Content Harry Potter


Graup posted a comment on Sunday 11th June 2006 11:39am

Really enjoyed this chapter, especially the length!

The Azkaban battle was well done. It always helps to read a fan fiction that is written well enough that you can almost smell the smoke from the battle. Good job there.

I missed the whole Miles sick thing some where. Was that just inserted in the end?

Thanks for the chapter. Can't wait until the next one arrives.

Lurk posted a comment on Sunday 11th June 2006 9:51am

^-^ VERY nice chapter!

Whoof. That had to take a lot out of you. Battles are plain tiring.

I understand why Eocho was upset with Hermione, but his anger seemed to WAAAAAAAAY overtop it. Is there some specific reason he got so upset? Is his reaction going to be a continuing tred with other bonding couples?

Uh oh. Miles ain't feeling so well. Why do I feel a heavy Dead!Miles foreshadowing? ::sniff::

Keep it up!

Sean Li posted a comment on Sunday 11th June 2006 9:49am

Excellent. Do continue.

Quizer posted a comment on Sunday 11th June 2006 4:55am

Wow, what a rush! Great chapter, and so quickly, too! Loved the rescue operation. But I wonder, where would Caleb recognize Harry's spell? I doubt you'd see something called 'Hammer of God' cast regularly...
I liked the scenes with Millicent and McGonagall too. I just was a bit surprised by how... feral Millicent was in her bird form.
Oh, and do you know when we can expect the second part of the top-page banner, for 'Sunrise' ?

Keep it up, you've got me totally hooked!


takon65 posted a comment on Sunday 11th June 2006 3:58am

A awesome chapter!

With Neville, you brought out the basic feeling of all citizen soldiers..."What am I doing here,I'm a herbologist, for Merlin's sake!" They are the same people that would lead others and do thier duty till the war is over then more than likely not talk about thier service.

As for the disclaimers, you can always occasionally go back to Ron--Moaning Myrtle needs a boyfriend doesn't she?


MarinePotterfan posted a comment on Sunday 11th June 2006 2:49am

What a chapter, the funny thing was I was hoping that you would update sooner and then the next day there it was. I hope you keep updating soone. I got so use to DD and SC getting updated so fast.
I can't wait to read Voldy's reaction in the next chapter. He is going to be very very pissed off. I love the bonding issue now Ginny is wants it.


knightsbridge posted a comment on Sunday 11th June 2006 1:46am

Although I am one of the dedicated HP/GW shippers...only because I have felt HP/HG would be a "yes, dear/No, dear" thing, you make it work, as you have all other ships. I, too agree that JKR may kill Harry, if only to make sure no one else takes up the writing. After HBP I lost not only a lot of respect for her writing (so Kill me)but it seems she is into the fame of being JKR. Just to make certain the rest of the reviewers hat my guts, GOF (movie) was God Awful. Keep doing what YOU do!

AcceleratedGlass posted a comment on Saturday 10th June 2006 11:34pm

good chapter update soon

jackstraw posted a comment on Saturday 10th June 2006 11:31pm

Awesome chapter! I love it when the battle is taken to Voldy. Can't wait to see the aftermath. One thing that wasn't clear to me, why did Harry blow up a third of the island? Was that just a fit? My *guess* is that Harry was blowing up the newly arriving DeathEaters at the port for the shift of guard, but it was not clear what was going on there.

patrik svensson posted a comment on Saturday 10th June 2006 11:14pm

Great story,
keep up the good work.

hedwig_edwiges posted a comment on Saturday 10th June 2006 11:04pm

There is always a git somewhere, ready to complain about things he/she isn't able to do. So, even if flames e bad reviews won't stop, I wish you just ignore them. Constructive critcism should be welcome, complaining that fanfic is different from JKR books is a case for mental commitment. That put aside, YOUR STORY ROCKS! It's like watching a action/drama WW2 movie. It's always interesting and always bring something new. I'm waiting in stiches to see the final duel between Harry e Moldy. Keep your enthusiasm up! And thanks for the entertainment.

darktail posted a comment on Saturday 10th June 2006 9:58pm

...Weeeeeee! What a wonderful chapter! ^__^
...Can't wait for the next, and don't worry, at least I don't think that every HP FF should be strictly canon-oriented. Heck, my favourite FF are the Harry's 20/30/whatever yrs mind in younger Harry (time-travel), Alternate Universes, and all that jazz.
...So, keep up the good work, dears, and don't forget to take care of yourself, ok? Bye-bye! ^__^

Bukama Stealth posted a comment on Saturday 10th June 2006 9:11pm

Once again a most masterful continuation of the amazing story.
I do wonder though. Why havent't they thought of using the ward Harry set up around Britain on a smaller scale?
For instance setting up tiny wards that will take out one person and then fade away in the halways of Hogwarts using the Marauders map and.
Or around several major death eater strong holds and then attcking another stronghold.

Jeanas posted a comment on Saturday 10th June 2006 7:42pm

Wonderful like always and a better read entertaining that the tv shows. And a quicker update is certainly to please me.
Awaiting the next one. Cheers

scott2 posted a comment on Saturday 10th June 2006 4:29pm

Great chapter and being a luna fan I enjoyed her time in the spotlight, I'm a little confused by Hermione wether I like or dislike her actions and reactions so I'm ignoring her for now and just enjoying the show as I can't put to words what it is about her that is getting to me.

Till next time :)

AK posted a comment on Saturday 10th June 2006 3:21pm

"Why haven't we recieved doughnuts"

Need shipping adress!

Manatheron posted a comment on Saturday 10th June 2006 2:21pm

I fully agree with the two of you about most stories being firly sub-par when it comes to anyone other than the main character(s) but there are some very good stories out there that have a full range of character In fact I Highly reccomend...


I recommend...


Let me get back to you on that one, My point is that SOMEWHERE out there another Must exist right?

I was going to question you one what would happen to the angels once everyone left, but you already answered that one. I found it rather interesting that harry is a little afraid of the family he's always wanted, but now that he has hermoine's memories to draw on in addition to his own he should feel a little better right?

I was also wondering why harry's group doesn't just re-take the entire prision? if they purge it of the lingering evil it would make an excellent staging ground for furthor foray's into voldi's terrain, as well as a place for the angels to stay. And in all reality it should be empty now as the former gaurd were all running out to join the fight. what would be a greater insult than taking away one of the main symbols of old voldi's power? the only one I could see being a worse blow to the snake's power base would be to re-take hogwarts. (Although I suppose freeing or killing snape might hurt them quite a bit too.)

Regardless, keep up the excellent work!

Orion posted a comment on Saturday 10th June 2006 12:22pm

Your comment about book six being a disaster - i can't say i agree, but that's only because i haven't managed to finish book 5. I've read a LOT LOT LOT of fanfiction since I discovered it, much of it HP fiction - and when book 5 came out it was so different from the tastes i'd developed in fan fiction, i never got past page 200. Read what i read in one sitting, put it down and never picked it back up.

Anyway - these two fics are among the top 10 HP stories i've ever read (which includes the real books 1-3). Keep up the good work.

unperfectwolf posted a comment on Saturday 10th June 2006 12:05pm

Speaking of Millicent and McGonagall, more of them would be awesome. But thats just me and my love for the weirder characters.

Anyways, awesome update. For some reason the part about the angel's "moving on" was extremely profound for me. And I really can't tell you why.

I might review again, when I have the ability to think a little clearer, but it's been a very long day. So, I think I'll end this by telling you guys the story rocks and that more is awesome and to stay healthy, for fucks sake!

freakyfinger posted a comment on Saturday 10th June 2006 11:50am

Yah! Down with Azkaban!