Content Harry Potter


Sirya Black posted a comment on Saturday 11th March 2006 5:06am

Thank guys.

First born it is! *wink* Alyxander Bob Black!

It's great to have a mostly fluffy chapter once in a while. :)

Alex00 posted a comment on Saturday 11th March 2006 5:00am

Awsome chapter.

Ken Warner posted a comment on Saturday 11th March 2006 4:15am

truly love your story guys, and am glad to see that you were able to update it despite your painful injury Alyx. I am sure that you have heard all sorts of horror stories - I will refrain, but please take good care of yourself - I would alot rather wait an extra few months for an update than hear about serious complications.
Warmest Regards

sshprlsb posted a comment on Saturday 11th March 2006 4:05am

Very nice cohesive chapter that sets up further action. Good characterization, perhaps a bit more development for the personalities of Mason and Angie would give the chapter more depth.

rippergirl posted a comment on Saturday 11th March 2006 3:45am

Yay it's always a good day when I sign in and see that your story has been updated. I've taken to rereading Sunset Over Britain in the meantime to get me through this. Also there are some things which I have forgotten from the first story taht I needed reminding on. Umm what to say.... good work as always, nice to see that some of the snakes were captured. Now the rest have to be driven out of Ireland. Can't wait to see what "supplies" Harry left for Peeves this time. Hope to hear about that in the next chapter. I don't recall..has Voldy ever tried to get into the Chamber of Secrets? Hope the bite heals fast. And like always can't wait until the next chapter(like everyone else here).

Muirnin Cocan posted a comment on Saturday 11th March 2006 3:41am

Overall, great chapter... I loved the exploding thong... aren't conad covered drapes the new designer fashion?

I must say that Dumbasses attempt at getting control over Harry is getting rather aggrivating... I would have thought that Charlie would have been smarter than that and not trusting in his family... wasn't he one of the ones who didn't believe in Percy too? Hmmm...

I was beginning to wonder if you were EVER going to take care of that cliffhanger you left us with but instead left us wondering through a few scenes before we KNEW that Nymph was alright...

I loved the bit about the strudel... I am a firm believer that Hermione CAN'T cook... she can brew potions but make anything that needs to have flavor and it is REALLY bad... I think that she needs to try her hand at cooking a romantic dinner for Harry one night and failing miserably at it, but Harry loving her so much eats every bite... landing in hospital with food poisoning *LOL*

As for the Updateless list... you are correct some of the stories you have mentioned are wonderful... I actually had one of my members from Muirnin's Musings Yahoo group remind me that I haven't updated An Effective Abstraction in over a year! that was a shock... it didn't help that last week I started moving into the new apartment and just before I got my DSL my old Hard Drive fried with some of my most recent writings on it... I need to see if it can ever be rescued... As for now, I am trying to find my programs again, and rewrite (sigh)... Maybe one of these days I will be blessed to post my work here on fanficauthors instead of just yahoo, FFN and PK...

Take care and hope you are getting better Alyx... both you and Bob are mentioned in my new story... along with Dorothy and Keith!

As Always,
Muirnin - who is wondering when it will start to snow again!

DDennis posted a comment on Saturday 11th March 2006 3:12am

excellent chapter

AK posted a comment on Saturday 11th March 2006 2:46am

Aye aye captain!
*Starts working on a way to send cupcakes and doughnuts using a modem*
Being a supreme engineer (well wanabe engineer in training but what ever) I should come up with a solution in the next century or so...

A part from that nice chapter, I was just telling myself that you guys had not updated for a while now.
Oh and no need to put Jeconais on the updateless list, cause he said he will finish it, when he feels like it. So lets wait...
Hum Holy Grail bunny... only vulnerable to holy grenades... !!! UBER PATRONOUS!

misumo posted a comment on Saturday 11th March 2006 2:40am


I just read the rest of the reviews and realized what kind of a Great Prat I have been.

All the reviews have been about this fic and here I was not even mentioning it in my review but talking more of other Authors and other fics.

Somehow, I am stuck in the mentality of "Since I have not commented on this fic so it must good".

I suppose authors need encouragement as much as anybody else.



I would be in heaven, If only you updated faster.....



misumo posted a comment on Saturday 11th March 2006 2:26am

I was the one to make that snippy comment about Jeconais. I thought that 'updateless list' was about fics and not authors.

I suppose I should apologize for any hurt feelings, since it is your definition and your platform where I am allowed to air my views.

It's just that I cannot describe the incredible frustation when an author inadvertently promises riches to his readers and fails to deliver on time.

In my experience, this result if not the reasons is very much in common with IT persons ( read that as software developers ) who are unable to finish a project on time or even release a beta version just because they keep on getting new!er! and bright!er! and brilliant !er! ideas which they want to keep on incorporating into their software. OR GET SUCH IDEAS FOR STARTING OTHER PROJECTS.

I must point out in defence of my frustation how rare it is to find a HP fanfic with a humour that appeals to the Adult as well as the Child in me ( myself a 35+ old Male Software person ).

