Content Harry Potter


fashizzlism posted a comment on Thursday 27th April 2006 11:22am

another great chpater! sad to hear about you guys beeing sick.. hope you get well and can uipdate more offten :P

when will you have harry start going on operation? or will he?

keep up the good work!


Carey posted a comment on Thursday 27th April 2006 11:12am

Awesome, as usual.

I really wish I had better art skills then just drawing lumpy stick figures, because the handfasting part just screamed "pretty fan art!" Actually, the whole chapter just screamed "pretty fan art!!" now that I think of it...*sighs* Ah, maybe someone with talent shall be inspired, eh?

Get better, and try not to let that pesky RL get ya'll down! =)

Ariyana posted a comment on Thursday 27th April 2006 7:43am

Nice work, as always. Keep at it.

freakyfinger posted a comment on Thursday 27th April 2006 7:24am

Good story. I love the wedding!

Kari posted a comment on Thursday 27th April 2006 7:11am

Yay! Update!
I love it!
*kisses for the authors!*

Michelline posted a comment on Thursday 27th April 2006 6:37am

Yet another beautiful and wonderful chapter. I really did enjoy the wedding scenes. And the honeymoon ideas. The France thing worries me...Didn't Harry or anyone else anticipate this sort of thing? After all, France is just a bit close to England.

Re your health and updates - I am disappointed but only because I'm selfish. :) Seriously, your health is much more important than any fanfiction story will ever be. You don't get paid for this after all! I'll be waiting patiently. (I know you guys don't like Severus/Hermione fics, but here'sa a great one for the updateless list - Falling Further In by KazVL. Here's the URL - FFI It hasn't been updated for over a year. And the prior update was 1 year before that. Talk about updateless...)

Bobmin356 replied:

Alyx here.   I do read Severus/Hermione fics, which drives Bob nuts (although that's not a far trip for him). I've read Falling Futher In and think it's a great story.   It's a shame the author seems to have abandoned it.

As Bob does the Updateless list, I may have a hard time sneaking it in there.   I'll give it a try though!

beauty01021 posted a comment on Thursday 27th April 2006 3:14am

geart chapter can't wait for more so pelase update again soon.

Sue posted a comment on Wednesday 26th April 2006 11:03pm

Can we bring up Dorothy's Fidelius? It has not been updated since Feb 10th.
On a more relevent note, I really liked the chapter and can't wait to find out what happened next.

Shawn Pickett posted a comment on Wednesday 26th April 2006 9:15pm

An interesting chapter, the duel with Dumbledore was an interesting aside, inconclusive, other than removing Dumbledores influence from Haven for a bit. The wedding was well done, though I'm shocked that they took off for a honeymoon at that point. Especially Harry and Hermione, it shows a good recognition that they have a long way to go, but I would've thought Harry wouldn't have wanted to leave Haven at this (or any) stage of the game until Voldemort was dealt with. I think that touch shows a remarkable amount of maturity on his part in realizing that he needs to take a step back and live.

biblios posted a comment on Wednesday 26th April 2006 7:23pm

I love this chapter, esp the weddings and so nice not to have too evil a cliffy but poor terry and susan will have fun I am sure and may be the french helping moldy shorts will get caught... or even bad name for the french (snigger not at all like real life in uk oh no no no...snigger)in the international community. poor charlie he has some way to go to redeam himself, and what can I say about the sad demise of poor alan in the beginning, (passes Alyx a big stick to poke Bob with and to hit him over the ehad and knock him out enough to get the next disclaimer writ while hes out) hope all goes well there...
love dotty luna and draco, I too believe the slime is only good for the odd (very odd) hpdm slash fics other wise hes good to release tension. humour or violence is good on draco...
lol biblios

MarinePotterfan posted a comment on Wednesday 26th April 2006 6:34pm

Well another great chaper even though I had to wait for a month to see it. But I still can't wait to see the next chapter. I hope nothing happens to Susan and Terry in France. Great job in redeaming Charlie. Keep up the great writting.


