Content Harry Potter


darktail posted a comment on Friday 27th January 2006 8:37pm

Oh, dear... You FINALLY updated! But, as always, the chapter is WAAAAAAAAAAY TOO SHORT! *snorts*

Oh well, perfect work as always, I can't wait for tne 'Tri-Match' between Dumb-ledore/Charlie/Harry (Yeah, I feel that even Charlie will throw a spell or two - or even some kicks and punches, if his reaction in this chapter is even slightly foreshadowing).

Just one thing, though: Will Dumb-ledore fall ill after crossing the 'Line'? He IS bad, after all...

...don't make me wait too long, please, I beg you! *cries*

Well, see you next month, I think, bye!

noylj posted a comment on Friday 27th January 2006 6:45pm

Did you talk to anyone about gunshot wounds. Back in the old days, people got infections when shot due to poor hygiene and the fact that the bullets were lubricated with animal products which were just full of lots of little critters.
However, I do not believe that lead poisoning is an issue with bullets as they are some times left in if removing them could cause more damage. The body just grows tissue around the bullets.
PS: I think all chapters are too short.

noylj posted a comment on Friday 27th January 2006 5:55pm

Did you talk to anyone about gunshot wounds. Back in the old days, people got infections when shot due to poor hygiene and the fact that the bullets were lubricated with animal products which were just full of lots of little critters.
However, I do not believe that lead poisoning is an issue with bullets as they are some times left in if removing them could cause more damage. The body just grows tissue around the bullets.

AcceleratedGlass posted a comment on Friday 27th January 2006 4:48pm

Will you also let us know if an "updateless" story starts getting updates again? Update soon!

Sim posted a comment on Friday 27th January 2006 3:36pm

Not my favourite chapter, but I do understand the need to keep the plot going. I don't really enjoy reading through politics-heavy fics, but it's a good balance and I'm still here...
Liking the building tension in the Weasly family. - The extreme reaction of Charlie ensuring the rest band together completly in favour of Arthur Dating again. I can't wait until Charlie is sat down and told the ugly side of the truth. - but then again, I do love Angry Ginny fics.
No, I dont' think that the chapters are too long... it makes the wait worth it. I hate it when you get all excited about a update email, only to click through and find a short chapter waiting for you.

fashizzlism posted a comment on Friday 27th January 2006 2:01pm

i great chap! and im gald to hear a harry and DD showoff will be comming soon hehehhehe :P, how someone can complain about your chapter lenghts... i donno, the longer the better i say... please how can you hvae chapters that are too long... at least you dont finshs reading you chapters are 5 mins then have to wait a week for another 5mins of reading time of the great story!

The thing with charile.... i hope he understands the truth sooon, he was at the town meeting so now he know DD was a wanted man, would that stir some questions in his mind, or did he alreay know about it??

Im wondering what you are doing with dudly... assasin training? then send him to Haven or somthing, or will he be used as bait for harry, personaly i dont see harry falling for the bait after his lift with the fat pig :D

Granger Publications!!!! hermiones dream come true, I LOVE IT hahhaha great! im glad hermiones got over her "elves and freedom" thing, i found her raints about it annoying lol.

Will DD show his face next chapter since you are saying the charm will be dropped 'Tomorrow Morning'... iam eagly awaiting this little duel but for some reason i sence its not going to be in the next couple of chapters :( you know you could have some were harry spots DD and trying to 'Arrest' him, they have a little duel but he managr to get away before the big one *hint**hint* :P

Any way keep up the great work and update ASAP, this is byfar the best peice of fanfiction i have read and cant wait for the next chapter!!!


Fishburne posted a comment on Friday 27th January 2006 1:31pm

Wonderful chapter.

I love how the teens are working together and finding new -old - ways of doing the work that needs to be accomplished. I particularly enjoy the thought of military elves.

Lookng forward to Dumbledoor's comeuppance.

Fish - the other white meat.

Fishburne posted a comment on Friday 27th January 2006 12:39pm


Thank you for the wonderful disclaimer!

Now I can read the chapter.

Yeah, I know, its odd that I would remark on just the disclaimer, but hey, I'm the guy that watches the Superbowl for the commercials only.

