Content Harry Potter


beauty0102 posted a comment on Saturday 10th June 2006 2:44am

yet another great chapter and can't wait for more.

Musings of Apathy posted a comment on Saturday 10th June 2006 2:38am

Wonderful. As always a great chapter. I loved Harry using the spell that destroyed the battlefield. I hope that there is more of an explanation in the next, even if it is only one sentence. I like how you made Susan pregnent. It is nice to see at least one instance of normal real life hitting them. I look forward to stories of the angels wreaking havoc on the main isle and what the Death Eaters do to combat them. Would an angel's good effect be like a phoenix, having negative effect on the black of Heart?

Thank you for writing and sharing with us.

Mike (MoA)

P.S. Bob - all new chapter of Cracked on Sunday.

Babs posted a comment on Saturday 10th June 2006 2:29am

Hi Bobmin

Great chapter. I loved the way Harry described the encounter with the Sheik and its consequences, but please keep the Nundu out of Britain.
I wonder what effect a bunch of Angels will have on the British populace. Actually, are you setting things up for uprisings? The repressions of Voldemorts government are just over the top, the way you describe it, even if you keep your head down and your mouth shut, you suffer severely, especially compared to the standards of living British citizens are used to. What you describe reminds me of Germany during WWII. Considering that there is no external foe to blame, and the Haven group has dealt a blow to Malfoys' propaganda, people will start to pinpoint their current government. Add the uplifting effect of the Angels, and people will start to hope that things can change, that they can change things.

Oh well, looking forward to the next chapter.


Dicknorn posted a comment on Saturday 10th June 2006 2:16am

Another brilliant chapter Bob and Alex. This story just became a little more serious for those in the Brotherhood. Hopefully this is a turning point with all the planning and training to start back into the war against Voldemort. Although I did miss the Q branch, but you made up for it with the prank on the twins. Always glad to see a post from you two keep up the great work, especially when you two surprise me and get a post out sooner than I expected one. There are just so many seperate plot lines in your story I never can understand how anyone can critisize it. There is always something happening and your loyal readers understand you taking this story AU with a superpowerful Harry especially since JKR's book six was blatantly a poor excuse of literature. I always knew Harry was going to die in JKR's series since I read book four, now JKR can not even keep that a secret after book six. There is not any suspence left in her series and that is why I look forward to your stories.


mjc posted a comment on Saturday 10th June 2006 1:59am

It was nice to see Harry go nuke...great thing about Harry's nasty fallout, no fireball wiping out everything for miles around, etc.

Hmm...somebody ought get Miles a box of Pepcid.

Ishtar posted a comment on Saturday 10th June 2006 1:46am

Wonderful combat scenes! You really got across the feeling of chaos in a situation like that, and I like that while Harry is the central figure in this war, he is not doing it all on his own. I'm worried about Miles now though; is he giving himself an ulcer or is something worse happening? Somebody's going to have to tie him down so the Healers can look at him.

If all fanfics stayed within JKR's bounds, they'd all be roughly the same and would be very boring to read. The major point behind fanfic is to use canon as a jumping-off point and go off in all sorts of different directions. Bravo for rendering the WWII specialty squad caper as a HP story!

Roy1 posted a comment on Saturday 10th June 2006 1:29am

This has to be one of my absolute favorite chapter in this universe so far. I was turned onto this fic by my wife and as she knows that I am a H/G shipper for the most part she also knows that asa result of WKGQ I have become more open to other ships (especially well writen ships. The Hammer of God spell was one that I hadnt thought of but what the hell, it works. The subplots are wonderful and are nice to see authors working with ( I was getting skewered for my changes iin POV's and the additional subplots) I think that it adds more to the fic when you are able to see the motivations for peoples changes and reactions. I dont leave many reviews anymore. Honestly, how many times can you say great chapter cant wait for the next one. The over-powered Harry is a good plot line and I do like how you are handling how Moldieshorts is needing to come up toi Harry's level in power so that it isnt going to be a simple AK that takes out his snakiness. I do find myself having to really think when I assemble my chapters and make sure that I am not taking any ideas from you and using them in mine but if I ever do it will be apropriately credited. I hope that I can have permission to use the Hammer of God spell in my own fic, there is going to come a point when I am looking for a high power spell in combat, although I dont think I will have it destroying half of an island (dont think the Brits would be pleased with a hold in the island. My appologies for the spelling errors in this I cant submit a review to beta, but I am going to enjoy this fic and probably any others that come from your wonderfully creative minds.