PS you should start down loading DA and SC to this site, a chapter every couple of days and that should keep us occupied between each update. Just a thought.

merf425 posted a comment on Wednesday 26th April 2006 2:58pm

Thanks for the chapter! I hope that y'all feel better soon. :)

Muirnin Cocan posted a comment on Wednesday 26th April 2006 1:01pm

Well now, after I had JUST sent a response in regards to the review response from last July that you had sent me on AEA teasing you about it being a month since you had updated Sunrise... low and behold I clicked send and my mailbox told me I had mail and there was a Snorkack yahoo group message saying that a new file had been loaded to the group! *LOL*

My timing couldn't have been any funnier...

I'm so sorry that both of you have been so sick of late... I know how health conditions can really reak havoc on ones writing abilities as can disobedient children, moving, DWS/unpaid internshps at DI and all kinds of other forms of interuptions...

I hope that you both get well soon and I will check out the updateless story you mentioned...

This was a very good chapter but I guess the ending of it seemed a bit rushed for the honeymoons... my vicarous need for fluff and nonsense I guess... more Harry and Hermione shippy goodness!

I was thinking instead of AMF using Brunswick myself on dumbledore since his name is so long...

Anyway take care,

As Always,
Muirnin - who has to be up in about 5 hours for work...

AK posted a comment on Wednesday 26th April 2006 12:58pm

Bon jour means good day... eh i guess i see why you made a mistake. Bon jour --> statement as in "it is a good day"
Bonjour --> "Hello"
Um one question, a honey moon is usually one month, not sure if you have specified but how long will they be gone? Cause in the middle of the war, the leader can't be absent more than maybe a long week end, one week if you REALLY wana push it.
Also whats so wrong with Charlie anyway, it was a honest to god mistake! (so some people got hurt what ever :P)
Oh and about Draco, the character you have has practically nothing in common with Draco, just the name... shows how much of a slimy git he is if he cannot be redeemed unless you completely erase him and then rebuild a completely new one.

On an unrelated topic, you should read nonjon on, really funny.

Musings of Apathy posted a comment on Wednesday 26th April 2006 10:47am

Excellent chapter (Seems that I have said that a couple of dozen times, but it is still true) I enjoyed this section of the plot arch greatly. I like that you had Narcissa take Hermione aside and educate her on what will be important in life after their troubles are over, or at least their major ones. That was bery astute of you to not have Narcissa talk down about Hermione's house elf ideas. That made Hermione much more receptive to her teachings.

Also, thank you for not over describing each dress, wreath and ceremony. You gave us just the right amount.

Musings of Apathy.

avram posted a comment on Wednesday 26th April 2006 10:13am

Glad to see you back. Hope you both feel better soon. Being sick is no fun at all.

I am enjoying your stories. Go HHr!

unperfectwolf posted a comment on Wednesday 26th April 2006 9:53am

So, I was thinking about another story on this site and wanted to find a section in it and then I was like "hummm, I haven't gotten an email about bob and alyx yet, I wonder if I signed up for their update list?" and I hadn't but thats okay cause I caught the update on the day it went up. It was lovely! And OMG THEY FINALLY GOT MARRIED (sorry, I was waiting for that part!).

Davideg posted a comment on Wednesday 26th April 2006 8:44am

that was a great chapter keep up the great work

Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Wednesday 26th April 2006 7:19am

Loved the wedding scene, it did ring true. From what you've written, I do fear for Terry & Susan's honeymoon at the very least; albeit any assaults directed at them would either be contract hits or acts of the death eaters who stayed in France.

My sympathies on the illnesses, my lady and I have been there way too much of late ourselves.

callasandivy posted a comment on Wednesday 26th April 2006 7:07am

I've been lurking on your story for a while now, enjoying it, and figured I have nothing constructive to say, and can't mimic a fangirlish squeal of excitement and gush of 'bestest fic ever'. That said, this is an engaging work and I am impressed that you, as husband and wife, collaborate so successfully and seamlessly on it. It is something my husband and I have never agreed on and I envy you. It is great that you can work together on such a thing and hope that it is as positive to your relationship as it is entertaining to read. Well done.

Oh, I suppose I can manage this just once....*flips back perfectly blonde hair*
squeeeeeeeee, yay, great fic keep going.

