By Bobmin
azntgr01 posted a comment on Sunday 15th January 2006 1:56pm
demon posted a comment on Saturday 14th January 2006 3:29pm
loved the first story and this was good at first too but it became so confusing that i don't even know when i became confused in the first place anymore so i have to stop reading now sorry
LoggingInSucksAss posted a comment on Saturday 14th January 2006 1:52pm
"Draco isn't Q, Draco is M. The twins make up Q branch, as we see here in this chapter."
Technically, aren't the TWIN twins the Q branch? Then they'd be the Quad branch!
I'm so clever. ~deadpan~
Ginny's reaction to Charlie is interesting. It'll be interesting to see how's Dumbledore's interference creates ANOTHER break in the Weasley family, even Charlie is so far just a dupe with no bad intentions.
stgilman10 posted a comment on Saturday 14th January 2006 1:37pm
Good chapter. Loved the HHGG reference in the disclaimer. If Sunrise goes on too long, you guys are going to run out of Rickman movies to use. I kinda want more actiony stuff to happen, but I know that that will come when it does, and that it will. By the way, the twins are Q branch, yes, but Draco is not M. Miles is M (lol), Caleb is like 007 and Draco is like that Robinson guy in the later Brosnan Bond movies.
MarinePotterfan posted a comment on Saturday 14th January 2006 11:02am
Wow, what a facted filled chapter. I think it is funny that everyone got busted for having sex. I dont think that I would have taken it as well as ginnys dad. (being that I have a 15yr old daughter, I think some bodly harm would have happened.)
Charlie is going to be a wild card at Haven now, what is he going to do and will he see the light before he gets into trouble with everyone. Ginny already suspects him, and I think that see is going to be the one to call him on it, not Harry.
Reviewer Note:
A comment on your Updateless list, I dont know how many time I start reading a story and then get to the last chapter and its not the end and it has not been updated for a while. So now I screen all stories before I start reading it; 1. I look at last chaper to see if its completed. 2 I look at when the author started the story and how many chapters the author has written since the begining. (ex. 10 chapters in 6 months). 3. How long are the chapters. 4. Finally I look to see how many different stories the author is currently writing. Well these are some of checks that I do to prevent getting caught up in a story that is updateless. My updateless contribution Moonlit Nights a Harry/Hermione vampire fic has not been updated since Auguest of 2005.
josh52629 posted a comment on Saturday 14th January 2006 11:00am
i think the first one should have been Power of Time by Rosswrock, but hey, any non updated story is a good one.
Another good chapter, i've read and liked all of your stories.
Ken Warner posted a comment on Saturday 14th January 2006 7:06am
Dear Bob and Alyx,
Once again a wonderful chapter, really like that the couples need to be formally committed to each other, if only that that fits better into my personal world view. Great build ups with Arthur and Melinda as well as with Charlie the unwitting spy and the rest of the world. While I am one of those calling for Dumbledore's messy and painful comeuppance - I can wait on the needs of your story line. drat :(
Musings of Apathy posted a comment on Saturday 14th January 2006 5:05am
Cgreat chapter. I had to frankly expect a marriage sooner than the end of the war. To me it is a plot point once he proposes and to save it till after the distant end to the war removes the bulk of the plot surrounding it. You did very well justifying the change in schedule. I see that it could be a long time before Charlie changes to the Haven side. I think that it would be realized that he is working for another side within a couple of weeks, to the emotional detriment of Arthur especially. You are doing well in avoiding the stereotypical superpower Harry. This is the death of the superpower fiction. If one can solve all of their problems with a wave of their wand, why haven't they? We have all read the fics where Harry is knowledgeable and powerful enought to end it tomorrow, but doesn't for some wiley reason, all for more than a two thousand word story, after all, he received all of his power in the first three hundred word chapter when he turned sixteen and somehow his magic knew that he was suddenly not only sixteen but that it was exactly midnight. It was supremely more convincing in your version of events.
Thank you for writing.
P.S. I am currently beating on my muse with a cat-o-ninetails in an attempt to get some coherent story out of it for the next chapter of my own story in an effort to never get close to the UPDATELESS LIST myself. If I think that she enjoys the beating too much, I will have to find another meathod of encouraging my muse.
Viridian posted a comment on Saturday 14th January 2006 4:43am
Another great update on a fascinating story. More Harry Potter meets Tom Clancy goodness!
The conversational byplay in Minerva's office had me laughing out loud!
It's ironic that the Johanssen twins are the only ones who seem to be capable of keeping Fred and George in line. (Based on the dish-washing punishment remark, anyway.)
