Content Harry Potter


UKlover posted a comment on Saturday 6th May 2006 7:36pm

I started Sunset on Thursday and and now up to this point in Sunrise. These two stories are awe inspiring and very addicting. I'm sure if this story were finished I'd be done by tonight since I can't seem to stop reading them! Can't wait until the next chapter.

vertru posted a comment on Saturday 6th May 2006 8:26am

Congratulations on another long and bounteous chapter. You have once again raised the bar of fanfiction with your amazing imagery and well thought out scenarios. The wedding scene was especially sweet and endearing when Hermione froze up. You paint the pair as being so human and humane, they feel like friends. Excellent job with this, as usual.


darktail posted a comment on Saturday 6th May 2006 6:56am

...Spiffy chapter, as always. ^_^

...Please take care of yourself, ok? I don't want you feeling bad 'cause we want new chapters every few hours or so. (...Just Kidding... Nobody "ever" asked that, right? O_o)

We can wait, you know? (Well, "I" can wait, I can't talk for others...)

...Now, can I add my two cents of the updateless list?

Curse of the Banshee

AU, starting from GoF's last chapters.

Last update: 10-27-04 (chapter 16 is the last)

AzkabanInnocent!Harry at first, then Harry defeats Voldemort and is freed, but in chapter 13 his grieving "called" the Banshees, who...

..Not telling any more things, but don't read the story if you're easily hooked up, or it would be a bad thing, seeing the last update's date...

...I really wish that this story was updated again.

Olaf Rammler posted a comment on Saturday 6th May 2006 4:08am

Its absolutely great. please continue it very soon!

Patches posted a comment on Friday 5th May 2006 4:14pm

This was an excellent chapter! I love Luna's
"Angels"! That was great! Of course anything that important has to cause Harry pain! No pain no gain? It certainly seems to apply. The wedding was great. I've heard references to hand fastings in other cultures. Thank you for bringing this out in such detail.
Alyx, I am so sorry you were bitten by a spider and are having such a hard time with it. (Tell Bob that wives can bite back!) My husband was bitten by a "Brown Recluse Spider" almost 2 years ago and he still feels bad from it sometimes. I hope you recover completely and have no more symptoms. My prayers are with you.
Thanks for writing. I really like your style! pms (I appreciate your updates whenever you are up to it. Life bites sometimes. Bite it back and keep on truckin'!)

Olaf Rammler posted a comment on Friday 5th May 2006 6:12am

Its more than absolutely great. please continue it very very soon!

Graup posted a comment on Wednesday 3rd May 2006 9:04am

Enjoyed the chapter. You did a great job on the weddings, but I see trouble for the Boots. Darn!

I hate Draco as well - at least he is a minor character so far.

Interesting tie in with the Druids, and all their traditions.

I liked the part about Luna, and that Harry already has the tool to kill Voldie. I have to confess, though, that you have me stumped.

Thanks for the new chapter.

Life's a Dance posted a comment on Wednesday 3rd May 2006 8:18am

Here's another to add to the updateless list: The Hero with a Thousand Faces by Lori @

TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Wednesday 3rd May 2006 5:03am

Outstanding story. I can't wait for the next chapter. Nice job.


TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Wednesday 3rd May 2006 12:03am

Good chapter but a burrmer at the end.


TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Tuesday 2nd May 2006 11:19am

Good one, love the payback.


TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Tuesday 2nd May 2006 6:34am

Good chapter.


TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Tuesday 2nd May 2006 2:43am

Outstanding, gotta love Peeves.


Obliviate posted a comment on Tuesday 2nd May 2006 2:35am

Ah.. They're so sweet. :D
Unlike you, I actually like Draco very much, and I like the way you've made his redemption possible in this fic, it actually seems possible, and that's well done considering all the people who never seems to manage to write it plausible. I'm not a H/Hr fan, but again, this is so well written that I just have to keep reading! :D

I love this fic, and I sincerely hope that you'll get healthy soon, and update frequently once more.
If you want a recommandation for the Updateless List, fics like Without Wand Or Wire ( and the Awakening of A Magus (, gloriously written but not updated for quite some time.. :S

keep up the good work!

bigdrunkguy posted a comment on Tuesday 2nd May 2006 1:54am

Fucking good story, I'd like to say. Too bad it's not finished yet. How many chapters are you planning to have? So I could put a notification on my schedule to reread it some time in 2007 ;)

Very nice case of SuperHarry here. That dark twist makes both stories much more interesting than DA an SC. I'm really loving EvilDD fics BTW so I couldn't miss your work. :)

Talking about your fics, I'm quite pleased by your style, your plot ideas, your humor, and (last but not the least) the word/chapter figures. One suggestion, would you please kill Harry this time? The lucky bastard seems to escape every single killing curse thrown at him. Maybe that greedy bitch called JKR would dispose of him at the end of book 7...I hope.

TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Monday 1st May 2006 10:58pm

Very good chapter, hope they can save Charlie.


TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Monday 1st May 2006 12:16pm

Good chapter.


TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Monday 1st May 2006 8:32am

Very good, hope Charlie will be ok.


TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Monday 1st May 2006 5:19am

Very good story.


TxA_GunFighter posted a comment on Monday 1st May 2006 2:37am

Very good. Kinda tells it like it is. War isn't fun.
