By Bobmin
Tim Sullivan posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 6:00am
My congratulations on the first FFA chapter of 2006! And what a chapter. It was amazing. I am highly amused at the Ministry wards leaving polite messages.
Oh, and I just want to whack Dumbledore with something large, heavy, and maybe enchanted to turn him purple.
Jeremy4 posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 5:56am
Great story. I have a few questions.
1. Will Charlie realise what Dumbledore's up to?
2. How long is this story going to be?
3. Will Harry see the Dursleys again?
Brandon West posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 5:54am
Good story, very interesting rebirth of the Brotherhood.
Wonder if DD will try to slip Harry a double dose of Liquid Imperious to forcabily overwrite his will? Or is that one of the changes?
Oh nos! You're running out of pet peeves. Quickly, we must give you more to be peeved about.
jmcqk6 posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 5:39am
great work! recieved the update just as the chiefs game finished - excellent timing there ;) I foresee an interesting plot device with harry being fed liquid imperius by either charlie or dumbledore (or both). Could such an action invoke the wrath of the old gods? it would be an interesting scene to say the least. Or perhaps with the "Honored Múinteoir." Is he able to do magic?
The other thing I was wondering about is with Haven's population growing rapidly and with the influx of foreign (and new) allies, the possibility of a spy gaining access to it grows rapidly, complicating matters.
Can't wait to read more. I must admit, though, that I don't quite get the title of this chapter...
Kathleen posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 5:38am
Glad you had a great holiday. I did too. And I was very psyched to return to a new chapter! The rite wasn't anything like what I'd expected, (Harry possessed??!!) but it was cool. I hope Charlie gets away from Dumbledore. Are we ever going to see Molly again?
Chris19 posted a comment on Saturday 31st December 2005 3:17pm
I must say that I really love your writing styles. I find myself really wanting to read the next chapter and it holds my attention so well.
As for all the nit pickers, ehh I guess you two cant please everyone right? :) I suppose once a few people realize that its a fiction story, as such you know, it doesnt have to be accurate geographically and otherwise the nit picking will stop. I still find myself amazed by how accurate you two keep it without the actual need to do so.
As said, great story, easily one of the most well written fan fictions out there, and with a difficult subject type at that. Making a super powered Harry story believable. Keep the updates coming.
Schokki posted a comment on Saturday 31st December 2005 4:38am
Vill Gléck am neien Joer!
That was 'All the best in the new year' or something like that in Luxembourgish! *g*
So I wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR! Lol, quite a bit early, isn't it?^________^
RebaWilliams posted a comment on Saturday 31st December 2005 4:21am
Wow! I don't read Harry/Hermione stories... I don't find them interesting (being a Harry/Draco shipper... well... you know, it's that lack of 'slash thing' that bothers me, usually - even though I'm trying to write a H/Hr, but we won't discuss that). But... I was in desperate need of a, well written, novel length fiction to keep me occupied for a little while. On one of the message boards I frequent, this story was highly recced and after ignoring the rec for over a month I decided... what the heck... if I don't like it - I'll just stop reading it.
So, I started to read... and read... and read! I have to admit, I almost quit when I learned the names you had given Mr. & Mrs. Granger... but I rolled my eyes, shook my head and continued. Man, I'm glad I did! I read Sunset and was totally and completely involved... I ignored my own WIP, was late for work, and made my children eat bologna (it's all your fault, you know)! Now I've started reading Sunrise and my only complaint is... the dang thing is not done (doesn't matter that I knew it was a WIP going into it... nope, doesn't matter at all)!!
I almost teared-up at the Patil reunion (and events leading up to it) and also at the saving of the orphanage.
I love the way you portrayed Molly and Ron (I've always thought Molly was too 'good' to be true and Ron... well he's a prat!). I'm also intrigued by Dumbledore, he's not evil, just out to make a name for himself (btw, isn't that really what old Voldiebutt is doing?).
I, also, must admit that I look forward to your disclaimers, author announcements and pet peeves almost as much as I do each chapter. I don't share all of your pet peeves and have totally disagreed with one of them, but I still find them very interesting.
I guess, this long winded review boils down to... Thank you for sharing such a wonderful story and I look forward to reading it as you continue to drag us along... um... I mean... share this adventure with us.
Ombra posted a comment on Friday 30th December 2005 11:12pm
I was so happy to finally find Sunset here, which i managed to finish after near constant reading, although I still enjoy, they really are b******* for kicking what is probably one of the best stories i've read. I'm loving sunrise just as much and really enjoy the twisted Dumbledore. Can't wait for the next chapie, update soon.
Maleficus-lupus posted a comment on Wednesday 28th December 2005 10:08am
I just though I should say I love all your fics and eagerly await further updates, but there is one question I'd like to ask:
Why do you insist on insulting Canada so?
Bree Peeler posted a comment on Tuesday 27th December 2005 6:57am
Whens the next chapter gonna be out??? I love this one.
Jennifer2 posted a comment on Tuesday 27th December 2005 5:01am
Please hurry and write some more.
maarten posted a comment on Saturday 24th December 2005 9:22am
I have to say i love this story.
When comes the new chapter out.
It has been over 21 day
Ruskbyte posted a comment on Saturday 24th December 2005 1:18am
Quick question. Towards the end of Sunset, you had Gred and Forge hijack the entire St. Mungo's staff as well as all the patients that were too sick to be sent home.
If that's the case, then is everyone's favourite obliviated author, Gilderoy, running about Haven Hospital?
Schokki posted a comment on Friday 23rd December 2005 7:51pm
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!^______^
Jimbocous posted a comment on Friday 23rd December 2005 4:04pm
Hmmm, it will be interesting to see what Bumbledork thinks he can do with Charlie. poor guy. Nice update; keep 'em coming. Long time fan, but I think first time reviewer. I like the improvements to the site. Again, keep up the good work!
haydenelrics posted a comment on Thursday 22nd December 2005 1:40pm
Awesome chappie
enjoy the holidays!
Sikandar Durrani posted a comment on Monday 19th December 2005 8:55pm
Albus I presume, Hey you two long time no read. You are assasinating the characters you hate i see. (not necessarily in your story but in the preamble) I started reading the story on ff but when you stopped there i lost track of this site till now. I love the story and the way Hermione spazzed when Harry proposed. Is this something from experience you two????? Keep up the great work and till next time,
Lurk posted a comment on Monday 19th December 2005 8:19am
What?! What?! NOOOO!!!!!!! Charlie! Somebody, save him! ::whimper:: Poor Charlie, oh poor poor Charlie....noooo.......
:ahem: Anyhoo, great chapter! Love the Hermione Impulse, though I must say, that could have really broken Harry. Luckily, he's made of sterner stuff! He's really busy, ain't he? I feel kinda sorry for him, so much food on one plate ain't good for the stomach. ...Alright, I admit it, I have NO CLUE where that came from. Inviting the head of Gringotts to dinner? Classic Harry, love it!
Gah......It's hard to say what I think without bloody GUSHING! Seriously, that's how brilliant I think your stories are.
One thing though! Unless it's somehow integrated into the plot for sure, could you PLEASE not let ANYBODY forgive Dumbly? And I mean NOBODY? Your stories not leading to it, but I have this DREAD that you're gonna make Dumbly good! Please say it ain't so!
Keep it up!
Olafr posted a comment on Sunday 1st January 2006 6:24am