Content Harry Potter


UdderPD posted a comment on Sunday 28th May 2006 2:32am

Another blindingly brilliant chapter.


MarinePotterfan posted a comment on Sunday 28th May 2006 1:56am

Well another great chapter from the both of you. You set up Terry and Susan from the last chapter very well, I know that something was going to happen but not Susan having a baby, who is next. I bet that is going to be relevent in the comming chapter. Thanks for writing.


Scott Sakraida posted a comment on Sunday 28th May 2006 1:52am

Loved the chapter, well worth the wait. I do like how much trouble Harry can find just going to the library. Scott

Blue Werewolf Boy posted a comment on Sunday 28th May 2006 1:46am

awsome. i loved it

Lurk posted a comment on Sunday 28th May 2006 1:27am

Well that was a nice, strong chapter!

Hmmmm, was that bit of Luna at the end one of her quirks (I think so) or her being unable to be herself?

Eep. Blood Jihad? Is that gonna be a big part? Or just a minor thing?

Love the house elves!

keep it up!

xpotter posted a comment on Sunday 28th May 2006 1:22am

could u get the updates sooner. its a great story but i am kinda loosing interest because of the slow updates. i really want to read more of harry's crusade to regain England. start that soon guyz. i am really getting impatient

Musings of Apathy posted a comment on Sunday 28th May 2006 12:43am

Excellent chapter. I liked the honeymoon scenes and thought that the amount of spousal loving portrayed was wonderful for a fairly no-puddles story. More and I would have had to take a clean-up break, less and well...why less anyway?

I loved the library scene and Harry discovering a plot that ended up swaying the middle east from Voldemort. It could have great reprocussions on Voldy's recruitment in a quarter of the world, if the leaders in that area make their stance clear.

I liked that there was a confrontation in Paris, but why didn't Terry just accio Susan's wand rather than just leave her without protection? I guess that it was just the heat of his first battle.

Great job, Bob and Alyx. Funny, Snape didn't die in this intro? Are you changing your tune, or did Barney forget the KY? Wow, bad way to die. Please, if you ever want me gone, just put a bullet in my head. I could not handle the alternatives.

Thank you for writing.

Mike (MoA)

Ishtar posted a comment on Sunday 28th May 2006 12:40am

Lovely work, and worth the wait. It was good to see Terry get to do something (he's chronically underused in fics). Neville was right, Draco is toast. Hopefully the more focused Luna will hold off on getting pregnant until things are less dangerous, but if there's anybody that can control when to get pregnant, it's her. The Library of Alexandria sequence was wonderful. Why didn't Harry's medallion whisk him to Haven when his arm was shattered, though? Love Millicent as the gyrfalcon; that's a brilliant idea.

Hope you both are doing better.

Bobmin356 replied:

Simply put Harry's injury wasn't sufficient enough to trigger the medallion.

Ricky posted a comment on Sunday 28th May 2006 12:34am

Once Again Bob and Alyx; A great Chapter; Keep up the Good work

Crys posted a comment on Sunday 28th May 2006 12:33am

Moody! Nice to see him again. Even nicer to see him honestly wanting to retire. Him giving AD a hidey-hole while he heals yet not wanting to get involved makes sense.

*blink* Do you two have something against someone named Amy?

Despite being handicapped by an impotency curse, he had risen to the challenge
*cough/choke* Snerk!

"You were the one dive bombing me two days ago out near the greenhouses!"

One interesting happening in the Library. Susan and Terry's attack turned out about as well as can be expected. I'm wondering how much useful info they'll be able to pry out of the bad guys.

Huh. Does SUSAN know she's pregnant?

Nice chap. Looking forward to the next.

Rob9 posted a comment on Sunday 28th May 2006 12:28am

This story is the best Harry Potter fanfiction I have ever read. Please don't let it end anytime soon. You both are masters of your craft. Please continue asap.

Muirnin Cocan posted a comment on Sunday 28th May 2006 12:04am

Glad to see you getting a new chapter out... hopefully I will have something new to read soon... (*sounds like broken record*)

Very interesting chapter... in a strange way it didn't quite seem consistant with the end of Chapter 10... I can't put my finger on it... I guess when I go into procrastination mode again and do another read thru I will either figure it out or realize it was just my imagination (which is probably the latter) since you guys are just that good!

I like the showing of support that you are bringing about... can't wait to see what you end up doing with Dudley... part of me hopes that he ends up turning his back on the big V guy and throwing support to Harry... *grin* kind of payback for saving his life when the Dementors attacked him and Harry...

Great chapter... looking forward to much more genius from the both of you...

As Always,

Dani posted a comment on Saturday 27th May 2006 11:40pm

I feel sorry for Draco now that Luna seems to be excited about having a baby.

I bet Susan and Terry didn't know that they were pregnant, they rarely know that they are pregnant straight away.

Glad to see that the twins are still causing Havoc and Harry saving the world yet once again.

Can't wait for the next chapter.

Elfguard48 posted a comment on Saturday 27th May 2006 11:23pm

I'm glad you let us know Moody is alive. I've been waiting for news of him. This chapter is very well witten and kept me on the edge of my seat. Happy Susan and Terry are alright and having a baby. I did lose a bet on that tho. I had picked Luna or Ginny. Best 25 cents I've ever lost. Will be waiting for the next installment

Aaron Eddleston posted a comment on Saturday 27th May 2006 11:14pm

i have a question that i hope u answer...some of the words during the chapter have been "o, youbirds", "o, yos" and there are a lot more. I have no idea what they mean and i hope u will be able to tell me in the next chapter's authors notes

MichelleG posted a comment on Saturday 27th May 2006 11:10pm

Another good long chapter! I loved the update. It was interesting how you showed Egypt's ministry siding with Harry. I like how you went about it. I can't wait for the next update. Should be interesting once Susan and Terry wake up. :-)

Sean Dillon posted a comment on Saturday 27th May 2006 10:58pm

Glad to see that Moody is still alive. Interesting that Dumbles ended up in Scotland to do his healing. Guessing that Moody has his place under fidelius. It's the only way I can figure that Voldy and the Death Eaters haven't caught up with him yet - they'd have had to pick up a trace of his magical signature from his apparation.

I think Ginny should hex Fred and George's naughty bits for a while anyway.


Ruth posted a comment on Saturday 27th May 2006 10:12pm

Wow, brilliant chapter again guys. well done, can't wait for the next one.

KLGreen posted a comment on Saturday 27th May 2006 9:54pm

me like this very much I knew brotherhood would end up preggers before it came to the final battle

AcceleratedGlass posted a comment on Saturday 27th May 2006 9:51pm

good chapter update soon