Content Harry Potter


Pleather Boots posted a comment on Sunday 5th February 2006 8:54pm

Oh dear....this is not what I expected...great! Ok, so I meant to be in bed over two hours ago, but I must say I am very enchanted by your story!

Lurk posted a comment on Sunday 5th February 2006 9:16am

Wonderful! Ah, poor evil Charlie. ::shakes head:: He'll get his due, whether good or bad, I trust you guys to tie up loose ends. Someone thought your chapters were too long? Geez, it's their own problem. Muahaha, it's the Army of Elves! Dance, little elvies, dance! ::giggles maniaclly:: Oh, I'm pretty sure I misspelled that. Sorry. And the public learns about Dumbledore. w00t! Thank YOU! I'm curious though. What does Charlie have against Neville? Or is it just protective olderbrotherness?

Well, great chapter guys. Keep it up!

Snapesmistress005 posted a comment on Friday 3rd February 2006 11:24pm

another great chapter! truly loved it. i'm holding out hope for charlie. i have a bit of a soft spot for him, not sure why, but i love the man. maybe it's all the manly dragon breeding. hurt my heart to see him be an a@@. anywho, we got a date set whooray!! august 1st here we come. can't wait to see how the dropping of the wards goes. update soon! much love!

stgilman10 posted a comment on Thursday 2nd February 2006 1:43pm

Good chapter. I can't wait for dumbles to get his ass handed to him, by the law or by the harry. Disclaimer idea: Dr. Lazarus from galaxy quest. I looked at Rickman's IMDb site, and you are quickly running out of known, popular movies starring him. May I suggest that after, you maybe move on to other, though possibly less hated/more liked characters being killed, maimed, etc. by different roles played by that actor. Also, if you notice that a previously listed "updateless" gets an update, let us know. Keep the good stuff coming!

Lady FoxFire posted a comment on Thursday 2nd February 2006 2:49am

I'm curious when the Light finally retake Hogwrats will the discover Ron's body or has Voldemort's forces aready disposed of it?

Any chance of Ron coming back as a ghost? After all he did an unnatural death and with unfinish business.

So is Charles under a spell or is he just plan stupid?

Manatheron posted a comment on Wednesday 1st February 2006 1:48pm

Hello, Hello!

Excellent chapter! I especally liked harry's response to the law and order Issue. I do have a Question however... Why would harry have his head under hermione's shirt? Isn't that what obscuring charms and privacy charms are for? (Get your hand out of her pants potter!}

Sorry, I've read far to many lemons lately...

PS. I'm going to bug the author of 'Clensed Power' for you.

shadowmist posted a comment on Tuesday 31st January 2006 12:34pm

Eh, since you've once again said something about Charlie, I'm going to bring up the thing I brought up before in hopes of it getting answered, unless I'm stupid and actually missed it multiple times (which is very possible actually...) Why didn't Charlie attempt to contact Ginny before going into dangerous territory? I'm very confused by this as Ginny was the first to contact Charlie.

Also, I think that Charlie is being overly suspicious. And if he's being as suspicious as he is right now, why isn't he suspecting Dumbledore? It's not really a big deal since this is a story and all but it just bothers me a bit.

Anyways, this story rocks as usual, update soon please!

silverx posted a comment on Tuesday 31st January 2006 10:07am

hey, great story btw. i'm a big fan. one little grammatical mistake tho, when eocho speaks in general he says "thy", before a word that starts with a vowel "thy own", it should be "thine":
"thine own" etc...

Musings of Apathy posted a comment on Monday 30th January 2006 10:19am

Excellent chapter. (Once again I am reminded to go buy that thesaurus to find some more complementing words to describe yours and other authors chapters) Sorry that it took me so long to read and review your story. I spent the weekend at my parents house and then came home sunday to find that had deleted my story "Harry Potter and the Cracked Reservoir" for "Rating: explicit content or adult content above current rating". Oh well, just made me explore other places to post.

As to your story. It was great. I actually laughed aloud when I read the following:

"Sometimes, my daughter, the fight over a thing is more fun than the thing itself," Eocho said, wrapping the tattered remains of his dignity around himself while Hermione rolled her eyes.

Very good stuff. Your weaving of the Charlie plot thread is getting better and better. It is now one of the threads that I am watching with avid interest. I would imagine that the charges and evidence against Dumbledore will come to light when he shows up and is confronted by Harry. Even with Amelia's declaration of his fugitive status, the public has been trusting in him as a near deity for too long to suddenly trust one statement to turn it around. I am afraid that Harry will have to go through a public airing of his laundry as it were. Nasty mess.

I would expect the town to get right interesting when the American aurors arrive. If the town is fully running and a viable economic interest when they do, it would become right booming. Oh, what fun! It could be interesting to have the common problems that would be associated with a new town with a new pub and so many soldiers. So far the town seems to have no crime or internal problems and the influx of personnel could provide for some of the minor things that makes a town real.

