Content Harry Potter


David Thacker posted a comment on Sunday 19th February 2006 12:13am

Sorry missed spelled Who in last review.Who is Amy and why did they enjoy what they did to her with that hole?

David Thacker posted a comment on Sunday 19th February 2006 12:05am

How is Amy and way did they enjoy doing that to her?

exar posted a comment on Saturday 18th February 2006 9:44pm

Nice chapter you two. Of course I want to see a faster resolution in the Charlie saga as well as Dumbledore. But if I step back and look at it in the story it is coming along nicely. If I were able to read every chapter one after the other it would play out just fine. Just goes with the territory of waiting for new chapters and not reading only completed fics.

Also, I am sure you have some other things for joy with Snape but I was hoping he would destroyed his notes then himself instead of going thru with the ritual...but maybe this is part of your evil plan to stick it to Moldy last minute? Evil Grin.

Keep em coming.

Kristina posted a comment on Saturday 18th February 2006 10:25am

yay! anuther chappie! update soon!!!

Kevin Provost1 posted a comment on Saturday 18th February 2006 9:48am

Great chapter, only one problem: There's a typo that calls it Chatper 7, which I hope means Chapter 7, otherwise I will have to brush up on my Elvish.

Crys posted a comment on Saturday 18th February 2006 8:12am

"I need a new husband, someone more normal," moaned Alyx.
Before the chapter is even started, you're entertaining us all :)

"But... but... what about Amy?" sputtered Inga as Fred dragged her towards the office.
"Oh, someone will let her out sooner or later," Fred said with a shrug.
*blink* You know, until that point I thought that working for those two woulda been pretty neat.

Oh, Penny . . .

Ouch. AD found at site of a DE attempted infiltration.

(b) all Alyx's fault. Blame her. She's the one that let us run out of pizza.
*smirk* [temporarily channelling Alyx] You're suddenly physically incapable of picking up the phone and calling Papa John's/Pizza Hut/Little Caesars?

Bob, you're not at all sorry I was pissed at your characters. Alyx, tell me truthfully, he was HAPPY, wasn't he? After all, readers like me only get emotionally involved with characters they care about. If I didn't was only "ho hum" about the story, then I wouldn't care. If I didn't care, I wouldn't get angry. Since I DID get angry, that proves I like the story, right? *re-read* Did that make sense?

Gread story. Looking forward to more.

Bobmin356 replied:

Alyx here. You're right, Crys, Bob was happy you were pissed off at the characters, but to say so would leave him nothing to carp about in the Author's Notes. It's the same thing with the pizza complaint. He slips things like that into the AN because I don't edit those. He has to be careful though. If he does it too often, I can slip things into the story when I edit it. He can change it in the final read through, but it's the annoyance factor I go sense annoying the readers :D

hedwig_edwiges posted a comment on Saturday 18th February 2006 7:41am

I'll just keep waiting for a moderate happy end (complete destruction of Voldy and his boyos and Dumbledore) and some happy people after all.
About the Updateless, the author put the first 20 chapters of the story on the site WizardTales in January 2006. We can hope he will go on of the story, update the chapters he already published in and finish the story. It's here

Ombra posted a comment on Saturday 18th February 2006 6:11am

What can I say, another fantastic chapter to a fantastic story. Only disappointment: NOT ENOUGH SCENES WITH EVIL DUMBLEDORE !!!
Keep it coming, I check every day for an update with such a pair good authors.
Love it

ginyginger posted a comment on Saturday 18th February 2006 6:06am

great chapter ! I also loved your author's notes, it was so funy, you should right a nother storie just with fun stuff. Hope you'll update soon ( and I meen Very soon !!!).
good luck, and this time, order more pizza !!!

John Pinkston posted a comment on Saturday 18th February 2006 5:40am

An AK enema, I've never heard that before. I'm not sure what it would do, but it wouldn't be pretty. What would be really good would be if you could actually work it into the story somehow, I dare ya to try it.

patrik svensson posted a comment on Saturday 18th February 2006 3:45am

keep up the good work.

Opinions are like assholes.
Everyone has one - but some just smell worse than others.

rippergirl posted a comment on Saturday 18th February 2006 2:38am

Yay another chapter. What an awesome way to start the day. Umm let's see what to say... You better be telling us about Tonks predicament right off the bat on the next chapter. It wouldn't be very nice of you to keep us in the dark about that for too long. Awesome as alwys.... Can't wait for the next chapter... blah blah blah the usual. Oh when are you going to have the bonding ceremony. Can't think of what exactly you caled it at the moment. Keep up the good work!!

