By Bobmin
Pokey1984 posted a comment on Sunday 12th March 2006 3:28pm
Hi. I just wanted to drop in and say I've finally gotten around to getting caught up with this fic and I am enjoying it greatly. I do have a question, though.
Now, we don't have Hobo spiders in my neck of the woods, so I may be missing something, but how does a wound on one's leg (please note, I did not say 'your leg' as that would aim this comment specifically at the authors and I, for one, am rather frightened they will make good on the threat of an AK enema. *shivers* This is a general comment only...) prevent one from writing? Generaly wounds on the lower body confine one to a chair, which would usually give a good excuse for spending hours in front of a computer...
Seriously, though get well soon and all that. And I'm not only saying that because I want more updates. Honest. Thanks for the gret story!
Bobmin356 replied:
Alyx here. Don't worry, I won't try out the AK enema on you. Your question was valid, after all. Though to answer it, I might have to be a bit graphic. If you have a weak stomach, skip this and just take my word for it when I say it was too painful.
The bite is located just above my knee on the top of my thigh. It's right above the muscle, was swollen to about the size of a grapefruit and created a hole about the size of a pencil eraser . The skin around the bite was also suffering from necrosis (turning black and dying...very gross) and, lucky me, I managed to pick up a nice staph infection. The brush of anything against it was agonizing.
Now, take one metal desk, one tall chair and one swollen leg. Add them them together and you get pain, lots of it. The only position I found comfortable was with my leg fully extended, and I just couldn't do it at the desk. I can't type worth a damn while facing sideways :D
Anyway, hope this rather long and very gross explanation helps!
Lurk posted a comment on Sunday 12th March 2006 5:14am
Great chapter! I love how Luna and Hermione are interacting. Finally! w00!
Go Winky! Kick Hermione's arse! (metaphorically ^-^)
Murrr...poor MustLeaveTheRitualAlone!Harry. ::sniff:: it must be awful for him. But he's coping, which is good!
Keep it up!
Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Sunday 12th March 2006 4:49am
The conversation between Eocho, Hermione and Luna was amazing. Being able to confuse Eocho was quite and accomplishment.
The complete Rosetta Stone - what an idea - what a monumental historical breakthrough.
Harry and the house-elves - I loved that scene.
Aaran St Vines posted a comment on Sunday 12th March 2006 4:25am
Another amazing chapter with a twisted disclaimer.
I'm just glad you've given a pretty solid indication Charlie is going to live to find out that Dumbledore is crooked. I just didn't want Charlie to realize he's gone bad moments before he dies.
The Weasley family interaction is so well written.
Erik Wiggins posted a comment on Sunday 12th March 2006 12:34am
I have to apologize. Bobmin was my first introduction to fanfic. Since then, I've read countless stories and have been surprised at how the actual confrontation between Harry and Voldemort was over before it started. I went back and checked your stories. I guess they're so good, I didn't want them to end.
Kate5 posted a comment on Saturday 11th March 2006 9:00pm
I love the idea of the AK enema...too funny, kind of like lethal injection... great chapter. I did have an idea for the about a timed patronus spell in a glass ball that can be rolled or thrown so it breaks open to release the patronus. Maybe they could be used at the Azkaban breakout? Great chapter- great story.
M. R. Moore posted a comment on Saturday 11th March 2006 2:48pm
Hobo Spiders... interesting... I remember reading somewhere that their bites used to be mistaken for those of the Brown Recluse. One of my dad's cousins stepped in a nest of brown recluses, he got bitten so many times that a doctor told them even if he had been in the room with him that the amount of antivenom needed to save him prolly would have killed him. Off track, sorry.
I'm afraid to ask but, what is the AK Enema? And if it's what i think it is, that is your taking about adminisitering an AK in a similar way as an Enema... Then forget i asked.
I got a kick out of the "Killer Bunny" patronus.
Um... thats the only thing that... Oh and i liked the little man with a horn that grabbed himself, definately not what i was expecting to happen.
Ok, now those were the only things that stuck out to my sleep-needing-mind. Good Night.
Kristina posted a comment on Saturday 11th March 2006 1:22pm
yay, another brilliant chapter from two brilliant fanfiction authors! Why don't you just go and ask J.K. Rowling for her job? you guys do better......nobody heard me say that.
I am still confused about one thing. Is Ron dead? I can't remember if he is or not...
Good chapter, Bob and Alyx! I can't wait to see what happens next!!
goddessa39 posted a comment on Saturday 11th March 2006 12:23pm
Well, I like it. Continue. But what's up with Dimbles?? Isn't haven, Harry, and co. aware of what's up?? I dont see how they wouldn't be. And how does Charlie know?
Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Saturday 11th March 2006 11:51am
And the plot thickens nicely - you clearly have the recipe well in hand. I had to laugh at Winky's calming Hermione and at Dan's Patronus (who's giving what odds that it is -that- rabbit?). All in all, a most interesting episode; it will be interesting to see how Dumbledore's efforts fare - I'm fairly certain they'll fail in the long run, but the short-term effects seem likely to be "colorful".
josh52629 posted a comment on Saturday 11th March 2006 11:34am
sucks about the spider bite, i was waiting for this one lol. You guys are awesome and it sucks waiting for updates. Wish you guys would go back to the chapter every 2 days like with DA hehehe, that'd be great.
Jack-A-Roe posted a comment on Saturday 11th March 2006 10:02am
As always, you write a very entertaining story.
I liked Tonks bringing the agents in from the cold. A good set up before finding out they were on the same side. I loved a sydicate in charge of the milk distribution. Actually I think I read a real life story about that.
I'm wondering if Harry will be able to detect Dumbledore if he does magic.
Best wishes to Alyx and her recovery.
Gardengirl posted a comment on Saturday 11th March 2006 8:58am
I thought DD calling himself after the Brown Wizard was fabulous! Thanks for a good chuckle. This is excellent, as always, though I cringe every time I read 'alright'. Keep taking your antibiotics and heal quickly - that's a rough thing! Cheers, Michelle
Kathleen posted a comment on Saturday 11th March 2006 8:49am
I love your battle scenes, be as detailed as you like...I think yours are the only realistic ones in the entire fandom.
Paul Ellison posted a comment on Saturday 11th March 2006 8:27am
Hey Guys yet another great chapter. One comment to make, as Brit, when refering to a 'Sir' as in Sir Reginald Williams in this episode. They are not refered to as Sir Williams rather as Sir Reginald (if being slightly less formal or even familiar) or Sir Reginald Williams (if being formal). Obviously a close friend would refer to them by their given name or some such abreviation i.e. Reginald, Reg, Reggie etc (unless taking the piss!).
Keep up the great work, I await as always with bated breath for the next installment. Paul
Jake posted a comment on Saturday 11th March 2006 6:13am
Great chapter, as always. I thought the battle scene was completely appropriate, it wasn't excessively violent and it wasn't glossed over, I thought it was just perfect. Keep up the great work and update soon!
John Pinkston posted a comment on Saturday 11th March 2006 5:38am
Good chapter, lots of neat things. But did you have to start it of with Snape in a thong? <shudders> Thats just gross. Don't make us wait so long for the next update! But if you do we'll survive. Keep up the good work.
erin_colien posted a comment on Saturday 11th March 2006 5:26am
Great update looking forward to the next.
jzysman posted a comment on Saturday 11th March 2006 5:18am
Really great chapter!!! I was actually going to ask what happened to Harry's t-shirts.. glad they made a reappearance.
Thanks for the update... I was going into withdrawl
Pokey1984 posted a comment on Sunday 12th March 2006 3:29pm