By Bobmin
Quizer posted a comment on Saturday 25th March 2006 8:56pm
Liked the memorial. It's a great and fitting tribute to those who gave their lives in the fight. I'm also glad to see that Charlie could be convinced by the truth.
Also, here's finally the Harry/Dumbledore face-to-face rumble you have promised. Too bad it was ended prematurely...
But I bet we'll get to see the genuine article in time, eh? Harry messed up big time, though. He should have left Dumbledore unawares and prepare for the assault instead of going off half-cocked like that. Looks like he still has to work on his temper!
Keep up the good work!
Davideg posted a comment on Saturday 25th March 2006 8:07pm
fantastic chapter i cant wait for your next update
David Thacker posted a comment on Saturday 25th March 2006 8:03pm
Great chapter.Thank you for this story and the time and effort that you have put in to it.Please ignore any and all flames.Enjoy your self when you write and have fun in your life when you can.
fashizzlism posted a comment on Saturday 25th March 2006 7:38pm
awwww.... you stoped there.... evil cliffie! hahah glad to hear your getting better! please.... you cant leave us on the edge for two long... a week max PLEASE!!! :)
im glad charile has finally come around.... and what is dumbledork going to do now... at least harry beat him.... well sorta anyways i guess... he retreated FIRST! in your opinion who won?
Please update as soon as possible... i hope the orb thing dosnt have some permet damage like his leg....
Musings of Apathy posted a comment on Saturday 25th March 2006 6:59pm
Excellent chapter, Alyx. (I realized that I normally forget and address myself to Bob, so this time, Bob, go sit in the corner and let Alyx read the good reviews. She'll save the bad ones for you to read and respond to.)
I like that Charlie has started to be resolved, but I can't help but be victim to your twists and turns and wonder if it is genuine and permanent.
Dumbledore is certainly a right bastard. (And that is all I have to say about that.)
I love the anti-dementors. I don't believe that I have ever read one with that before. (I could be mistaken, but if I did, I am sure that they didn't do it as well.)
I liked your version of the disclaimer, Alyx. Perfect way for Snape to go down, by a herd of stampeeding hippogriffs. Oh, I'm sorry, that was Bob's improvisation. But really, if you didn't want Snape trampled by a herd of hippogriffs, don't put one anywhere near Bob.
For a disclaimer, I picture having Snape taken out by a sniper rifle fired by Alan Rickman, due to a grudge involving look alikes and draging a good man down by making thousands of fangirls think that they are one in the same person. This might help some *~nudge-nudge~* realize the difference between the actor and the character.
As always, thank you for writing and sharing with the unwashed masses. Of course I am only speaking for myself here.
Musings of Apathy.
Riven posted a comment on Saturday 25th March 2006 5:42pm
awsome awsome, i did have an interesting idea the other day that you may or may not choose to use. i know you said molly is dead and thats all well and good but what if ole voldie found her corpse and made it an inferi? the same with Ron and then sent those two inferi at harry's little group, it could be a psycological attack not at harry but at harry's friends and supporters. can you imagine ginny haveing to torch the already burnt body of her mom? that would cause a nice little conflict for a bit
ridmania posted a comment on Saturday 25th March 2006 5:33pm
absolutly loved it!!!!
Ariyana posted a comment on Friday 24th March 2006 12:52pm
Nice work, I really liked the two fics. Keep updating.
HitAndRun posted a comment on Friday 24th March 2006 12:07am
Dear Bob and Alyx,
WOW, what a story. I think your story is seriously GREAT and that I LOVE it!! (you get that a lot, don't you?)
Here's some to-think-abouts, though:
Your Hermione is one that I DESEST... What DO you give her to make her so bloody interesting?? You manage to make her real, interesting, vounerable and IC, even though usually I find her boring or annoying when she's written in this way. How DO you make it? Even your "redeemd Draco" feels real, same with your original caracers. They are ALIVE. Congrats on working with things you dislike and making them good.
I have something to complain about though - You're becoming longwinded. Chapter 8 felt a bit like you were just filling up space to reach a word-limit. This I say, keeping in mind that there might be things in it that will be important later, that I don't see now. Thing is, I feel like the tone is becoming somewhat laid-back... there's so much that you need to put into a chapter, that we're missing the action... it feels somewhat dull... I'm becoming spread thin with the POW's and keeping track of everyone... right now, at least according to me, and what you think may very well have another opinion, the Charie/Dumbledore-issue is the greatest, taking the most of my interest (unsurprisingly)... It's like you have SO many subplots you're getting lost in them and don't know how to sort it out... Please try avoid this trap. I recomend reading "Room of Creation" (on the Yahoo Group Eliopolis), where it happened.
Otherwise, great work and I LOVE you... Hope you get well soon, Bob, and Alyx, please take good care of him. Keep up the good work!
Firejay posted a comment on Thursday 23rd March 2006 1:28am
I've never been much for review writing, so pardon me for not reviewing before, and for this short little review. Kaykays? ^^
-coughs- Uhm. I love your stories. The plots are great. Yes, I'm including Dumbledore's Army and the one about the crystal thing that I can't spell. But let's (let's here reffering to me and my muses) keep talking about this story, yeah? Okay. The thing about Charlie, frankly, bugs me. But I've learned that there's nothing I can do about it, so I'm just gonna request that someone gives him a good kick in the pants sometime soon, and then sit back and watch the show. -sits back and watches the show-
circe1 posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd March 2006 11:33pm
i like the story keep up the good work
hp and the mind mage is on
dadofdj posted a comment on Wednesday 22nd March 2006 11:38am
I love this story as well as the prequel and DA and SC stories on Please let me know ( if you can)when you update this story. Thank you for the wonderful writing.