TheBlackPearl posted a comment on Friday 17th February 2006 10:17pm

Fantastic read, as usual.

Severus is a right scary, brilliant dude. No doubt Voldie will eventually attempt to use that potion on Harry. :( Harry and Hermione and the talk of naming one of their children Sirius. Let's hope one boy is born to them. Be a right mess explaining to a little girl that her name is Sirius. :)

What exactly is Ginny going to do with the miniature 3 Stooges?

Fred and George rock. Period. Full stop.


wenz posted a comment on Friday 17th February 2006 9:26pm

Updateless...Have you put up War of Wills? That was a rather good Harry/Susan one post-OotP

lighthawk posted a comment on Friday 17th February 2006 9:19pm

I love your story though the constant reminders of rape turns me off, I still try to read every chapter, I don't have a problem with Charlie as long as he doesn't hurt someone a litttle spying never kills, but I do have a problem with Harry's leg, I mean has more power than any Healer, He should pick up a healing book for crying out it's his body self transformaton is possible for wizard ie Krum-shark book 4 even if he has to use muggle doctures for help he should be able that leg, he living with tons of people surly some has relise this ie Herms, oh I don't H/G fics unless it's H/G/Hr Hemione suits Harry in and out of the books, she is he only aho has stood by him in everthing even when he didn't like it ie book 3. Thanks for the great update.

noylj posted a comment on Friday 17th February 2006 8:40pm

I would complain about slow updates, but you two are the only authors who do update regularly. I know you probably still want to have a life, but I need updates. I can't believe the number of really good reads that die somewhere between chapter 3 and chapter 8.
I will follow this story to the end, but your spell to increase Moldy's powers is pretty scary. Having the idiot bumblebee won't help.
Just remember: all good fanfics include the deaths of LV, LM, DM, SS, and AD (the deaths of the Dursleys is optional, as is Molly, Filch, and Ernie). You are doing quite well, but you need to increase you productivity.

AcceleratedGlass posted a comment on Friday 17th February 2006 6:59pm

Already read that one... Good chapter, Update soon!

Sirya Black posted a comment on Friday 17th February 2006 6:58pm

Still loving this fic. I am enjoying your Dumbledore and the relationship with Hermione and Harry.

I can totally understand the Charlie situation but I can't see Mr. Weasley leaving that co0nversation with him for too much longer, especially with Dumbledore trying to get into Haven and being spotted by the border.

I am glad to see the 'pace' of Mr. Weasley's dating life slowing down. THe death of her husband being only weeks (it has been over a month?) old was bothering me. It was the one thing that really seemed a bit farfetched to me (*laughs* I realize this is a fantasy fic about magic and all).

I hope you dont mind but I added a nod to your story in my own fan-fic but added a disclaimer saying it wasnt my idea and that it was from your story. I normally ask first *blush* I don't know why I forgot to this time. I hope you can forgive me. It's in chapter 11

Thanks. I can't remember the last time I read such a well done story.

glorfy posted a comment on Friday 17th February 2006 5:23pm

Laughter. and its out loud as well.

well, perhaps not the story, but your Author Notes made me giggle for quite some time.

oh, i loved the story too :) but duct taping your poor reviewers means less reviews, so use that punishment with care *g*

Riven posted a comment on Friday 17th February 2006 4:16pm

the mind mage is a wonderful story that i read about a month ago and im truley sad it was abandoned.
now on to SROB
wonderful chapter, and i would still like to see Dunbledork cross the line, as it is he only approached it. hope tonk's cover isnt blown as that would be bad, very bad.
ive noticed the lack of movies with rickman in them and i know youve done dogma already but have you considere that he had no penis for that movie? maby you could use that in some weird twisted way of yours. "of course bob will blam it on alyx but thats what we guys do, consider it payback for all the shopping trips"

charlie is really starting to annoy me and i wonder who ole voldie will drain, kinda makes him like a vampire. speaking of which has anyone heard from the vampire clans?
maby they could get pissed off at moldie voldie for trying to infringe on their copyrighted lifeforce draining abilities. that would be an interesting conversation.

Dumbly needs to die and harry needs to shag hermione again, and hopefully somewhere rather public where a) we can read it and b) right after they finish someone needs to walk in.
that would be hallirious.

oh and the three stuges reference was awsome, i give you props for that "bob will try to take credit for it but i have a feeling alyx was the genious behind that particular scene :p "

Bobmin356 replied:

Alyx here. The Three Stooges scene was all Bob. I had nothing to do with that, other than to edit it. I'm one of those few people who can't stand the Stooges :D