This is continuing to be a very interesting story. Thank you for writing.


hoser41 posted a comment on Monday 30th January 2006 4:37am

Great chapter. As for the people that are complaining about the chapters being too long...thats nuts.

I could do with them being longer. I know that you two try to end the chapters in a place where it is easy to transition to a new theme. You're doing a great job so far.

harry85 posted a comment on Monday 30th January 2006 2:49am

Great chapter this was. I wonder how Charlie took amelia's sentences about Dumbledore at the town meeting, but I guess since he's a git controlled by the old fraud, he won't believe them, and will stil believe his family is under a dark curse, and now the entire town too, or something like that...

TheBlackPearl posted a comment on Sunday 29th January 2006 10:28pm

I feel like my reviews are redundant, but it was a fabulous chapter. Light in so many ways, yet the darkness that pursues Harry is never completely gone.

It's starting to look as though Lucius has more sense than Voldemort, however, his flashes of sense are too quickly and easily overshadowed by his own greed and malice to do him any good.

Go Ginny! And Bill and Fred and George, for not hesitating in backing Charlie off. Boy was he rude! Glad Arthur took such a hard line with him. I hope Charlie is saveable, but if not, I won't be too broken up about it.

I'm worried about Tonks. I hope she returns from this mission intact.

I think you two draw such a beautiful, fine line with Harry & Hermione. On one hand, the life they've led, though short in years, have effectively made them both 'old souls'. But yet, there are flashes of pure teenage silliness and they way they interact as only teenagers in love can act.

My only complaint...though,minor, is that I miss seeing Luna interact with the Brotherhood group and I wouldn't mind seeing Luna and Draco get some down time. :)

Fabulous read? Too long. Is.There.Such.A.Thing? Not in my world.

Oh, and many thanks for the appearance of the Sheriff of Nottingham. I've been waiting for him to visit Snape.


hedwig_edwiges posted a comment on Sunday 29th January 2006 8:30pm

I didn't vote before, but I agree: "keep updating and I don't care how long the chapter is. I'll complain if it is too short". The story is going really well. I like the mischief in Hogwarts and making the DE lives a living hell with pranks. But my heart hurts a bit seeing problems breeing where a truthfull conversation could resolve everything. But them, where the conflits and plots would go? Keep up with the good job!

Donna Mobley posted a comment on Sunday 29th January 2006 11:03am

Definitely not too long for me! Being the weekend I couldn't read it all in one sitting as there are 4 kids + hubby to keep me busy, but it was a welcome break from the hustle and bustle of mommy life when I had a free moment!

Thank you for continuing to write and post so frequently. I always look forward to your new chapters.


Paul Ellison posted a comment on Sunday 29th January 2006 4:07am

Absolutely excellent keep them coming, long chapters are good.

anthoni kimoktoak posted a comment on Saturday 28th January 2006 7:29pm

just want to let you know,i think your stories are great,started reading your work on with Dumbledore's Amry,then Spiritus Crystalus,then i stumbled onto Sunset Over Britain,which was a great story btw,not many people like Harry/Hermione pairings,but i do,and now im reading this story,keep it up,i also wanted to ask you,im gonna write my own story,and i really liked your idea of the Matura Magicus,and i was wondering if you didnt mind me incorporating that into my story,though i wont have it go on for the same amount of time you did,anywho,keep up the good work

liquidfyre posted a comment on Saturday 28th January 2006 1:18pm

Yer chapters are perfect the way they are. Unless you could post on a daily basis then i could see shorter chapters otherwise nope nope this is just fine.

Taloruyas posted a comment on Saturday 28th January 2006 6:19am

House elf bondage? Kinky.

Other than that, a great chapter once again. :)

icaro posted a comment on Saturday 28th January 2006 3:38am

Where exactly is Fawkes? I'd like to go on holydays and strikes me like a fun option.
I love your "long" chapters.

MononWalker posted a comment on Friday 27th January 2006 9:13pm

Bob & Alyx

Wonderful chapter! I love the interaction between all of them. I *snorked* at the exchange between the Grangers (all three of them). Interesting "argument" between Dan and Eocho ... that that piece was the only "final" point of disagreement.

Everyone seems to be progressing in their abilities nicely. Interesting development in Ginny ... is she "reading" auras also?

Charlie's quite the pisser, isn't he? And Dudley has made an appearance too.

One minor-ish detail error ...

The scene in Minerva's office was dated May 27th and said: "NEWT's and OWL's were over for the fifth and seventh year's".

The next scene in Padfoot Manor was dated May 29th and stated: "Luna and Ginny both wore exhausted smiles on their faces. Today had been their last OWL".

I know this is nitpicking to the infinite detail but you guys are really very good and usually don't miss something like this and is a fairly easy to edit.

Again, great chapter you guys and keep up the good work.