One note: Mrs. Longbottom's first name is Augusta (that is canon - but I think it's only revealed in the book that Bob hates)
B134 posted a comment on Saturday 14th January 2006 12:52am
Great story. There's just something that has been nagging at the back of my mind, why do they think they have to wait until Voldemort is as powerful as Harry? Does it matter that they already passed one point where this was the case (between normal Harry and Super!Harry)?
The original prophesy said only that Voldemort would mark him as an equal, not that they would be equals. It's been a while since I read the prophesies in your work, but I do not rememeber any of them saying that they had to wait until Voldemort was equal in power to Harry.
Snapesmistress005 posted a comment on Friday 13th January 2006 11:05pm
hmm interestinsg chapter. wonder what charlie will do once he realises that harry is not being being controlled, nor is anyone else. would be cool to see him turn on dumbledore and give him a taste of his own medicine. oh yeah, i'm not ashamed to say i have not updated my two stories on in over a year. i had a whole bunch written on a story, but i can't find the notebook i had it written in! anywho, great job and i can't wait for some more! much love!
Jamie46 posted a comment on Friday 13th January 2006 4:33pm
Yay :) Another great chapter from some great authors. Rather than go on and on about how fabulous this chapter was, and how much I loved the twins' stuff, and the kitchen scene (and Arthur maybe having a romance), and the "get married" reactions (:-D heheh!), and Millicent being a spy on the DE students, and wondering if the American Ministry will share their info about those Cauldrons being sold, instead I'll ask a question.
I'm a little confused on the timeline. OK, I know they left Hogwarts early April (maybe late March b/c they had to go a little faster). I know that they've been there for a few weeks. But OWLs start "tomorrow", which I had thought started in early June. And Arthur is working on the final phases of the Fidelius coming down. But it's not coming down until the end of May... What time is it now? :'( Wah. I'm so confused.
(But yay, I'm so proud of myself for thinking this through b/c my initial reaction was to review and be like "What the heck?! You can't have OWLs in early May!!" *doh* Boy, would *I* have felt stupid when that got responded to. :-D hahahahahaha)
hyper_swain posted a comment on Friday 13th January 2006 2:49pm
i am loving it! but what did ambiance 15 do?(if u dodnt mind me asking)
Prodipan Sengupta posted a comment on Friday 13th January 2006 2:48pm
i should have posted in yahoo,but for some reason my browser refused.
i just wanted to say i love this is a plot very new,& very well written.
BUT,pet peeves was much better than this list.its really no use to know somebody dumped their story.pp was more fun.
by the way,care to recommend some completed,no-slash fics?i am running low.
MattD posted a comment on Friday 13th January 2006 1:55pm
Oh, btw...'Seeking Ginny' is another one for your updateless list. It's been in the process of 'revision' for almost 7 months now. ARGH.
MattD posted a comment on Friday 13th January 2006 1:54pm
Great've done a great job in creating Dumbledore!villain against type. He's not the usual manipulator!Dumbledore...he's just cold, heartless, and out to put himself at the top. I like it, and I look forward to further interactions w/ him and the Outcasts.
Keep up the brilliant writing. Thanks for all the great work so far.
Sean Dillon posted a comment on Friday 13th January 2006 12:38pm
Oh no. Everybody has to get married. What a way for Arthur to find out Ginny been's intimate with Neville.
Will there be a family reunion / discussion now that Charley has joined them? Someone needs to find out about the portkey clerk in France and adjust his loyalties.
fashizzlism posted a comment on Friday 13th January 2006 11:56am
wow! for some reason i cant see charlie beliveing in DD much long since the fact that i fought that Harry mob will tell Charile about the stuff that DD has done... i hope you can update soon, i hated waiting 11 or 12 days :P but love the fact that your chapters are 3000 words, and are a decent read! i cant see how it take people 2 weeks to update a chapter with 1500 words when you can do this in 10 days... jeese you could write 1500 words in about 2 hours :P
Update soon and keep up the good work
Voldemort is Dead posted a comment on Friday 13th January 2006 10:53am
I certainly agree about the story The Father. I have just finished reading it and have wondered when it will ever be updated!
As far as this story, I am am really enjoying it. I can't wait to find out what happens next.
I really enjoy a lot of the stories I found on this site.
Oh, regarding Charlie...I hope somebody wises up to him before he mucks up Harry's plans. Too bad Harry or Draco couldn't devise some way of monitoring Charlie where he is staying.
Philipe posted a comment on Sunday 15th January 2006 10:58pm