Content Harry Potter


Jim_xinu posted a comment on Friday 27th January 2006 6:43am

Thanks for the new "chatper". ;-)

Riven posted a comment on Friday 27th January 2006 6:41am

absolutley wonderful chapter.
dont really have much to add to that other than i absolutley love this story.

hatten_jc posted a comment on Friday 27th January 2006 6:29am

Sweet another GREAT update. I love it and i can't waith to see the Potter VS Dumlbedor fight.

Ronnie McMains posted a comment on Friday 27th January 2006 5:53am

I think I'll join in with the third group in your author's notes: I don't care how many words are in the chapters as long as the chapters keep coming!

I also agree about your latest addition to the Updateless List; I want to see more of that story myself.

Voldemort is Dead posted a comment on Friday 27th January 2006 5:51am

Yay! Another chapter! Keep the great, long chapters coming!

patrik svensson posted a comment on Friday 27th January 2006 5:34am

Great story,
keep up the good work.

Opinions are like assholes.
Everyone has one - but some just smell worse than others.

michi posted a comment on Friday 27th January 2006 4:59am

Das ist eine sehr gute Geschichte. Sogar mit die beste, seit ich Fanfiktion lese.

That is a very got story. In fact, even with the best, sins I fanfiction read.

Mit freundlichem Gruss, aus Deutschland
With friendly greet, from Germany


haydenelrics posted a comment on Friday 27th January 2006 4:44am


.....I mean wow.....

j/k awesome chappie. Can't wait for the rumble in the jungle btwn bumble and harry. (or would it be rumble in the highlands?)

Darrell2 posted a comment on Friday 27th January 2006 4:30am

UPDATE, you hear me! I can't wait for Dumble's ass get handed to himself my the new and improved Harry Potter. Charlie better start watching out, our he'll get beaten like a red-headed step child (no pun intended). Keep it up.

Shawn Pickett posted a comment on Friday 27th January 2006 3:57am

A nice chapter, I'm wondering how much of a problem Charley will be, and if the Weasley's will be able to bring him around. On the flip side, him reporting to Albus that he's a wanted fugitive by the English and Irish governments should cause him to go to ground for a bit. A lot of interesting plot building throughout the rest of the chapter, great job, thank you.

Quizer posted a comment on Friday 27th January 2006 3:46am

" No Harry will not be driving an Astin Martin, a BMW or even the ever popular Super Yugo. "

Did you REALLY get this question?! Sheesh, looks like there are still people out there who have no clue what this story is about.

Great job on this chapter. You continue to set a realistic and believable read while making this incredibly fun to read. Highlights in this chapter were
- Peeves: old Lizard Lips shall never get his necromancer, hehehe...
- Draco getting Luna's love letters: took me a while to stop laughing after Bertrand's final line ;)
- the Weasley interaction. Looks like Dumbledore put at least a bit more into Charlie's mind than a few carefully crafted lies and half-truths... How long will it take until someone besides Ginny gets suspicious? It also makes me wonder whether he can be redeemed... I feel a bit sorry for Arthur though, having to suffer Fred & George's antics, which seem a tad less tasteful than their usual pranks. Maybe that feeling comes from Charlie's overreacting, though.

can't wait for more

beauty01021 posted a comment on Friday 27th January 2006 3:41am

yeah great chapter can't wiat for an update.

Musta posted a comment on Friday 27th January 2006 3:34am

Just flying along, right? Anyway, So far so good. I think a bit of the lst third of the chapter fell flat, but a healthy 7/10 for this chapter

Jayy posted a comment on Friday 27th January 2006 3:16am

You said that eventually Harry will know about Charlie. In the end, will Charlie still be on Dumbledore's side, or with a little help from his family and Harry, will he go to Harry's side?
Great chapter as usual!

Ashwin posted a comment on Friday 27th January 2006 3:08am

Classic. The whole concept of Brother hood is a noteworthy point.
And development of character is what makes your stories a huge success.

Am really waiting for the Harry v Dumbledore as its going to be a public showdown by looks of it.

I think Dobby has been the most funny of all characters. Continue on that line. Probably Tonks is the next best character for comic relief.

Haven't seen much of Luna, so request to try and include a bit of her in your next 2-3 chapters.


Crys posted a comment on Friday 27th January 2006 2:57am

And the intros continue their string of being very amusing.

"I refuse to be drugged by anyone, even a healer, Dad."
*frown* Okay, proving that Charlie's either under AD's direct control or he has some charm or something over him that will become noticeable if he's drugged. He didn't have any problems with AD drugging him to the eyeballs previously. Unless it was unknowingly . . . [re-read] Oh, sneaky. So that's how they're eventually going to pry Charlie away from AD.

Subtle and sensitive as always, Gred and Forge ;)

Lucius has some plan with Dudley . . . I expect he's counting on more sympathy from Harry toward Dudley than is warranted. Curious how that will play out.

From behind him he heard the sound of a raspberry and he wondered if other Dark Lords had problems like this.

He had also confessed that he didn't know anyone named Melinda McKinny
*raspberry* Of course he doesn't. That's her married name. He conveniently doesn't mention that he DOES know of Fred (or whatever) McKinny and his long-time girlfriend Melinda Smith (or whatever). Argh. Wonderful dance around the truth.

Congratulations, Bob and Alyx. Your fictional characters are pissing me off ;)

Hmm. Kinda surprised that Charlie wasn't at that town meeting. Or if he was, we didn't see his opinion of what was going on.

Author's Noses which is disgusting and snot a nice thing

turnlach posted a comment on Friday 27th January 2006 2:48am

I like the Dumbledore intrigue that you have going and I'm looking forward to the Harry/Dumbledore confrontation.

I don't think anyone will really care if Charlie tells Dumbledore that his family are using Dark magic. What exactly can Dumbledore do about it? It's not like he's the Supreme Mugwump anymore.

I'm very interested to learn if Dumbledore can cross the Haven line of Death. I wonder if his aura is black enough that he might become sick crossing it.

I'm curious to know if you guys have read Harry Potter and the Acceptance of Fate by Arya1? This is a story that is as long as yours, a great H/Hr fic but unfortunately has not been updated for well over a year.

It's a prime candidate for your Updateless List.

Bobmin356 replied:

Unfortunately Acceptance of Fate has been abandoned. The Updateless list is for stories which I still have hope that they will be continued. Arya has publicly said she is abandoning AoF.

Erin posted a comment on Friday 27th January 2006 2:38am

great update looking forward to the next one.

Loopy Dane posted a comment on Friday 27th January 2006 2:26am

Great chapter as usual. My attention span is too long, so I think your chapters are too short! Bet that wasn't one of your poll questions! *grin*
So, the Brotherhood is like the Knight Foundation! Targeting criminals that have managed to place themselves outside the law! If he can't drive an Astin Martin, will you at least give him an impregnable car with a smart-ass AI? *cheeky grin*
Thanks again for a wonderful, high quality story, with wonderfully long chapters, well developed characters and a unique, ambitious epic plot.

Meteoricshipyards posted a comment on Friday 27th January 2006 2:22am

Another good chapter. I was expecting a meeting between Charlie and Harry at the end of the town hall, but I can wait. If I may make a request - can we see more of what Dumbledore is doing and thinking.

Other than that - good story. "Do other Dark Lords have this problem?" - Love it. Looking forward to Lucius' downfall. Nice thing about HP stories - it's so easy to root for the good guys.

Thanks for writing.

Tom A.