Content Harry Potter


star22 posted a comment on Wednesday 29th March 2006 4:36am

I am really enjoying your story. The whole Voldemort taking over Britain plot is very unique. This is my third time through the story, and I just can't get enough.

I really only have one problem with this chapter. Why is it that it is all right for Remus to risk his life, but not Tonks? She's an auror and trained to fight. She should be allowed to go out there and do her job. Hermione doesn't allow Harry to keep her from fighting. Tonks would be the same way.

Schokki posted a comment on Wednesday 29th March 2006 1:14am

Dammit, I hate cliffhangers....

Awesome chapter, but I would have liked to see Dumbie being torn apart! :D

Maybe next chapter? *evil g*

Sarah9 posted a comment on Tuesday 28th March 2006 7:06pm

Poor Charlie. I can't help but like him.

chapps posted a comment on Tuesday 28th March 2006 3:06pm

Oh Dumbledore is so agrivating in your story!

I love this fic but pleeeeeeeeeeeeeese have Amelia release to the public all the dirt on old dumbles so the yohkle locals are against him then strip him naked and stick in to the ceiling of his pub and let the flesh eating slugs have a tasty treat between his legs... yes I know it will be quite nasty for them and they may not want to continue but damn it man you've got to do someting to that old bastard ........... ofcourse now that harry didn't have his 2nd skin on he'll most likely be severly injured grrrrrrrrr .... that old coot just can't help but help old Voldy, nearly as annoying as Umbitch....

What do we want?

AK enema for Dumbledore!

When do we want it?


Dahlias posted a comment on Tuesday 28th March 2006 11:05am

I hope Harry doesn't hurt Charlie too much. I swear, I thought you were going to have a birthing scene or something, careful with the titles hun.

The teddie bear part was a bit scary considering it was made to smother children - *sniff*


Viridian posted a comment on Tuesday 28th March 2006 10:26am

Liked the T-shirts, hate the cliffhangers.

Er, how did they knock holes in the wards? Were they that weak?

So, are the angels going to stick around now?

chapps posted a comment on Tuesday 28th March 2006 9:53am

I just had an idea.... why doesn't harry draw lines of death around hogwarts and other such places? he could even draw one around Voldy so he can't move!? He could also draw them when they track down a nest of death munchers... that way they cant escape etc. My other idea for Q Dept is to make the flying snapes I mean faires invisible.... or explosive ...yeah blood and gore!! :)

Viridian posted a comment on Tuesday 28th March 2006 9:49am

I *knew* the fixed Rosetta Stone would make a re-appearance!!!

Radagast the Brown?!? ARGH!!!

Oh good, no more Molly... Snape must be relieved, really...

(As much nastiness as she caused, I'm surprised she didn't merit a short death scene...)

Viridian posted a comment on Tuesday 28th March 2006 9:14am

"The spell would give him nearly all of his old mobility back, enabling him to duel without the possibility of the leg going lame. But with the good, came the bad. The downside of the spell, according to Eocho, was that when the spell wore off, the disability of his leg would be increased, permanently. With repeated uses of the spell, it was possible for the leg to become a useless appendage, unable to sustain his weight for even short distances. The pain would be chronic, and permanent as well."

I smell narsty foreshadowing here, a la Chekov's gun on the mantle.

I know you hate Snape, but you aren't going to give him Bitchy-Molly-Prewitt as a roomie are you? That's going beyond the pale!

chapps posted a comment on Tuesday 28th March 2006 8:45am

Why can charlie apparate from his house ?? What's the point of the apparation 'check point' if not everyone gets checked?

It sounds a lot like USA airports.... finger print and photograph all non USA citizens (even people from Visa waiver countries like Down Under) yet thousands cross illegally from mexico every week....

Viridian posted a comment on Tuesday 28th March 2006 8:39am

The ongoing Weasley drama is interesting, but I'm surprised Charlie isn't discovering some unsettling truths in the course of his information-gathering.

Long chapters are fine, until them make you go so long between updates that some berk slaps your story onto some silly 'updateless list'.


Viridian posted a comment on Tuesday 28th March 2006 7:58am

Harry Neville and Draco bantering, especially with Minerva, was a little unreal, but nicely done!

I know this is a super!harry story, but I'd just as soon not see massive power-inflation and new skills n' superpowers popping out in every chapter. Even with the detailed backstory, they still stress the suspension of disbelief a little more each time.

If you're going to set a story in Dalton, Georgia, it would have been funnier to have the dealer working out of a carpeting warehouse or showroom. (Dalton is the carpet manufacturing capital of the US. Don't ask me why, I just live near by.)

Viridian posted a comment on Tuesday 28th March 2006 7:18am

Great chapter as always.

The ritual was nicely done, and the bit about Harry and the ocean was a nice touchstone for the reader.

"severed clean off" sounded a bit odd. "severed"? or "torn clean off"?

Nice to see other couples being a little insecure as well - realistic!

The bit about a second dose of liquid imperio was a chilling pseudo-foreshadowing!

powellt posted a comment on Tuesday 28th March 2006 5:22am

Never forget our primary aim is to tease and twist the reader's knickers until they bunch up and slide into that crack in a very uncomfortable manner.

:) Knickers whater them alls I gots is couple a drawers an thems too holey to twist too much.:)

Great chapter. It is always a pleasure to read well written and long updates to great stories. Please do keep up the good work and do please get to feeling better. Being laid up with an injury is always a drag, atleast until you're feeling well enough to start milking it for more TLC.

Jake posted a comment on Tuesday 28th March 2006 12:37am

Great chapter, I can't wait for the real confrontation between Harry and Dumbledore! Keep up the great work and update soon!


John Pinkston posted a comment on Monday 27th March 2006 9:15pm

I knew it. The AK enema was such a sick, and twisted idea that it makes us all shudder and think of the possibilities. The only thing worse is Snape in a thong, it makes me want to claw my eyes out. Anyway, don't make us wait to long for the next chapter, and keep up the good work.

rippergirl posted a comment on Monday 27th March 2006 11:05am

Yay you answered my question(and I'm sure others)about Hagrid and where he was. Wow awesome chapter(as usual). Nice to see that Charlie is getting back on the right side of things. Was hoping he wouldn't go completely bad. Good to see that Dumbhead is out of Haven as well. Bad that he hurt Harry when it happened but good that he is gone. Can't wait to see the handfasting ceremony occur. Can't wait for the next chapter to arrive period. Yay your chappie made my day. I saw that it was updated yesterday and was seriously debating staying up past my bedtime to read it but held off. I ended up thinking about it all day at work though. It just made the chapter even better though. Until next time.

Manatheron posted a comment on Monday 27th March 2006 10:17am


I'm a tad suprised that dumb-bumble actually decided to fight... and what was it that Ginny detected? was it just dumbledor's presence? or had he cast somthing on the bar to help himself?

noylj posted a comment on Monday 27th March 2006 8:41am

Wish Ginny could join Harry/Hermione. It wouldnt' be realistis, but it would give suppport and xtrenth h'll need

igotbannedfroma2k posted a comment on Monday 27th March 2006 7:53am

Great job on this chapter. It took me about an hour to read it. I love stories like that!
Please update as soon as possible!
And I hope you feel better Alyx!