Content Harry Potter


DDennis posted a comment on Saturday 27th May 2006 9:42pm

Excwllwnt chapter, Love the story please keep up the good work, and may you and yours be well,

Shawn Pickett posted a comment on Saturday 27th May 2006 8:20pm

Well this should prove quite interesting, Dudley getting set loose on his cousin. I'd think that considering their past relationship, that the tactic won't be quite as effective as the D.E.'s hope, but, they may have planned for that. Regardless, it will be interesting to see what happens. I would have thought Hermione would've assimilated by now that Harry is a trouble magnet, if something bad is going on, he's going to wind up involved, intentional or not. The bit with the Bones was quite well done, and I suspect they weren't even aware of Susan's impending motherhood. All in all an outstanding effort, as usual, thank you.

Voldemort is Dead posted a comment on Saturday 27th May 2006 7:19pm

Excellent as always! I had a good laugh at the interaction between Millicent and Minerva with their animagi forms.

fashizzlism posted a comment on Saturday 27th May 2006 6:44pm

HAHAH! god trying to eat mcgonagall!!! i laughed so so hard. i was very please when i check my email and found you had updated, and trust me you dont dissapoint :D

Keep up the good work


Ian Morgan posted a comment on Saturday 27th May 2006 5:52pm

fantastic chapter
it took longer than normal to update but it was worth it
i love the way the story in developing and love all your other stories please update soon

hoser41 posted a comment on Saturday 27th May 2006 5:21pm

Great chapter. Looking forward to good stuff to come as well. Hope you all are getting better.

vl100butch posted a comment on Saturday 27th May 2006 3:52pm

Good stuff, hope y'all are feeling better.

Erik Wiggins posted a comment on Friday 26th May 2006 7:44am

Where's my update??? I know I know, I'm a selfish jerk who gets all of the pleasure of reading this wonderful tale but none of the headaches. Actually, that's not true. If you guys were mediocre writers then it would be true but since you are not and the story is excellent, having to wait for the update is torture! Hurry Up! ...and keep up the great work and incredibly high standards

Otokondo posted a comment on Wednesday 24th May 2006 1:54pm

just a thought, but if Harry Potter sealed Britain and things were getting desperate, couldnt the would just nuke them?

TNaSeein' posted a comment on Tuesday 23rd May 2006 12:12pm

I was just wondering. It took quite awhile before Charlie was allowed to step foot in Padfoot Manor, so how long will it take Melinda McKinney before she gets to meet Harry and the gang.

Or is she still in the dark about the whole Brotherhood thing?

Draymon posted a comment on Monday 22nd May 2006 12:00am

Your writing rocks. Just a couple of questions

Glideroy lockhert and the Longbottoms were they evacuated?

The angel will they be visible to muggles? such as olga and sven

TheBlackPearl posted a comment on Saturday 20th May 2006 11:55pm

Hurray, for happy occasions. And honeymoons! :) I do worry about Susan and Terry's well being. That desk clerk could possibly be up to no good.

I am glad Hermione did not try and AK Luna over the Angels stunt, as I truly love Luna and would hate to see her go.

Love how Harry turned that possession back on Riddle.

I still have the urge to *thwack* Ginny betweenb the eyes when she talks, but I am more inclined to try and like her in this fic.

Thrilled to see Tonks' parents are alive and well and reunited with their daughter on her wedding day.

And Bless You both for Minerva's memory of the day Harry was born. While, I love the glimpse into Harry's parents, I do have an unexplainable love for Sirius Black and any snippet that brings him back to life, however briefly, totally makes me giddy. Aunt Minnie, indeed.

Great chapter.


Darth Revan posted a comment on Saturday 20th May 2006 5:27am

No, the story Harry Potter and Merlin's Gifts is not abandonned, it has been updated the 8th of this month.
And, I think there is a story that you can like, it is a like yours and its title is Ascension of the Scorpion Sorcerer. Read it, you'll love it.

Darth Revan posted a comment on Saturday 20th May 2006 5:03am

I love your story. It's great but you have made a fault : Tai Chi is written like this not Ti Chi.

Darth Revan posted a comment on Saturday 20th May 2006 4:30am

You're right the story called Harry Potter and the Mind Mage had been discontinued on FFnet.

Darth Revan posted a comment on Saturday 20th May 2006 3:43am

I just wanted to say you this : the story The Father had been updated the 02-19-06.

ZachShanks posted a comment on Tuesday 16th May 2006 6:59am


Excessively long update periods.

Why pray tell does seem to take some authors MONTHS to write a 3K word chapter? I don’t get that at all
your own words. i'm just screwing with ya i'd rather read a storie that takes a month between updates then a rushed one so keep up the good work and thanks for the hours of entertainment. sry i kinda had a spelling error in there the first time around

ZachShanks posted a comment on Tuesday 16th May 2006 6:57am


Excessively long update periods.

Why pray tell does seem to take some authors MONTHS to write a 3K word chapter? I don’t get that at all
your own words. i'm just screwing with ya i'd rather read a storie that takes a month between updates then a rushed one so keep up the good work and that for the hours of entertainment.

catallison posted a comment on Friday 12th May 2006 11:40pm

I started reading the other reader reviews for the first time yesterday, but I generally keep up with the author notes, and I have to say, I'm pretty surprised that so many people are down on the Charlie-manipulated-by-Dumbledore subplot. I love it. It add some complexity, and is completely reasonable, and I like how its introduced us to Ginny's talent. If we're to believe that Dumbledore manipulated Harry, the majority of the Order, and the wizarding world successfully for x years, it shouldn't be any surprise to anyone that Charlie is taken in for a few days/weeks as well. And let's be honest, his family took their sweet time getting around to telling him about what was really going down. If he's only getting information from a source who's supposedly beyond reproach and his family is acting shifty, what else should we expect?

catallison posted a comment on Thursday 11th May 2006 12:27pm

I've just finished reading Sunset and have started on the sequel. I've been planning to write a review for a while, but couldn't stop reading long enough to get around to it.

Your plotting is excellent-- engaging, suspenseful-- seriously, good enough to make minor flaws ignorable (I think it took a while for the voices of the characters to be well differentiated and not sound like they were having conversations in prepared speeches). Sunset had me leaving the dishes at the cafe I work at to the end of my shift and then cutting myself on a broken martini glass in the rush to catch up because I just could not stop reading. Seriously, I bled for half an hour. And got a long lecture from the night guy about how I wasn't closing my shift properly. The last time I fell into a story like that was when I read through the series for the first time two summers ago (I just graduated with a degree in English Literature, which means reading hasn't been fun and games for a while) . So, rock on, and keep the updates coming because I'm catching up.

But dudes, there's been one little tiny detail that's been driving me mad to the point that I've finally been motivated to write a review: Harry didn't make Hermione and Remus book bags of requirement, he made them boxes of requirement. Obviously, this break in continuity doesn't harm the structure of the story, but has frustrated me to no end. Maybe the idea of a box over a book bag was just more elegant and wizardy and reminiscent of the trunks everyone is carrying to and from Hogwarts and maybe I have suppressed a childhood trauma involving enchanted book bags, but I have my roommate rolling in laughter every time I shout "Book bags??? They were BOXES!" during my reading. Yeah, I know, I should bring this up with the therapist, but for the love of all that is good and holy, bring back the boxes!