By Bobmin
cyberpurple posted a comment on Sunday 26th March 2006 6:27am
As always well written and a plot that grabs you and leaves you wanting more. I love this story.
Yojo posted a comment on Sunday 26th March 2006 3:49am
Excellent chapter, I love that the Dumbledore manipulation situation of the Weasleys is finally resolved. I am curious about how many uses each chaos cauldron have (in other words how powerful Voldie's inner circle can become): are they like any cauldron and he could make everyone more powerful or do the potions corrode it so you only get a certain number of uses? Anyway, excellent job, and I look forward to your next update.
beauty01021 posted a comment on Sunday 26th March 2006 3:32am
yeah great chapter can't wait for more.
Kristina posted a comment on Sunday 26th March 2006 3:07am
really good chapter, you guys. i can't wait to see what happened next!
James16 posted a comment on Sunday 26th March 2006 2:24am
Nah, the other story just takes a damned long time to update. I have been following it for some time. We might see an update by the end of April, if not, then it is definitly abandoned.
vertru posted a comment on Sunday 26th March 2006 1:45am
Hi guys, another great chapter. Lots of great action toward the end there. DD is sure a putz in this one, can see the logical progression of getting him to this point, well done. Sorry I haven't reviewed in a while, no excuse, but I'm working on my own story at this url:
if you're interested in reading a seventh year story with a twist. :-) Keep up the good work, I always look forward to your updates. Vern
Nicole Kirner posted a comment on Sunday 26th March 2006 1:38am
hello there, i love your story and hope that u forgive me my mistakes, i am from germany.
i hope that u will write soon again.
bye nicki
MarinePotterfan posted a comment on Sunday 26th March 2006 1:19am
Another cliffy, things are starting to come around. I cant wait for the next update. I cant beleve you let Dumbasadoor get away. But I know that you two are evil and like to keep us readers hanging from the rafters. Keep up the great writing Bob and Alyx.
PS when are you going to transfer DA and SC to this site.
Gardengirl posted a comment on Sunday 26th March 2006 1:12am
Giving us mental wedgies? You rascals.
Keep up the great work, and don't let the discomfort of the masses distract you, ok?
Cheers, Michelle
merf425 posted a comment on Sunday 26th March 2006 1:00am
You know what's a bit freaky? Yesterday I was at the main site looking for something to read and wishing you would update! I'll have to try that more often, LOL.
Thanks for posting this! It was awesome as usual. Do we get the weddings next time?
Kyle Bissett posted a comment on Sunday 26th March 2006 12:21am
It's been a long time since you did anything with Susan and Terry. Since they are barely mentioned in canon, apart from the fact that they exist, there's pretty much a blank slate to work with there. Perhaps you can give them some development?
Muirnin Cocan posted a comment on Sunday 26th March 2006 12:10am
I really like the memorial idea... it has a bit of Japanese flair to it and also reminds me of the Arizona memorial in Pearl Harbor...
You should let Alyx write more of the disclaimers Bob... but please don't play with your marbles while she's doing it...
I'm still a firm believer that Hugh Jackman should have played Sirius in the movies... now HIM I would like to see in a thong... too bad we can't have Sirius back some how... perhaps a portal to the veil that drops him directly into the center of Haven... Oh never mind, I will just use that for my own work...
Take care to you both...
As Always,
Voldemort is Dead posted a comment on Saturday 25th March 2006 11:30pm
I'm really enjoying reading your story.
AK posted a comment on Saturday 25th March 2006 11:08pm
Hum Dumbledore was ratted out! poor poor ol' man!
How come they became so lax in their security thow? they had been warned of the dementors coming (and btw how come the dementors can cross the boundies?).
Is Harry gona face an internal struggle for power in Haven?
Bobmin356 replied:
Dementors do not have a dark mark so there is no reason why they shouldn't be able to cross the boundary.
photobug posted a comment on Saturday 25th March 2006 10:52pm
I'm enjoying your story as it unfolds. at least you're updating it on a more or less regular schedule, unlike a lot of stories I've been attempting to read. As there are quite a few unfinished ones, I've been keeping a list on my livejournal account. you're welcome to use some of the list for your unupdated list. look under photobug33
Kevin Hendricks posted a comment on Saturday 25th March 2006 10:40pm
This is the first of your "updateless list" entries that I hope never gets updated. The writing/plot/dialogue is simply horrible. Poor choice - did you run out of good candidates?
SammyWrae posted a comment on Saturday 25th March 2006 10:27pm
I have been reading (and re-reading) Sunset for a long time, and think that it is by far and away the best fanfic story I have read in a long time, and Sunrise seems to be shaping up in the same way.
But a friend of mine (who comes from Scotland) would like me to point something out (she seemed very upset about it)
<i>The international Wizarding community has decided that you are far too ugly to be allowed to travel outside of Britain and Scotland, and so are your band of merry morons.</i>
Scotland is actually part of Britain, not a whole separate country :}
AcceleratedGlass posted a comment on Saturday 25th March 2006 10:06pm
It's funny how all but one or two of your updateless stories are also on my favorites.
good chapter update soon
Taren posted a comment on Saturday 25th March 2006 9:50pm
Interesting bit. Liked the memorial service for the lost Aurors. Really shows what a bastard Dumbledore is when he tries to use it to turn people against Harry.
The battle with Dumbles... OK I understand that you had to severly drain Harrys power prior to the battle or it would be more of
See Dumbledore... Inprison Dumbledore... Make Dumbledore confess.
But To damage Harry yet again. Seems that most of the injuries Harry has taken have been while under Dumbles Direct supervision (snake bite) or at his hand (globe thingy). How much longer before Harry powers his way through whatever obscuring charms Dumbles has in place and summons the fool?
goddessa39 posted a comment on Sunday 26th March 2006 6:29am