By Bobmin
Evan Mayerle posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd January 2006 9:22am
It's going to be interesting to see Charlie's reaction when he gets the real story. I like the way the ritual went and how things developed from there, this is getting to be an even more engrossing story than you're previous efforts.
azntgr01 posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd January 2006 9:01am
jessiepp posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd January 2006 8:37am
hey what is up good story keep it up. and by the way how can i keep in contact with you over msn or skype or something i think you are very cool.
Darrell2 posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd January 2006 3:46am
Bravo! Encore! Author! I laughed, cried, smiled, and frowned in anger in this chapter: everything that I like in one was there, Even old Dudders! I know that you are going to use him as bait of some kind, but still let Tommy Boy kill the fat tub of stupidity. Please update soon.
Schokki posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd January 2006 2:25am
Go on!
RebaWilliams posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd January 2006 1:30am
Another great chapter... and I was mentioned in the AN (woohoo)!
I will not debate your take on Harry/Draco - as it is your right to believe as you do; but I will tell you my view on it. Canon tells us that Harry is straight and he is in love with Ginny. But the fun in reading and writing slash is finding an author who can, while still using canon, support Harry being gay and convincingly showing the progression of his love for Draco (or any other male character of the author's choice); many authors fail to do this, but when one does - it makes for great reading (IMO).
But, back to your story.... I am anxiously awaiting your next chapter, I am totally enthralled with this story. I have many questions; but I am sure that those will be answered as you continue writing, so I will wait.
kittykatluver posted a comment on Monday 2nd January 2006 11:39pm
I liked it all except the sexual stuff. That was disgusting, and didn't really mesh well.
LoggingInSucksAss posted a comment on Monday 2nd January 2006 10:10pm
Whoa! Whole lotta plot building in this chapter. Whole lotta typos, too. :)
You certainly didn't disappoint with the ceremony, considering the extremely long build up to this point.
I'm scared to think of the Twins working with Draco....
nurray posted a comment on Monday 2nd January 2006 2:20pm
Welcome to 2006, may it be a good year for all of us.
Draco as "Q", very good. Though really the Fred and George as "Q" is scary. I can just imagine Dan showing the twins the James Bond movies or Helga and Inga telling them about it. Ford Anglia's (sp?) will never be safe again!
I was wondering if Dumbedore would get his confrontation with Harry when Harry and Co went to the Druid site. But it looks like it wont be to long now.
Dumbledore must know that he has to contend with more than just Harry in terms of re-gaining control over Harry at this point. It will be interesting to see in how he intends to achieve this. I would have thought that by now Dumbeldore would be concentrating on following the action in terms of stealing the limelight (which actually Harry doesn't want anyway) after it is all over. That would be amusing. Harry and Dumbledore come to an arrangement. Harry wins the war with Voldemort and Dumbledore claims the credit, allowing Harry to disappear into somewhat obscurity. Both would be happy.
Shawn Pickett posted a comment on Monday 2nd January 2006 10:37am
Nice chapter, Albus is working his hooks subtly into Charley, and that is so obviously going to be an agonizing problem later. To boot, it's almost guaranteed that whatever he does at Dumbledore's behest will come at the worst possible time (I don't suppose there is any chance that you'll go for the comic relief angle and have whatever Albus attempts to do fail miserably and reveal him for the meddlesome old fool he is?) I liked the way you had everyone get so nervous about the ritual and how they dealt with their issues. The Weasley twins are doing Q branch? Voldemort is so screwed. Overall, a very enjoyable chapter, thank you. Also, Alyx, can't Bob write Harry spanking Hermione she was very naughty and lit the grail beacon, and Harry could use a little peril. (Sorry, I was just watching my Holy Grail DVD.)
MattD posted a comment on Monday 2nd January 2006 5:01am
Good stuff =). I continue to love this story and your writing.
carlinonthebrain posted a comment on Monday 2nd January 2006 3:36am
another gem, thanks very much. especially liked the sequence with the ritual, and I eagerly await Dumbles getting his ass handed to him
Jake posted a comment on Monday 2nd January 2006 3:36am
Wow, that chapter was more than worth the wait. I was expecting it to end before the ritual had finished and I'm glad it didn't, I dont think I could take it. I loved all the interaction with the rest of the outcasts, it's one of the things I feel like the story has been lacking lately, they're not around enough. I can't wait to see all the cool stuff they're going to learn from the Brotherhood. Keep up the great work, it's stories like yours that make me want to finish mine, it's not going to happen but the inspiration still comes so keep it up and update soon!
Quizer posted a comment on Monday 2nd January 2006 3:22am
Another great chapter! Thanks for updating!
I like how things are starting to look up again, what with the Brotherhood and the Twins inventing new equipment. Though I wonder to what extent Charlie will allow himself to be (mis-)guided by Dumbledore.
so long
Mickey posted a comment on Monday 2nd January 2006 3:07am
Very nice, I liked the ceremony and I can't wait to see Dumbeldore and Charlie finally reach Haven and Padfoot Manor.
I did notice a mistake, during Amalia Bones' discussion with the Irish minister she says in response to a question as to when the Fideleus charm will be lifted:
"No later than the end of the month. It will take us at least that long to get our constables trained properly,"
So which is it? Will the charm be lifted before the end of the month? Or will the initial perperations to lift it not be complete until at least the end of the month?
Meghan posted a comment on Monday 2nd January 2006 12:49am
as lovely as it was long! :D great chapter and I loved the rite ...
harry85 posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 11:06pm
Great chapter! I loved it. i sense convincing Charlie tht Harry is ok won't be easy after all the lies Dumbledore is feeding him with. Oh, well, they will deal with it when the moment comes. I liked Peeves' stunt a lot!
PhiloWorm posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 10:39pm
Repeating the Peeves is a Peeve itself no? At least I think so.
I would like to thank the powers above, the powers down below and the minds of the genious authors for conjuring this great story onto existence. Trust me there is one helluva fan lurking inside me demanding that I worship this fic (prepares altar) and trust me I'll do it (puts Snape on altar) therefore I present you with my sacrifice (dissembowles Snape).
Have fun ;=)
Finbar posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 7:02pm
Very nice indeed. I like how Dumbledore is leading Charlie around through a combination of truth and lie. That said, I'm sure that all the sleeping he was doing was induced by Dumbledore wasnt it? Perhaps to work Charms/Enchantments into Charlie to make him more loyal?
Lady FoxFire posted a comment on Tuesday 3rd January 2006 11:03am