Renzo7 posted a comment on Tuesday 21st March 2006 9:04am
I'd stopped reading sunset because I found the idea of even more prophecies to be overdone and especially since they came from Hermione, who hates divination in canon... Anyways, one day I realized that if I ignored that fact your stories were still among those which I'd catalogue as best written and my favorite, so I came back to them.
I know you probably don't care, but still, you're doing a great job and I thank you for writing such long chapters of such High quality. I only wish they naughtiness of some disclaimers actually made into the story and we could get some quality HHr scenes :P
Well, keep up the great work guys, and I hope you can get some of those créme donuts or whatever it was you wanted.
P.S. Alyx should not blame Bob for the cliffies when it was previously stated that they occur because she allows the catastrophe of not having any more pizza to eat.
Sikandar Durrani posted a comment on Monday 20th March 2006 12:03am
I love it i love it i love it. Do you plan to do something with Albus soon. I cant wait to see Malfoy's reaction to what happened. till next time
Daven posted a comment on Sunday 19th March 2006 3:45am
Still a kickass story, keep it up ^^
Steve6 posted a comment on Friday 17th March 2006 4:12am
Wow. That's it in a word: wow. This story is simply incredible. The one main reason I like it so much is that it is a very complex tale. I've read hundreds of long stories on ffnet and others and there is nothing like yours out there that I have yet seen. Unlike your other story on ffnet (yes, I just finished those as well), this one is far superior. For one thing: your characters seem more grown up. The two of you have a writing style that reminds me of other published authors like S.M. Stirling and Harry Turtledove.
I wish I had been reviewing more chapters than this one - but once I started reading, I couldn't stop. I'm probably going to get into trouble at work since I skivved off writing up some software instructions, but hey, your story was worth it. Unless I get fired. Then I'm going to need a place to stay. (Kidding!)
Jeez, a Hobo spider? That's rough. While I've been bitten by bugs and spiders in my life, I've not had anything that bad. You have my sympathies and best wishes on a speedy recovery.
I was thinking of your story earlier today and I don't know if you take any suggestions from readers or not, but if you wanted a funny moment to lighten the mood, here's an idea: Dumbledore is running his pub. As usual in quaint pubs there is a dart board. Harry sees Albus' aura one day and realizes who he is. Instead of taking him out right then and there, he decides to mess with him a bit. He enchants the darts in the pub so that every 15th throw it will go off target and land in Albus' heinie. Just an idea.
Good luck in your recovery. I look forward to reading more chapters - and reviewing - yes, I must remember to do that. If you should ever write original work, I would be interested in reading that as well. I would be happy to beta should you need an extra pair of eyes on something.
Steve Brown
Bobmin356 replied:
The two stories you mention, Dumbledore's Army and Spiritus Crystalus were our very first attempts at writing a comprehensive story. It's obvious to even us that our later work is an improvement over the earlier work. While we can look fondly back on those two stories, they aren't our best efforts.
Sunrise and Sunset represent an attempt to craft a Harry Potter fiction that moves beyond the normal Hogwarts and Wizarding Britain scene into something larger. Hopefully we've accomplished that.
Bob & Alyx
AJ4 posted a comment on Thursday 16th March 2006 12:36pm
This was a great chapter! I love those t-shirts that harry always wears! --AJ : )
Jamie' posted a comment on Thursday 16th March 2006 9:04am
Great Chapter!
My recommendation for the updateless list:
Vorlon666's Ancension of the Scorpion Sorcerer
Frank LeTanc posted a comment on Tuesday 14th March 2006 6:50am
I have always been a bit of a conspiracy theorist. I like being able to see things that aren't there. So I throw out one that may be a bit extreme, shall we say, but here me out....okay?
In regards to the wonderfully refreshing and delightful Mrs. McKinney with her long auburn hair and green eyes......she wouldn't happen to Lily Potter who somehow survived only to be obliviated by the old goat so as to keep Harry under his thumb. Yes, a bit out there, and I'm sure that I'm very wrong and that it fits nowhere into the realm of your story. But I thought the auburn hair and green eyes were coincidental, and I don't really believe in coincidences.
Oh and to explain Harry remembering the green light and his Lily screamig when he sees dementors. Dumbledore modified his memory just a little bit to remember that which also helped in delaying his matura and explains a lot of his problems in school such as taking forever to grasp simple spells, but can bang out a high powered patronus at the mere age of 13.
Finally, another suggestion for the updateless list....."Harry Potter and the Year of Resolve" by bferbear. A really smashing story that was just strating to get really interesting and got abandoned in November of 2003. The link is
Bobmin356 replied:
No, Melinda isn't Lily. Lily died with her husband in Godric's Hollow from the killing curse and will not make an appearance in this story.
Yes, Melinda does have green eyes, but her hair is black, though I'm not sure we've ever mentioned that in the story. You're theory is interesting, I'll give you that. However, don't you think if Melinda were truly Lily Potter, she'd be doing everything she could to see Harry, including visiting the manor? Melinda's never been to the manor, nor made any attempt to see, let alone meet Harry.
We have too many plot lines running to create something like this within Sunrise.
Rex posted a comment on Saturday 25th March 2006 9:47pm