Content Harry Potter


kittykatluver posted a comment on Friday 17th February 2006 7:34am

Oh, goodie. Spiffing. FIGHTING! How I love fighting...(Cocks head and smiles devilishly)
Have a cupcake? No, seriously, I just made some. They are yellow cake with buttercream icing. Sorry, no donuts though. Anyway, good chapter! And at least I like the Charlie element....
Oh! I have a suggestion for your "updateless list". It's "Blood, Torture, and Witty Comebacks" by S. Thanatos. Hey! I like it. Dunno if you will.

Kari posted a comment on Friday 17th February 2006 7:32am

Oi... How can you not like Arthur.... *sigh*
Love the update (Duh)... I was starting to twitch in anticipation.. but it was totally worth it :D

Quizer posted a comment on Friday 17th February 2006 7:29am

Great chapter. We're getting the first real taste here of the atrocities Voldemort and his minions commit. I don't like those scenes very much, but I guess they are necessary, both because plot-relevant stuff happens in them and because of the realism they add.

So Dumbledore can pass the line of death without any effects... Wouldn't have thought so. It appears he is a conniving, two timing bastard who only ever considers his own fate, but it looks like that doesn't constitute as truly evil. Will Harry deal with this knowledge, for example creating a ward more specifically keyed to Dumbledore? Or could his ability to pass the wards actually be subject to change?

It's become a multinational epic tail, eh? Grown pretty long, it has, this tail. Be careful or you might trip over it, as I tripped over this.

You know, about the Updateless List: You know that despite the stories being incomplete, you are still recommending them here. When you run out, will you recommend some other excellent fics that aren't found on this site network?
And do you think Ruskbyte's 'Backwards Compatible' constitutes as updateless? It is one of the best stories I ever read, right up at the top with yours and others from this site, but it's not here yet and hasn't been updated since November '05.

Well, I'm done for now. Thanks for writing this stuff, and I hope there will be more soon!


Kinsfire posted a comment on Friday 17th February 2006 6:45am

Nothing in order, just random thoughts, that you'll see posted at Yahoo as well, Bob.

Charlie - I can't see where people have their problem with Charlie. I'm just hoping that when the situation becomes more obvious, Charlie will see that he's been used, and not pull a Molly or a Ron, and instead be a credit to the family name. What I can foresee happening with him, though, is that he doesn't find out the truth until his actions have caused someone's death or dismemberment. Dumbledore would have no problems with throwing him aside, and he'll also have likely lost most of the support he would have from the Weasleys in Haven. (Is it me, or are they treating him as the enemy, for all intents and purposes?)

Dumbledore - well, I find myself hoping more and more that he will survive long enough to find that he will go down in history - as someone just as bad as Voldemort and Grindlewald. Killing him with a well-placed Explosive Castration hex would be nice too...

The Grangers and that publishing company - heh. What is it about Harry attracting proud people around himself. That is likely to be a "sore" point for a while.

I'll likely think of more later, but these were the ones off the top of my head.

Excellent chapter, and I look forward to the next one.

Quizer posted a comment on Friday 17th February 2006 6:21am

"...and no one with a black aura will cross it with becoming truly ill."

shouldn't that be 'without' at the end of the sentence? Just thought I'd point that out.

Cheers for the new update, which I'm going to read now! ^_^


Guðmundur Hrannar Úlfarsson posted a comment on Friday 17th February 2006 5:45am

yay at last, you get one dougnut each for geting the chapie out and another for a good chapter

AJ4 posted a comment on Friday 17th February 2006 5:28am

yay! a new chapter! I read through all 4 of your stories and this was the only one that isnt finished yet. i am not patient but i kept checking and my wish has come true! now all i have to do is wait for the next chapter to come out.(hopefully soon?!?) dumbledore is gonna get soooo busted is harry sees him again! great chapter! loved it! --AJ : )

Olafr posted a comment on Friday 17th February 2006 5:01am

Another enjoyable part. Oh, Dumbledore, you really put your foot in it now! I really look forward to SrOB parts.

