it. Keep up the great work and update soon!


Lang posted a comment on Monday 12th June 2006 12:09pm

Ok so! I'm a new reader, and it took me bloody forever to catch up in Sunrise. I think your stories should be classified as an illegal substance, as I find myself heavily addicted (in a good way...)

Anyways, i'm not a big fan of AU fics but you have me heavily converted with your story. Let alone your little skits at the start of your chapters are gut wrenching hilarious. I love the sarcasm you guys carry. Its great.

And from Sunset the Magicus was great. Not many authors can create something new and have a nice storyline behind it. I loved it.

I love your fic and I expect withdrawal to set in anytime now. Chapter 11 said you two were ill, hope you feel better.


TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Monday 12th June 2006 11:32am

Love the story. Nice action and I love the Super Charged Harry. Lots of good stuff going on. Nice writing.


mathiasgranger posted a comment on Monday 12th June 2006 6:44am

I have to admit I am enjoying your series very much. After I received your review for my story and within it indicated you had just dealt with a bonding of sorts, I was intrigued to see what your story was about.

As you clearly state in your author notes this is an adult story, and yet it works very well within the confines of the "potterverse" as you called it. I look forward to your next update.

Ian Morgan posted a comment on Monday 12th June 2006 5:25am

i love your stories but the east cost of Wales
there is no east cost of Wales.
I Think you ment west cost of Wales
Keep up the good work

participium posted a comment on Monday 12th June 2006 1:23am

Hmm, great chapter, as always but Harry's leg continues to bother him. Personly I think it makes Harry far too weak. He is powerfull magicly yes but that only takes you so far. I think if Harry would confront Voldemort he would lose. Now Harry always wins by simply overpowering his oponents. A crude but effictive way if your oponent is far weaker then you or not experienced. The problem is Voldemort is not much weaker then Harry and is far more experienced. Harry can NOT dodge, he has to relie on shields. Shields take power and will eventually be broken. He will be worn out. Voldemort on the other hand can dodge and use shields. Harry is a standing target. It's not difficult to get on the offensive on a standing target. You just move around and keep firing spells at it. Because your opponents has to defend himself and your a moving target he will barely be able to retaliate. So Voldemort keeps attacking, eventually Harry's shield Will break and Harry's dead. Unless Harry's leg improves I don't think he has a chance at winning.
It's like at my karate competitions. I'm the smalles in the bunch, they're a lot stronger then me but I'm faster. I simply wear them out, hop around and give them not chance.

Bobmin356 replied:

Oh yee of little faith... Harry's leg will continue to be an issue, but there is a fix that will be available. The reason why you won't see it anytime soon is it's one of those things that if he uses it, the leg will work fine, but he'll lose more mobility afterwards. So he's saving it for when it's really necessary.

Kathleen posted a comment on Sunday 11th June 2006 11:36pm

Glad to see the wives insisting on not being smothered, and glad to see Harry going along with that without dragging his feet.

The fight was great, but I was a little confused by the battle in the pens. It sounded like a lot of prisoners were killed, yet no one seemed too concerned by that. Also, I thought Harry's group was supposed to have the hardest part, but I didn't see why. Suddenly Harry blew up part of the island -- I think it would have been better if we'd seen his group get overwhelmed first.

the_elusive_snitch posted a comment on Sunday 11th June 2006 4:07pm

I love this story. You've developed it well so that even without sticking to canon it's a believable storyline. I'll make no bones about it I hate book six; it seems more like an outline of a story rather than an actual book. I don't really stick to any particular ship though based on the first five books I would have said the evidence pointed to Harry and Hermione with Ron again getting jealous of one more thing that Harry got. Again I like the story, keep up the good work.

kelvin posted a comment on Sunday 11th June 2006 12:46pm

Book 7: Harry Potter and his understatments!!

Donald McLeod posted a comment on Sunday 11th June 2006 11:45am

I like every thing you both put in to this story. With plots and subs it feels like the 'Longest Day' only better.
Once More THANK YOU.