The Very few HP Humour fanfic authors listed below have appealed to me Anya ( Naked Quidditch Match ), RuskByte ( A Quite Place ), Jeconais ( TMW ), RorschachBlot ( Make A Wish ) among them.

While Jeconais has written other fics and I have read them, they pale ( at least in my eyes ) when compared to TMW.

I would very much like to apologize about any hurt feelings and hope that this communication as a bit more polite than the previous one.



kittykatluver posted a comment on Saturday 11th March 2006 2:25am

What time zone are you in?! It was 1:30 in the morning over here, and 11:30 at night over where-ever you are?? Or is it..Jeconais...

Anastasia posted a comment on Saturday 11th March 2006 1:36am

This chapter isn't bad. It had a few WTF moments, but I have those all the time so don't worry.

The only problem I have with this story is that it's moving by very slowly and has way too many OCs. BTW it's not my story to write, but I do like it still.

darkslifer posted a comment on Saturday 11th March 2006 1:32am

Superb chapter, you just keep getting better all the way back from the first chapter of sunset to this, its really inspiring, one question though, what became of hagrid i looked briefly and i never saw what happened to him, did he die, is he in azkaban, haven, i just want to know, After all he's loyal to Dumbledore and Harry and you would think he'd have trouble believing Dumbles a criminal

Dave Harris posted a comment on Saturday 11th March 2006 1:31am

Interesting chapter that sets a lot up - I liked the interaction between hermione and Luna, and laughed at Eocho's resignation to the fact that even he couldn't deal with Luna very well.

One small Brit-pick: Sir Reginald Williams would _never_ be known as "Sir Williams". He would be known as "Sir Reginald", even called so by subordinates.

Kyle Bissett posted a comment on Saturday 11th March 2006 1:20am

One hundred fifty Death Eaters, less ten sent to Voldemort, less one hundred ten captured, leaves approximately thirty Death Eaters still active in Ireland. One wonders what they were doing when the others were caught (Possibly stealing funds to buy supplies with?). The amount of danger they present depends on the ratio of veterans to recruits in that group, especially if MacNair is on the loose.

So long as Dumbledore doesn't use the eye-twinkle or any other of his more notable personal habits, he could be in a position to snoop for quite some time. The only people who could recognize him at a glance despite the makeover would be the Brotherhood, because they could see his aura and Harry would know it on sight.

The best way to slow the inner circle enhancement would be for Draco to find out the ingredients for the ritual potions and try to choke off the supply of one or more of them. At least one of the ingredients is something that would likely have to be imported to England. When supplies of the potion run low, Voldemort will undoubtedly keep using the ritual on himself and make his followers go without. It won't weaken the leader, but it will limit the strength of the lackeys.

If one assumes that using the ritual twenty times will bring Voldemort to the level needed to make the confrontation possible, then there is a timetable for the soonest possible battle. Twenty uses of the ritual make for nineteen two week intermissions. This makes thirty-eight weeks. Add that to a starting point in early June and one gets a date in late February/early March.

I shudder to think of what Q branch will do to the American RFCG. Can you imagine the carnage if they modified it to fire Reductors?

lap10 posted a comment on Saturday 11th March 2006 12:58am

Another great chapter! I especially like Radagast the Brown (the reference, not the person!).

hedwig_edwiges posted a comment on Saturday 11th March 2006 12:38am

kudos for you for this chapter. really advances the story and gives us (and Harry's team) some needed answers. If something is to gory, I just skip it, but I understand the need to portrait all the uglyness of war. All the victms of Voldemort powerbust ritual will become ghosts? That would be a interest side effect to hindred the DE forces, wouldn't it? As would be see Dumbly a bit overworked in his pub and unable to do all the spying he planned. As always, looking forward to next chapter.

Serendipity posted a comment on Friday 10th March 2006 11:10pm

I love it! I especially love Luna's idea to go after the Dementors, and I'm very glad that something will be done about Charlie soon... he';s starting to spiral out of control. Honestly, it's infuriating that he just believes Dumbledore, but hey... Bill, F&G and Ginny should have contacted him when they first found out what was happening. If they'd kept him in the loop, he wouldn't have been so easily taken in.... I just hope he causes no lasting damage. :/ And quite frankly, I hope Dumbledore dies.
Hope you're starting to feel better, Alyx, and keep 'em coming!

Serendipity posted a comment on Friday 10th March 2006 11:07pm

I love it! I especially love Luna's idea to go after the Dementors, and I'm very glad that something will be done about Charlie soon... he';s starting to spiral out of control. Honestly, it's infuriating that he just believes Dumbledore, but hey... Bill, F&G and Giny should have contacted him when they first found out what was happening. If they'd kept him in the loop, he wouldn't have been so easily taken in.... I just hope he causes no lasting damage. :/ And quite frankly, I hope Dumbledore dies.
Hope you're starting to feel better, Alyx, and keep 'em coming!

HPpassion posted a comment on Friday 10th March 2006 10:03pm

well done