(And for what it's worth, I'll be updating Time of Change in the next few days. So *phhhbbbbt*! :-)

Bobmin356 replied:

LOL! Good for you. I will tell you, you NEARLY made the list, but in checking I thought that your Harry/Susan story put you on the hairy edge of the sixty day cutoff. I was going to add you next chapter. :D

Brandon West posted a comment on Friday 17th February 2006 4:44am

You know, this one actually seemed to short.

Then again, it did have a good number of action scenes. I particularaly got a giggle out of DD's surprise.

Chthonius posted a comment on Friday 17th February 2006 4:20am

Yay for a new chapter.

I've personally liked the Charlie stuff, I just hope he gets straightened out; I'll feel sorry for Arthur if he ends up losing another son.

It'd be nice to see Ginny slip Charlie some veritaserum because of her suspicions.

The Talkie Walkies and the Portable Holes were good; I've wanted a Portable Hole ever since I saw "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?"

Firelegs posted a comment on Friday 17th February 2006 4:06am

Hey, I like the chapter. Idea/question/whatever you want to call it: is Voldemort going to drain Dumbledore in that ritual?

Good luck,

Quizer posted a comment on Thursday 16th February 2006 9:04am

The Town of Hythe…

Charlie appeared in a secluded area of a park. Most of the town was hidden from view and he didn’t waste any time. He reached into his pocket and threw the key the clerk had given him to the ground.

You know, it strikes me as odd that Charlie seems so susceptible to Dumbledore's manipulations in later chapters after showing a keen and alert mind here. Did Dumbledore use his magic to 'help out' more than is obvious in those passages?


Jennifer Moffett posted a comment on Thursday 16th February 2006 12:39am

Your story in great!!
Will you be updating soon?

Hunter1 posted a comment on Saturday 11th February 2006 10:44am

I think that "Sunrise Over Briton" is a stunning pice of literary textand i hope you update soon.Out of wondering did you use the pubs name "The Prancing Pony" from the Lord Of The Rings? Anyway I hope you put up the next chapter soon! Bye.

Prodipan Sengupta posted a comment on Saturday 11th February 2006 1:52am

there has been no updates in two weeks.are u guys alright?

Guðmundur Hrannar Úlfarsson posted a comment on Friday 10th February 2006 11:51pm

*knock the computer screen*

anyone alive in there


Joki911 posted a comment on Wednesday 8th February 2006 9:04pm

first of, i love your story.
But that death line thing is a bit over the top, but when using it ones why can't he do it again over a smaller area, like London and other big cities or just criss-cross around the country that would greatly hinder Voldemort in controlling the country. Warding the whole country needed a lot of energy but warding just a small area such as London or some cultural sites shouldn't be to hard on him. That way he could fight the war to a certain extent without risking lives.
greetings joki

maeghan posted a comment on Wednesday 8th February 2006 10:01am

i love it please keep writing.

AJ4 posted a comment on Wednesday 8th February 2006 9:43am

Excellent story so far. I finally caught up to the point where i have to wait for the updates. Please update when you get a chance! --AJ : )

Lira posted a comment on Monday 6th February 2006 4:43am

I've read your other fic several months ago and I totally loved it. I still was absolutely dead set against reading this one in spite of thinking that the two of you are outstanding authors. (I was an absolute Harry/Ginny-shipper and add evil Dumbledore to that...!) Well, while I still dislike both Harry/Hermione intensely and evil Dumbledore, I have now expanded what I'm willing to read. ;) And I've read through Sunset and the first chapters of Sunrise in just two days and your fic is absolutely great.
Just the right kind of humor every so often. :) I really, really loved the idea of the wizards being clueless about the Rosettastone and repairing it!!!!
You should look over your Old-English some more. You are mixing "thou dost" (not sure if the spelling shouldn't be "doest" anyway) and "he doth" up constantly and aren't even consistent in it.

About your Update-less list, this is one of my absolute Petpeeves, too. As much fun as it is, I'd actually prefer getting recommandations about fanfiction that I actually would want to read, though - instead of fics that I certainly won't start reading, no matter how good they are. Could you also put up a proper recommandation every so often?