By Bobmin
James Baseman posted a comment on Wednesday 26th April 2006 5:26am
Excellent Chapter! Although the title of one for the sub sections got the theme to the Newlywed game stuck in my head.
Mark11 posted a comment on Wednesday 26th April 2006 4:49am
good chapter as usual..and i love your intro's. By the way..Olafr's 'The Time of Change' hasn't been updated since 21-Feb-2004 not 2006 as you wrote in your notes. Or at least that's what it said when i went through that link. So something tells me that our nudges won't get much done. Sorry
Lurk posted a comment on Wednesday 26th April 2006 4:10am
Eep! Woah! Rereading my review, I see a glaring mistake!
"Heeheehee. Dumbledore bald. Hopefully that will succeed in silencing all the disrupting murmurs."
THAT was not referring to Bald!Dumbledore, but to the showdown between Harry and Dumbledore! Though it would be funny for the Light to see him hair-less. And know that it was him.
With that corrected,
Keep it up!
Lurk posted a comment on Wednesday 26th April 2006 4:06am
Great chapter guys! Technically, I'm supposed to be working on a Chaucer research paper right now...but I'm delaying as much as possible! (including rereading several online comics that have been around for years.) I loved this chapter, and great job on working with Charlie! Honestly, the Weasley's can't really just BLAME him, I mean, they have to put themselves in his place! Geez.
Draco and Luna. For some reason, I've always loved that pairing. Reminds me of the song with the lyrics "I hate everything about you. Why do I love you? You hate everything about me. Why do you love me?"
It's a nice song.
Heeheehee. Dumbledore bald. Hopefully that will succeed in silencing all the disrupting murmurs.
Ah, us Americans get the job done! With explosions and implosions! ...That....actually seems very American-ish, if you go by the stereotype. Boom! Heeheehee.
Eeep. Terry and Susan in danger! Not good. Noooo, not good at all. Well, hopefully they'll kick DE booty. ^-^ Maybe they'll give 'em AK enemas! (Still waiting for that!)
Keep it up!
Gardengirl posted a comment on Wednesday 26th April 2006 3:29am
I hope you're both feeling better! This was fun. I love weddings. Thanks for sharing!
Meg posted a comment on Wednesday 26th April 2006 3:09am
I've no comments on how the story is going, exactly, except to say....
I finally realized, with this chapter, why I'm so obsessed with it, and why I've reread it so many times between updates.
Bob, Alyx, the two of you have a gift that pulls me into the story. My phone rang while I was in the middle of the Johansen farmhouse scene and I felt like I was being ripped out of a controled dream. Your style of writing and the amount of detail and character building you've done allows me to feel like I'm part of the story, like I'm standing just inside the circle of what's happening, much like we see Harry in the pensive in canon. Rather than just seeing what the characters are seeing or seeing them like in a movie, I almost feel that I could turn around and see everything they're not seeing.
Disruptions and when the Author's Notes come up are like a bucket of ice water. lol And while I have so many questions for you (like what the the hell are you getting poor Terry and Susan into and why aren't Dumbledork's elves detected), I trust that they will be answered in time. :)
Thanks again for an amazing story.
Brandon West posted a comment on Wednesday 26th April 2006 12:40am
As always Bob and Alyx, great chapter.
And like you two, I hate Draco. But this redeemed Draco is much more interesting than the normal 'Oh my god, I'm a good little boy now. Let me bend over to prove it.' Ever notice how most redeemed draco fics are slash as well?
If you guys don't update for that long of a period, can we put you on the updateless list?
sanghamitra posted a comment on Wednesday 26th April 2006 12:30am
Get Well Soon !!
ThunderGod posted a comment on Wednesday 26th April 2006 12:05am
Loved the Story, the ancient HandFasting Ceremony was quite good:}
as to the update list..hehehe..should we mention the owner of FFA? This Means War!..and someone else on here?..hmmmmm
oh well back to boredom..till the next chapter
mattb posted a comment on Tuesday 25th April 2006 11:18pm
Excellent chapter. And I'm a great fan of Olafr's writing and would like to see an update to "The Time of Change" also.
Janax posted a comment on Tuesday 25th April 2006 10:51pm
First and most importantly, please let me extend my empathies for your recent health problems!
I really have loved this and your last story and am always happy to see a new chapter 'pop up'. I'll probably go back and read your other stories too when I get a chance.
I noticed a couple of small errors in here, but definitely nothing major. Once I think I saw 'for' instead of 'of', for example, but I see word confusion like that not only in fanfiction, but in published books as well. Hey - we're all human! It doesn't detract from the art of your story for me at all. I just point things like this out in case you want to know...
Best of luck feeling better, and see you on the next release!
kelvin posted a comment on Tuesday 25th April 2006 10:47pm
Hello, another great chapter.
3 question, does charlie still have that diary?
does he know what it does?
does he still use that diary?
David Thacker posted a comment on Tuesday 25th April 2006 9:48pm
I hope you both feel better soon so you can have fun {you pick the tpe}.Great chapter by the way.
Orion posted a comment on Tuesday 25th April 2006 9:35pm
Another very good chapter. I hope that you both feel better soon.
ginyginger posted a comment on Tuesday 25th April 2006 9:24pm
other updateless story: hope!!! come ON jeconais ( the last time he update, as you should know, was the 14 feb)
Hagrid posted a comment on Tuesday 25th April 2006 9:04pm
I got som'att ter say ter the two of yeh, but fer the life of me, I can't remember. Seems like them muggle pain killers their doctor gave me yesterday have addeled me brains. It was so very nice to find a new chapter ter read while me head clears. Now maybe I can go firure out what a gall bladder is, now that I don't have one anymore. Enough of me muddle headedness, this chapter's a great one. Another in a long line of 'em. I'm thinkin' that if Alex fell off the face of the earth, Bob would soon follow.
Finbar posted a comment on Tuesday 25th April 2006 6:49pm
A great chapter, I do like the details you added into the handfastings. Very cool.
I can also see that sadly, Terry and susan may well soon be dead due to unmarked Death Eaters. On their honeymoon no less. I do hope this wont be the case, but I dont hold out much hope, considering this is a war and sadly, members of the Inner Circle will die.
So, are Tonk's parents really under the Imperius?
Ruth posted a comment on Tuesday 25th April 2006 4:38am
I've just read all of sunset and what you've written of sunrise in about 4 days (after work and sharing the computer with my hubby... damn him). I've been really enjoying it and im glad you dont answer many questions that people ask you cos i hate it when people spoil the plot. Cant wait for your next chapter. When will it be out and how do i know when it is?!
MichelleG posted a comment on Tuesday 25th April 2006 2:21am
I just recently read all of your stories. I think they're brilliant! I normally don't like the Harry/Hermione ship, but I like in in your sun stories. I love the disclaimers and Harry's T-shirts. I hope you update soon. I can't wait to see what happens next.
gummihu posted a comment on Wednesday 26th April 2006 6:54am