JIM HOOD posted a comment on Saturday 10th June 2006 1:16am


coulsdoneagle posted a comment on Saturday 10th June 2006 1:01am

OK - I'm convinced by now one of you is Tom Clancy. Now my money's on Alyx...

You've found a fairly novel way in treating the "all-powerful" Harry conundrum. Just a shame we only indirectly get an indication of Voldemort's initial response to the raid. I would have liked to have seen his anger vented on the minion who brought him the news.

Just one minor Brit bitch. Wales doesn't have an east coast. Not unless you've detached it from England & floated it into the Irish Sea. Not that that's an unattractive idea; the journey to & from the Millenium Stadium couldn't be any more difficult than it is now!

Bobmin356 replied:

Thank you for pointing out the east west problem. I've made the appropriate correction in the file. :)

fhippogriff posted a comment on Saturday 10th June 2006 12:56am

My favorite line: Hermione shook herself and tried to ignore the fact that they were killing people, while Luna's merry laughter rang in her ears.

A Harry who can say: Apparently, if you blow up a third of your battlefield, it takes extra time to debrief you... is a what? Sarcastic!Harry, Wryhumor!Harry, Witty!Harry? I think your Harry has changed from cannon not just by being a super power Harry, and by taking on the mantle of Maglios, but also this sarcastic, witty side he has to him. Much more fun than the jerk he was in book five, or the guy obsessed with what Draco was doing in book six.

radar posted a comment on Saturday 10th June 2006 12:29am

i'm liking it so far, rather interesting. Sorry bout not review before, I was trying to finish before 1 in the morning, and was on a time cruch to begin with. Great story by the way, I'm just slightly confused with some of the subplots going on, mainly Arther and Melinda, and the children of the orphanage. It is not to say that I don't understand them, I just feel kinda lost as to why they are there. I hope that there is more to offer in regards to their participation in the story in the future chapters.

Adam posted a comment on Saturday 10th June 2006 12:26am

Another great chapter, and you certainly did a good job with the writing of the battle on Azkaban. It will be interesting to see Voldys reaction to that, considering the losses he would have taken. Keep up the good work.

zac posted a comment on Saturday 10th June 2006 12:05am

As always you two are brilliant. I love it when HArry gets pissed off at his enemy's. Admit it, you just wanted to give harry a chance to use a really big really cool spell. Hammer of God indeed.

Charm posted a comment on Saturday 10th June 2006 12:01am

Wow, ok, I just read your series in a day and a half and this is the first review I've submitted. I have to say that your story is AMAZING! I get overwhelmed sometimes while reading into the subplots and details of your story. It's definitely a world on its own and I commend you for all the hard work that has gone into it. Please update soon, I don't think I can wait too long to see this story updated.

fashizzlism posted a comment on Friday 9th June 2006 11:48pm

another wondeful chapter :P, i hope to see another update soon... im really looking forward to see volde reaction :)

by the way will we be seeing any more of dudley any time soon? personally im very interested in how he is going to be used...

Keep up the good work


kcgx23 posted a comment on Friday 9th June 2006 11:19pm

Great chapter, I loved it, I can 't wait to read more and see how Ginny and Susan will bond with Neville and Terry.

Hagrid posted a comment on Friday 9th June 2006 10:59pm

How could anyone make it this far into your story and still be sendin' you other shipper pleadin's and moanin's? The damnned harbor is all but full of ships as it is! Although having said that I have seen one of the Haven angels givin' Echo the palest of "eyes" To quote the Twins "Just our little joke Neville" As to the failure of book six, or the Half Baked Plot, your assessment of a treasure hunt just about sums it up. Send me an owl if yeh need me

Sean Dillon posted a comment on Friday 9th June 2006 10:23pm

Great job. Looks like we may lose Miles soon - sounds like he has ulcers he's ignoring.

LifeScientist posted a comment on Friday 9th June 2006 10:20pm

The devil's in the details, and though you've generally got an excellent thing going on here, you forget (or seem to) whatever pisses Harry of enough to use an omega-class spell with so little warning.
Hopefully you'll explain this in ch13. Other than this, great job, folks.

Bobmin356 replied:

And like you said, you'll have to wait until Chapter 13 to find out why he did what he did. :)

gummihu posted a comment on Friday 9th June 2006 10:11pm

Great chapter as ususal, as for the donuts, I buy them and is going too post them but then i accidentaly eat them, sorry. Good donuts though.