By Bobmin
BeckiSoup posted a comment on Friday 27th January 2006 2:03am
hmmm... a line to stop black auras...dare i say we might see a violently ill dumbledore soon?
Ken Warner posted a comment on Friday 27th January 2006 1:46am
Thanks for a wonderful LONG chapter - much more enjoyable than the 3 page updates that some authors post every 2.71 months (or less often) Love your work and the story. I quite often resemble that moonstruck look when I look across a room to my bride of 13 years. GO Harry and Hermoine.
Seriously, love the way you are developing the story and the background so smoothly - excited to see what happens to Lucius when a)he finds out that Dudley and Harry are almost as good friends as Phyliss Schafley and Teddy Kennedy and b)That Voldiewarts does know about his secret operations and is going to skin him and dip him in acid.
Warmest regards
Hagrid posted a comment on Friday 27th January 2006 1:10am
As always, you have out done yourselves. As far as the whiners go, let em read comics. My take on Charlie's acceptance of Dumbledore is based on his upbringin' so of course he believes the ol' man.
Davemcfly posted a comment on Friday 27th January 2006 1:07am
WOW! In my Opinion "Sunset over Britain" and this Sequel are some of the most impressive Fanfics I have ever read!
Please keep on Writing and update fast :)
P.s.: Please forgive any mistakes in this Review...I am an nearly 20 Year old German and the little bit of English I ´m able to write is learned in School :D
makieus posted a comment on Friday 27th January 2006 12:00am
I perfer the longer chapters. Willing to wait longer for them to come out. Not sure why, but seemed to like this chapter more so than the others. Back to my homework. Thanks for the break/distraction from real life.
Kyle Bissett posted a comment on Thursday 26th January 2006 11:55pm
The military elves could end up causing some confusion in the purebloods, who wouldn't know about rank conventions. Miles is a Commander, which is a Naval rank, Hermione is a Colonel, which is an Army rank (equivalent to Naval Captain, one grade above Commander), and Draco is a Leftenant, which is both Army and Naval rank (though a Naval Leftenant outranks an Army Leftenant of the same degree by one grade). It might be good to convince the elves to use one rank convention (Army makes sense, as they don't have a Navy) and clearly define a chain of command.
Having Draco create both internal and external intelligence services is all well and good, but I hope he realizes that having both run by one person is asking for problems later on-maybe not by him, but by a successor. It's part of the 'Power corrupts and Absolute Power is pretty damn neat' thing.
Was Charlie at that meeting? If so, he'll have to be wondering if the whole command structure of Haven consists of manipulators and the controlled, or if AD is holding out on him for some reason. Throughout Sunset, he wasn't aware that there was a need to choose sides (or that there were sides to choose), so he's defaulting to thinking that the childhood authority figure is always right.
Bobmin356 replied:
Have you actually tried to explain anything to an Elf??? Besides, they are getting their military information from old badly written world war two movies.
They are confused and explaining it to them will only confuse things further. Besides, the elves are busy inventing their own branch of His Majesties Service. :D
Joel1 posted a comment on Thursday 26th January 2006 11:47pm
Great job Bobmin, and I cant believe someone actually said that your chapters are too long. Usually you hear complaints of to short chapters. Anyway cant wait for the next chapter!
Meg posted a comment on Thursday 26th January 2006 11:31pm
Very good chapter and, as usual, it felt too short.
Treck posted a comment on Thursday 26th January 2006 11:28pm
Are we going to see a reaction from Charlie over Harry's speach? (I assume he was there)
Great job!!!
john2 posted a comment on Thursday 26th January 2006 11:19pm
There are some nits in this chapter, but it's been a good read.
Mr. Lovegood is a widower in canon - has he remarried since then?
Bobmin356 replied:
Mr. Lovegood is still a widower. I wasn't sure if I was clouding the issue, but I didn't really want to say "his dead wife". Maybe I should have eh? :D
n4zhg posted a comment on Wednesday 25th January 2006 8:46pm
Suggestion for Updateless List
Roy1 posted a comment on Wednesday 25th January 2006 2:28pm
I would be quite offended if you had Draco or the twins driving a BMW as any Bond afficianado(sp) knows, James Bond was ALWAYS in an Aston Martin with the one bastardized exception in which they had him in a beemer. I have just discovered this universe and am reallly looking forward to future updates.
starlightsuprise posted a comment on Sunday 22nd January 2006 11:40pm
I love your fiction and I hope you update soon.
Your DA and SC series was fantastic and I can't wait to see how this turns out and end.
For soem reason I could not read Chapter 5, is it possible for you to e-mail it to me at
Update Soon
Ombra posted a comment on Thursday 19th January 2006 2:49am
Another excellent chapter, keep up the good work
Kyle Bissett posted a comment on Tuesday 17th January 2006 11:14pm
Will the twin's operation be called F branch, G branch, or W branch?
Is Charlie going to do more than just spy? At the moment he seems to be skewing all perceived facts to align them with what AD told him. Hopefully a healer will find out about his problem before he has to lose the leg (persistent lead poisoning can be nasty).
A reccomendation for the updateless list.
Magic and Martial Arts: Year 1
AU Crossover (Ranma 1/2, Harry Potter) fic. Vernon decides he doesn't want to raise a freak, so he turns Harry over to a cousin who might be able to beat the weirdness out of him... Genma Saotome. Filed under H/Hr, but since this story hasn't cleared first year yet they are just very good friends at the moment. Last updated 9/2005.
rippergirl posted a comment on Monday 16th January 2006 8:38pm
Oh my gosh yay new chappie. Busy at work this weekend but as soon as I saw a new chapter was out I had to read it. Was at work thinking of when I could get home and read it. Charlie has got to see the light. Dumbledore is an ass. and Awww Arthur is falling in love again. Can't wait until next update. Again you guys rock my socks.
Fishburne posted a comment on Monday 16th January 2006 9:17am
Well, what a wonderful tale, full of angst, angry Harry, and adorable fluffy Dumbledoor/Snape!
Interesting is the lowest of the compliments I can pay, Gigglefest among the most prevalent and Wicked use of all of Alan Rickman's essential characters (except one...still waiting on the Prince John bit).
You may thank Kinsfire for my trespass, as I go some distance back with the poor lad.
Love the work, looking forward to the next installment, and now I have to go placate my wife (for ignoring ones spouse for HP fanfic can be hazardous to ones nether regions).
shadowmist posted a comment on Monday 16th January 2006 7:30am
Eh, I dunno whether you misunderstood my question, whether i even wrote the question instead of thinking it, or whatever, but in my case i wasn't wondering why charlie was looking for his mother, i was wondering why charlie didn't go to his family first before going into dangerous territory. I mean, it's the logical thing to do. What if his mother already was found and was in haven? What if the people in Haven had information on his mother's whereabouts? Eh, just my 2 cents worth. Update this great story soon please!
Jasmine posted a comment on Monday 16th January 2006 3:48am
Ha! I finally caught up, now I have to wait like everyone else... I am really enjoying this story. I can't wait to see what happens with Charlie
Brandon West posted a comment on Friday 27th January 2006 2:10am