Christopher Estep posted a comment on Friday 27th January 2006 12:05pm

The ranking system the house elves are using is from the Royal Marines (which, by and large, use the same enlisted and officer ranks as the Brit Army) Harry is the Brigadier (overall commander), Hermione is the Colonel (XO, or second in command). Draco is a LEFtenant (Marine First Lieutenant) but actually occupies a O-4 (Army/RM Captain) billet (S-2, or intelligence), Minerva and Amelia are Majors (Arthur, as Amelia's deputy, is a Captain), Draco, as S-2, reports to Harry, not Amelia (though some of his reports go to Arthur, Miles, and the Haven constabulary). As things get fleshed out, more of the oficers will report to *Hermione* (as XO, it's her job to buffer the CO so he isn't stuck micromanaging).

Christopher Estep posted a comment on Friday 27th January 2006 11:50am

Ginny smells something *off* in Charlie Weasley. However, how aware is Charlie of the events leading up to Arthur's divorce of Molly, and (indirectly) to Ron's death? Is his awareness based only on what DUMBledore told him? (Remember, Dumbledore is in hot water himself.)

Alex00 posted a comment on Friday 27th January 2006 11:33am

great chapter

rippergirl posted a comment on Friday 27th January 2006 11:19am

Love it. I do hope that Charlie will come around though and not side with DUMBledore. It would be sad to have to lose another member of the Weasley family because of somebody so frustrating. Love the title of the book,The Complete Chronicles of Contraceptive Charms And The Illustrated Guide to Sexually Pleasuring Your Witch. It sounds exactly like the Kama Sutra but with moving pictures. Oh just got an image in my head. Out of my head obscene pictures out. It also sounds like something Fred and George would do. At least they haven't gone through the book and highlighted their favorites.(Or did they??). Can't wait until the next chapter again. Can't remember what happened to Hagrid so I think I will have to go back and reread Sunset Over Britain. The thought popped into my head while reading this. Oh well it will be fun to reread it as it is awesome plain and simple. And it will kill time until the next chapter. Yay.

MarinePotterfan posted a comment on Friday 27th January 2006 11:06am

Nice chapter, nothing else to add as always great writing.


Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Friday 27th January 2006 10:56am

An interesting mix of plot threads. It's almost a shame Charlie wasn't at that town meeting as it would've been quite the "learning experience" for him. As 'tis, I imagine his learning is going to be rather rougher and abrupt.

The new thread with Dudley should be interesting; I'm assuming (risky as that is) that it's a "take-out" attempt aimed at Harry; the unfolding whould make for good reading.

Kathleen posted a comment on Friday 27th January 2006 10:34am

Great chapter! I was glad to see up so soon after the last one, too. I was afraid we'd have another long wait. Take as long as you want, of course, but after a few weeks I get sad. Wouldn't want some random person you've never met to have a moment of sadness, would you? :)

Onto the chapter...this seemed like mostly a "plot thickens" chapter, which was fun as I like to guess what's going to happen so I'm combing through this one extra carefully for clues. Glad to hear they set a date for the wedding, too, though August seems too far away. I thought they were going to have trouble with the magic if they kept having sex without marraige. Surely they can't wait two months. At the very least, I can't wait two months! :)
Also, thanks for continuing to put the dates on the chapter, because otherwise I would completely forget that it was even May.

photobug posted a comment on Friday 27th January 2006 9:44am

enjoyed your latest update. aside from a few typos, and some confusion during the awakening, concerning hermione's use of her staff/wand.
to ad to your updateless list, bexis's 5th element, and a story called intevention pt2. both are excelent, but haven't been touched in quite a while. hopefully not abandoned.
keep up the good work. no, your chapters are not too long, even if I do have a acute case of ADD

AzureSky posted a comment on Friday 27th January 2006 9:26am

Great chapter

Davideg posted a comment on Friday 27th January 2006 7:45am

fantastic i realy injouid this infomative chapter please geep up the great work

Zytka posted a comment on Friday 27th January 2006 7:32am

awesome as always. post again soon, por favor.

Jake posted a comment on Friday 27th January 2006 7:19am

Excellent chapter, I can't say much other than that as I don't have anything to complain about. I loved the interaction of the Weasleys and can't wait for the confrontation with Charlie, I'm actually looking forward to that more than the one with Dumbledore. Keep up the great work and update soon!
